camping rapture ? do not believe in this guy

Judgment Day in California, where Harold Camping resides, never came.

It's now well past 6 p.m. PST, the time when Camping expected to be raptured.

The Family Radio president predicted that earthquakes would begin at 6 p.m. in each time zone on May 21 to alert the world that the end of the world has begun and that a small percentage of the world's population would rapture.
But now his following, many of whom gave up their jobs and spent their life savings, is left feeling confused and, unfortunately, with nothing.
Millions of dollars were spent on billboards and other ad campaigns to warn the public about Judgment Day. The ads led people to which also featured a link for donations.
Though the link was taken down about a week before the predicted rapture date, visitors were given other opportunities to donate by being led to other ministry websites such as Family Radio, EBible Fellowship, Bible Ministries Intl., and The-Latter-Rain.

Each site, which claimed no affiliation to each other, advertised May 21 as Judgment Day, yet most continued to ask for donations.
Just recently, EBible Fellowship posted a message that it was "no longer accepting donations due to the shortness of time until May 21, 2011."
But it went on to state, "If you still wish to make a donation, please make it to Family Radio" and provided the ministry's Oakland, Calif., address along with a link to a "secure donation form."
Currently, the Family Radio website is down.
According to, which grades Christians organizations on financial transparency, Family Stations, Inc. (dba Family Radio), which Camping founded, has a transparency grade of "C."
The organization relies mainly on contributions, reports.
Its total assets as of 2007 – which was the most recent year had financial statements for – was $152 million. Contributions in 2007 totaled nearly $16 million. In the period between 2003 and 2006, the organization received around $13 million to $15 million in contributions each of those years.
IRS filings indicate that in 2009, contributions totaled around $18 million. Total assets were also recorded for that year as $72 million.
Though Camping does not receive a salary or other financial compensation, according to Family Radio, he and his ministry have been accused of running a scam.
And with high interest surrounding the end times, Pastor Juan Sanchez, preaching pastor at High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas, acknowledges there is a market.
"Whether it’s 'The Left Behind' novels or 'The Left Behind' movies, there has always been a market," Sanchez said.
Christian Post Contributor Maya Carpenter contributed to this report.

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Why Harold Camping’s May 21 Predictions Failed

Everyone knows by now that the Rapture did not take place on May 21, 2011. The day came and went without any serious cataclysms like a great earthquake wreaking havoc across every time zone.

The San Francisco Chronicle managed to contact Harold Camping, the man behind the May 21, 2011 hype, on Sunday. Camping told the Chronicle that he was “flabbergasted” that the Rapture did not take place on May 21. In addition, Camping told the Chronicle that he was looking for answers, which for him means “frequent prayer and consultations with friends”. Several other media outlets report that many followers of Camping are also confused about why the Rapture did not take place on May 21 and are searching for answers.

Today I want to provide an overview of why Harold Camping failed to make accurate predictions concerning May 21.

  • The main reason I believe it is important to write an article about why Camping’s predictions concerning May 21 failed is that there are likely going to be a lot of people looking for answers about why Camping’s prediction failed, particularly the followers of Camping.
  • I also believe it is important to write this article to refute the notion that what happened on May 21 invalidates the Bible and Bible prophecy.

He Failed to Take the Bible at Face Value

Perhaps the main reason why Camping was wrong is that he failed to take the Bible at face value. In my critique of Camping’s May 21 prediction concerning the Rapture I highlighted several areas where his teachings violated what is found in the Bible, including his teaching of a 23 year long great tribulation spanning from 1988 to 2011.

  • The two ways I can envision someone coming up with the idea of a 23 year long great tribulation spanning from 1988 to 2011 is to ignore the details concerning the great tribulation provided in the Bible or to not take the verses concerning the great tribulation at face value. Matthew 24:15-21 is clear that the abomination of desolation spoken of in Daniel (Daniel 9:27) must be established before the great tribulation begins:

Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

Mat 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Mat 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

Mat 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

Mat 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:

Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

  • Matthew 24:15 suggests that the establishment of the abomination of desolation is an event that people would see. Daniel 9:27 relates the establishment of the abomination of desolation to the end of (temple) sacrifice. Clearly, we on Earth did not see the end of temple sacrifice in 1988 as there was no Third Temple yet (in fact, we are still awaiting the establishment of the Third Temple).

He Took Bible Verses Out of Context

Camping also failed to consider the textual context of the Bible prophecy verses he cited. The most notable example surrounds Camping's great earthquake prediction.

  • As I mentioned before, Camping cited the great earthquake mentioned in Revelation 16:18 to support his great earthquake prediction on May 21. Revelation 16:18 was taken completely out of context as Camping failed to consider that there are many events that still need to take place before that great earthquake comes. For instance, the kings of earth need to gather for the Battle of Armageddon (an event associated with the pouring of the sixth vial judgment-Revelation 16:12-16) before the great earthquake in Revelation 16:18 (an event associated with the pouring of the seventh vial judgment) can take place.

He Read Things that Were Never There

Camping relied on a very subjective interpretation style that sought to extract "hidden meaning" from the biblical text. Camping would subjectively assign symbolic meaning to numbers and interpret Bible verses in an allegorical manner.

While I read Camping’s work in preparation to write my critique of his May 21 Rapture prediction I noticed that he extracted meaning from Bible verses which made no sense to me when I took those same verses at face value. At some points it almost seemed like Camping was making up stuff to suit his purposes, especially when it came to how he discussed numbers and the supposed significance behind those numbers.

  • Camping's analysis of the seven days in Genesis 7:4 is an example of how he extracted meaning from Bible verses that made no sense to me when I took those same verses at face value. When I read Genesis 7:4 at face value I conclude that God told Noah that He would begin the flood in seven days. However, Camping concluded that there was also a hidden, spiritual message in Genesis 7:4 warning that God would destroy the world in 7000 years, which in Camping’s mind coincided with May 21, 2011. Camping read something in Genesis 7:4 that simply was not there.

He Set a Date and Hour

Many of the Christians who voiced skepticism with Camping’s May 21 Rapture prediction cited Matthew 24:36 where Christ stated that no one except the Father knows the day and hour.

  • Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Camping challenged this verse as much as one possibly can by not only naming a date for the Rapture but also the hour when he thought the Rapture would take place: May 21, 2011 at 6 P.M.


The May 21 hype is thankfully over. Camping’s failure should be a lesson to take the Bible at face value, to not ignore the textual context of the Bible verses you cite or use to build an argument, and to avoid reading things in a Bible verse which are not actually there.

Appendix: A Message to Camping Supporters

This message is targeted to anyone who believed in Camping's predictions concerning May 21...

I understand you may be enduring a very tough time right now. You probably made a significant emotional and perhaps even a significant financial investment in May 21. You are probably trying to reconcile the notion that the Bible is inerrant with the fact that the Rapture did not take place on May 21.

Please understand that the Bible did not fail you. Camping failed you. The Word of God did not fail you. A man failed you. The Bible never guaranteed that the Rapture was going to take place on May 21, 2011 or that a great earthquake would impact every time zone on May 21. Camping guaranteed these things and was wrong. His teachings concerning May 21 were unbiblical and the non-events of May 21 demonstrated that.

Please also understand that you are not rejecting biblical authority by rejecting Camping. Biblical authority and Camping authority are not the same thing. The Bible is not wrong. Camping is wrong. Camping is among many people in history who predicted the end of the world on a certain date and failed. Camping is distinguished because he's recently failed to predict the end of the world twice (1994 and 2011). Camping's failure should be a signal to you that his approach to biblical understanding is flawed.

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So Much For The Rapture

Well, it didn't happen.... no earthquake, no open graves, no Jesus flying off to Paradise with all the saved souls and leaving the rest of us here to party till Judgement Day. The Rapture was a bust  Just for the record, Christian Family Radio mogul, Harold Camping, the same guy who predicted the  Rapture for today, called  for the end of the world exactly five months later on October 21, 2011.

I'm not holding my breath. I'm kind of glad the Rapture didn't happen today, although it would have been nice to be rid of some of those right wing whackos. Never mind, when it comes to this sort of thing, I'm all about turning the other cheek.

I hope they aren't going to cancel all the parties now that the Rapture didn't happen.