GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "The Celebrity Apprentice" Stickers

Name: The Celebrity Apprentice Coming Soon
Message: "Big personalities fill the boardroom in this new season of The Celebrity Apprentice. Watch on Sunday, March 6, at 9/8c on NBC. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "The Celebrity Apprentice" Before 06.03.11

Name: The Celebrity Apprentice Premiere
Message: "Tonight, 16 new candidates vie for power on The Celebrity Apprentice. Who will be the first to go? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "The Celebrity Apprentice" Premiere 06.03.11/ 9pm EST (07.03.11/ 9am WIB)

Name: You're Hired!
Message: "Which of the candidates will triumph tonight? Check your stickers tomorrow to see the face of the winner! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "The Celebrity Apprentice" On Air Every Sunday 9pm EST (Setiap Senin 9am WIB) Shout "You're Hired!" 

Name: You're Fired!
Message: "You don't want to be the one hearing Donald Trump say these words on The Celebrity Apprentice, but it sure is fun to watch! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "The Celebrity Apprentice" On Air Every Sunday 9pm EST (Setiap Senin 9am WIB) Shout "You're Fired!"

Name: The Celebrity Apprentice Season Fan
Message: "You've seen more firings than most H.R. representatives! Keep watching The Celebrity Apprentice on Sunday at 9/8c on NBC. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "The Celebrity Apprentice" 5 Times Live On Air Every Sunday 9pm EST (Setiap Senin 9am WIB)

Name: The Celebrity Apprentice Candidate 1
Message: "Who will hear "You're fired!" from Donald Trump tonight? Check your stickers tomorrow to see the face of the newly departed candidate. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NBC."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "The Celebrity Apprentice" 06.03.11, Sunday 9pm EST (07.03.11, Senin 9am WIB)

Ada stiker yang tiap minggu dapat di earning yang berurutan yakni "The Celebrity Apprentice Candidate 1 sampai dengan 15" sesuai dengan kandidat yang dikeluarkan setiap minggunya... stiker akan berubah desainnya di hari berikutnya yang bergambar kandidat yang terkena "You're fired!tersebut.

Lumayan juga kalo mau koleksi lengkap stiker ini... ada 16 kandidat mulai dari episode premiere sampai season finale... tunggu aja infonya di twitter @GetGlueID atau milis @GetGlueID di GoogleGroups.