First we were shocked by the murder of Dr. George Tiller, who was gunned down in church by an extreme right wing, pro life, activist with a history of mental instability. Scott Roeder thought he was protecting the unborn by committing murder. How very illogical and how very sad. He doesn't seem to have cared much about the rights of the already born.
Dr. Tiller was one of the few doctors in the country performing late term abortions and while I have my own issues with late term abortion, I at least know what it is. A late term abortion is done at 20 to 23 weeks of an ordinary 40 week pregnancy. Nobody does abortions on a baby that is viable outside the womb( that's 27 weeks folks). Ironically, Dr. Tiller's murder has made him a martyr and has exposed the extremism of the right wing of the pro life movement.
Then, just yesterday, an 87 year old Neo Nazi walked into the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC carrying a gun in his hand and hate in his heart and started shooting up the place. James W. Von Brunn killed one security guard and critically wounded two others before being shot himself. He is currently in critical condition in a DC hospital.
This guy too is clearly one sandwich short of a picnic. He's a white supremicist who hates black people and Jews. Guess who he scapegoats for all the world's problems. You got it: blacks and Jews. He had a website and a whole history of angry paranoid rants not to mention an ex-wife in Florida who claims to have divorced him years ago because he was " a racist, abusive, alcoholic." In 1981 Von Brunn broke into a meeting of the Federal Reserve and tried to kidnap a member of the board of governors. You'd think that somebody like that wouldn't be allowed to own a gun, wouldn't you ? But no. Not a problem. He probably owned a whole arsenal.
Two politically motivated murders in less than three weeks. Quite a record for the right wing isn't it? These people would be pathetic if they weren't so dangerous. Myself, I think that if Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity and Dick Cheney would just shut up and stop telling everyone the sky is falling it might cut down on the murder rate and alleviate the fear based hatred that is running rampant these days.
I wish our American right wing crazies didn't carry guns.