A Couple of Thoughts on the April 2011 Share Intl Edition

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

A few days after March’s Japan earthquake, a portion of the April 2011 edition of Benjamin Creme's (the official spokesmen of Maitreya,the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of spiritual beings referred to as the “spiritual wickedness in high places” in Ephesians 6:12)magazine was released online. I was asked for my thoughts about the magazine at that time, but I wanted to wait until I saw the other portions of the magazine that would be made available online before commenting.

Additional portions of the magazine were supposedly posted online last week, but the links have not worked until now. Therefore, I have been unable to write about it until now...

  • Today I provide a couple of my thoughts on the April 2011 edition of Creme’s magazine.

There were two main items in this month’s magazine which caught my attention.

1. The first came in the question and answer section where a reader basically asked Creme if the popular uprisings in Egypt and North Africa will spread across the globe in a more forceful way. Creme replied “yes”.

  • I thought it was noteworthy that Creme expects for there to be more popular uprisings elsewhere in the world since he communicates with evil spiritual entities who could potentially work to stoke chaos...

2. The magazine had a long section about how young people will supposedly be important players to bring change to the world.

  • The section included a peculiar passage from one of Creme’s old books which claimed that the Ascended Masters have been training young men and women since 1975, and that these young people will be elected to positions of power to enact the change that the Ascended Masters want.
  • I’ll let you decide whether or not to believe Creme’s claim… Let’s assume for the sake of argument that what Creme claims has actually taken place. This would mean that there may be some people currently in positions of power and influence that are working to accomplish the goals of evil spiritual entities (the Ascended Masters), which include the creation of a one-world economy, one-world government, and one-world religion… On the other hand, if what Creme claims is incorrect then there may not be people in positions of power and influence that are working to accomplish the goals of evil spiritual entities. Again, I’ll let you decide whether or not to believe Creme’s claim. I’m just noting some implications…

The rest of April's magazine had what you would normally find each month in Creme's magazine, which is a lot of false and unbiblical teachings. Anyway, I hope you've found this article at least somewhat useful…