Name: White Collar Coming Soon
Message: "White Collar returns at a new time with its premiere at 10/9c on January 18. We'll finally discover what happened to Moz. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network."
How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "White Collar" 13.01.2011 - 18.01.2011
Name: White Collar Winter Premiere
Message: "The wait is over. White Collar is back, but will Neal be able to clear his name? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network."
How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "White Collar" Premiere 18.01.2011
Name: Con Artist
Message: "You've watched a lot of White Collar. Just be sure to use your knowledge of con games for good and not evil. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network."
How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "White Collar" 5 Times On Air (Every Tuesday 10pm) - cek in beberapa kali selama on air di rabu pagi jam 10 wib.
Name: White Collar Season Finale
Message: "Is this season finale of White Collar as gasp-worthy as the last one? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network."
How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "White Collar" (Season Finale)
Name: White Collar Fan
Message: "We'd say you've been conned into watching White Collar, but the show is really good. That's 5 check-ins/visits to White Collar. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network.""
How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "White Collar" 5 times
Name: White Collar Superfan
Message: "It doesn't take an ankle bracelet to keep you close to the TV when White Collar is on. That's 15 check-ins/visits to White Collar. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network."
How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "White Collar" 15 times
Name: Moz
Message: "What would White Collar be without our dear Mozzie? We hope we don't have to find out. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at USA Network."
How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "White Collar" with shout "Is Moz dead? Did Larrsen kill Moz?"