In spite of being billed as a grass roots, nationwide event, the whole thing had the smell of an orchestrated publicity ploy that didn't quite come off. From the use of the word "teabagging"( yes, Virginia, we all know what it means) to forgetting to get a permit to dump teabags in Washington's Lafayette Park, this was the gang that couldn't shoot straight. I don't know about you, but I was laughing my head off during most of it. It was like a cross between a church supper and a Saturday Night Live skit.
The Texas tea party featured lots of talk about Texas secceeding from the Union.... love it. Go ahead, Texas. Mexico is waiting to annex you. Adios, amigos. New York barely noticed and Boston simply tolerated the whole thing.
I am sooo glad it's all over. Now Fox News can get back to bashing Obama and MSNBC can get back to bashing Fox News and everybody can stop snickering about "teabagging"
Let's put the kettle on and have a nice, soothing cup of tea. Wonder what fun public relations stunt the Rush Limbaugh crowd will think of next?