Sexy Green Obama Girl

Obama girl's back and she's going viral....over 102,000 views on YouTube when I went there a few minutes ago. She's as sexy as ever and this time she's hawking clean, green energy to Gen Y.

She's promoting a contest to find America's Greenest Campus co-sponsored by Smart Power and, would you believe the United States Department of Energy? The contest is legit and the college that lowers its carbon footprint the most, can win up to $20,000 in prizes. How cool--how energizing-- how Obama-ish is that?

The kids are gonna love it Even an old Sixties tree hugger like me is intrigued. I was beginning to feel like green was the most over used word in the English language. Obama girl makes "going green" cutting edge all over again. Watch the video. You'll see what I mean. Sex sells:-)

Can it only be a couple of months since George Bush left office? What a difference.