Even if you can't attend an event, you can let the people of Iran know that you salute their bravery and are with them in their struggle. There is plenty you can do. Go to the website that is coordinating all of today's events, United4Iran.org and check out all the ways you can show your support, by donating, or by blogging the struggle, following on Twitter and retweeting Iran tweets, becoming a Facebook Fan or just by spreading the word among your friends and family.
Let us not forget the people of Iran who are struggling to make their voices heard
Iran Solidarity Update
Have a look at some of the videos posted today on YouTube from events and marches all over the world. People across the globe stand in solidarity with the people of Iran.
London outside the Iranian Embassy
Hamburg Iran Election Demonstration
Chicago Rally
Brisbane, Australia
Heidelberg, Germany
Stockholm, Sweden
Paris, France
More than 2000 people watched a live stream of a green scroll being unfurled at the Tour Eiffel in Paris. You can see it too here For more information check the United4Iran website I have also become an avid reader of an excellent website, Tehran Bureau. I recommend it highly. Do check it out and follow on Twitter for up to the minute, cutting edge reports.
Today, July 25,2009 is only the beginning of the story, I am certain.