Look Back on 9/11 But Don't Stare

I am so totally on the same page with President Obama today on remembering and observing the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11. It is fitting to remember the people of all faiths and nationalities who perished and to remember how shocked we all were by the first invasion of a foreign enemy on American soil since the British burned Washington in the War of 1812.

What is totally not OK, is to demonize a whole religion, including American muslims and to turn the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks into a xenophobic hatefest to unify the far right and build a political power base. I am appalled at the notion of burning Quarans and holding hate rallies like the protest scheduled for ground zero this afternoon.  It is dangerous and just plain wrong.

When you start demonizing people, you de- humanize them and make it ok to slaughter them or pop them into ovens and concentration camps. Scapegoating is a dangerous occupation which easily backfires. It has also been observed that what begins with the burning of books often ends with the burning of people.

Listen to what President Obama had to say in his press conference yesterday and think about it.  Come on America. Let's look back on 9/11 but not stare.