My Reaction to the Response to My Latest Article

I just want to share my reaction to the immediate response to my latest article with you to show that I'm not a robot who writes and posts articles without any regard to what people think...

Earlier I posted an article about why it is important for people to critique religious/spiritual experiences. I spent several hours carefully writing that article trying to not say something I would regret or something that could be misinterpreted. I even attempted to defend my stance by citing Bible prophecy-related verses about why people should beware of the potential for Satan to use lying signs and wonders to deceive people.

When I posted the article I thought that people reading the article would be fine with what I wrote. Apparently, my expectations were too optimistic because it seems I somehow offended a few people to the point that they subsequently clicked the “Unlike” button on the Facebook Fan Page, which signals to me that they no longer want to read my work anymore.

  • If you haven’t already done so, if you like my work and/or want to receive notifications on Facebook as soon as a new article is posted please become a fan on Facebook. A notification will appear in your news feed within seconds after I post a new article.

This negative response saddens me because I did the best I could do when writing that article and other related articles. I take reader response to my articles personally because I put so much effort into the articles I write. Many articles take several hours to write because I attempt to provide evidence and support to defend what I write in my articles and limit the amount of opinion in them. I try very hard to make sure my thoughts are based on research-not opinion.

Today's events made me think of 2 Timothy 4:3-4, which warns that a time will come when many people will just want to hear about things that sound pleasant to them:

  • 2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
  • 2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

To clarify, I'm not saying the people who seemed to be offended by my article today are the kind of people referenced in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. I didn't say that... Today's events just reminded me of the passage because the passage mentions how difficult it would be sometimes to find a receptive audience.

I'm not sure a 100% sure when I'll write next because I need to overcome the feeling I had when I saw this negative reaction. But I'll try my best to overcome it...

Thank you for your time and your readership

Mubarak, The World Is Watching You

One video says it all.  The people of the world are watching and lifting their voices as one in solidarity with the people of Egypt. Watch the video and you will see.

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. "  --Thomas Jefferson 

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "E! Online - Fashion Police" Stickers

Name: Fashion Police Officer
Message: "It's okay to long as you're as funny as Joan, Giuliana, Kelly, and George. Thanks for watching Fashion Police! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at E! Online."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "Fashion Police" 5 times On Air
(31.01.2011 and Every Friday 10:30pm)
Name: Fashion Success
Message: "Who ruled the red carpet at last night's awards show? The hosts of Fashion Police know a good look when they see one. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at E! Online."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "Fashion Police" with shout "Best Dressed" 31.01.11 10pm EST

Name: One Hot Mess
Message: "Who made you cringe on the red carpet at last night's awards show? Beware the wrath of Joan, Giuliana, Kelly, and George on Fashion Police. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at E! Online."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "Fashion Police" with shout "Worst Dressed" 31.01.211 10pm EST

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "I Am Number Four" Stickers

Name: I Am Number Four Coming Soon
Message: "Three are dead. Who is Number Four? Find out when this thriller hits theaters and IMAX on February 18. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Dreamworks."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "I Am Number Four" Before 18.02.2011

Name: I Am Number Four Opening Weekend
Message: "You were first in line for I Am Number Four in theaters and IMAX. Tell your friends, but don't tell them too much. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Dreamworks."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "I Am Number Four" 18.02.2011

Name: I Am Number Four Box Office
Message: "Can John Smith escape the fate of the three who came before him? Thanks for watching I Am Number Four! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Dreamworks."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "I Am Number Four" 21.02.2011

The Importance of Critiquing Religious and Spiritual Experiences

The events people experience can have a very profound effect on the views they hold. Many people’s views on a variety of topics are shaped or reshaped by what they experience in life. This is particularly true with religious/spiritual experiences, especially when something unusual takes place.

  • For instance, Paul (Hebrew name Saul) was a major persecutor of early Christians (Galatians 1:13-14, Philippians 3:6, and Acts 8:1-3) until he encountered Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-9). Following that life-changing experience, Paul converted to Christianity and became arguably the most prolific writer of the New Testament.

Over the weekend I read several old magazine articles about how some people automatically assume that certain religious/spiritual experiences they endure in life are divinely-inspired and reject people’s critiques of their experiences even when those critiques include biblical evidence that suggests these experiences may not have been biblical.

After reading these articles, I thought about some recent comments I’ve received in reaction to my criticism of Joe Coleman, the man in Ireland who claims to receive messages from the “Virgin Mary” and a man who claims to be a “light worker”, which is a New Age term basically describing someone who works to help evolve people’s consciousness in preparation for the New Age. I felt I could relate to these old magazine articles because I unsuccessfully tried to convince a couple of Coleman followers that their experiences being around Coleman were engineered by an unbiblical source.

  • Today I want to discuss these examples in-depth to further illustrate the power that a religious/spiritual experience can have on people's thinking and how it can be dangerous for people to not test whether their experience(s) are biblical, particularly in the future .

Recently, I experienced firsthand how difficult it is to convince a person that the religious/spiritual experiences they endured did not come from God. Even after I wrote a lengthy article demonstrating how the predictions that Joe Coleman allegedly received from spiritual beings claiming to be “Jesus” and “Mary” contradicted the Bible and were biblically-impossible (like Coleman's prediction that the Antichrist will rule the world for up to 12 years), I had an email exchange with someone urging me to give the predictions a chance to be fulfilled. The person told me that they believed Coleman after they and others witnessed signs and wonders at gatherings Coleman organized. I responded by presenting the person with even more biblical evidence that the predictions Coleman relayed could not possibly take place. Unfortunately, I don’t think I convinced the person that something unbiblical is taking place after their experiences with Coleman made such a strong impression on them. The person did not reply to my final, lengthy email stating the biblical case why the predictions Coleman relayed could not possibly take place…

Another example of the power that a religious/spiritual experience can have on a person's thinking came a few weeks ago when another Coleman follower responded to my first article about Joe Coleman and his alleged Marian apparitions. In the article I cited some details about the apparitions and some messages coming from the apparitions that suggest what is taking place is not from God. Despite my critique, a person expressed how they believed in Coleman and the authenticity of the apparitions because of what they witnessed in person. This is the actual comment the person left after seeing the article:

“My boyfriend was in knock with his mother and he said that everyone was in mass in the church when someone looked out the window and seen the sun acting strange, so everyone ran out during the mass and my boyfriend said that the sun has colours and lights beaming out from it and that it was dancing in the sky. My boyfriend and myself didnt believe joe before this, now we do and i would love to know when is our lady goin to appear again as i would love to witness this for myself. :) “

These examples illustrate how some people do not think critically after being overwhelmed by a religious/spiritual experience. Some people quickly believe that what they experienced came directly from God and quickly discount the notion that something evil might be behind their experience.

  • I am not saying that all religious/spiritual experiences are ungodly. Matthew 19:26 tells us that with God all things are possible, so it’s possible for a religious/spiritual experience to be inspired by God if He so chooses. I’m just trying to illustrate that some people can be so overwhelmed by the religious/spiritual experience(s) they endure that they won’t question the source behind their experience even if there is cause for concern.

I wish the people I referenced above would be more open to critiquing the religious/spiritual experience(s) they’ve endured since it's possible for some people to be misled by a religious/spiritual experience. The instruction given in Deuteronomy 13:1-3 suggests that it is possible for there to be people who use signs and wonders as a prelude to give their followers a deceptive message:

  • Deu 13:1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
  • Deu 13:2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
  • Deu 13:3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

I think it is reasonable to assume that Satan understands the power that a religious/spiritual experience can have on a person’s thinking since a major part of his End Times strategy is to utilize lying signs and wonders to deceive people on Earth.

Recall that Paul warned that the coming of Antichrist (“him” in verse 2:9) would come at a time when Satan will do all he can to deceive people with lying signs and wonders.

  • 2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
  • 2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Furthermore, Christ warned that there will be false Christs and false prophets deceiving people with great signs and wonders.

  • Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Similarly, Revelation 13:12-14 suggests that the False Prophet will deceive the people with the great wonders and miracles he will perform in their presence:

  • Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
  • Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
  • Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

Given the impact that religious/spiritual experiences can have on people and Satan’s apparent willingness to exploit their impact by facilitating some deceptive experiences, it is imperative that people test any religious/spiritual experiences they endure or hear about with what is found in the Bible. People should check to see whether the details of the experience and any messages coming from the experience are aligned with what is taught in the Bible. If not, a person should seriously question the source behind the spiritual/religious experience.

A person can be potentially led astray if they fail to test/critique a spiritual/religious experience they endure or hear about with what is taught in the Bible. Unfortunately, many people on Earth during the End Times will be led astray by the lying signs and wonders that Satan and his minions will engineer to deceive people because they will not make the effort to critique/test...

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "E! Online - Live From the Red Carpet" Stickers

Name: Celeb Spotter
Message: "E! is known for their red carpet coverage and access to A-listers. Who did you glimpse on Live from the Red Carpet? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at E! Online."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Live From the Red Carpet" On Air (31.01.2011)

Name: Live from the Red Carpet: 2011 SAG Awards
Message: "Live from the Red Carpet is there to catch all the celebs as they attend the SAG Awards. Who has your favorite look of the night? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at E! Online."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Live From the Red Carpet" On Air 30.01.2011 With Shout "Can't wait to see what everyone is wearing!"

Name: Red Carpet Regular
Message: "You're right there with Ryan and Giuliana for all the best and worst dressed in E!'s Live from the Red Carpet. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at E! Online."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Live From the Red Carpet" On Air 5 times.

Info acara on air di

What Happens in Egypt Is Not Staying In Egypt

The whole world is watching Egypt as the Egyptian people make their collective voice heard.  All bets are off as to what is going to happen, but it is clear that a new day is dawning, not just in Egypt but in the whole Middle East.

It's looking more and more like President Hosni Mubarak, the 82 year old head of state who  has been in power since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981, will be spending his sunset years somewhere other than Egypt--but who knows.  The situation is, as they say,  " fluid."  What is most obvious is that change is in the air, fueled by a population of  educated young people with dreams but no hope and orchestrated by them using cell phones and social media.

I can't help but think that the internet is having the same kind of profound effect on the world that the invention of the printing press and the publication of the Gutenberg Bible had in the Sixteenth century.  Without Gutenberg there would have been no Protestant Reformation, no Eighteenth Century Enlightenment, no Age of Reason, and perhaps, no United States of America.  Without the internet what is happening in Egypt could never have been undertaken in the first place, let alone be watched by the entire world as it unfolds.

Two weeks ago it was all about Tunisia, where another strongman, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali succumbed to the fury of his people--making a hasty departure to Saudi Arabia with his wife and a chunk of the national treasury. . Things are still pretty unsettled in Tunis where 33 members of Ben Ali's family are under arrest and where an international arrest warrent has been issued for Ben Ali and his wife.

This week it has been all about Egypt. It started with an announcement on Facebook and quickly moved to Twitter. I watched a revolution unfold in my Twitter stream.  Soon internet and cellphone contact was cut off by the Egyptian government, yet the youthful protestors still managed to post videos and tweets. Everyone in the world with access to the internet or a TV watched the crowds of hundreds of thousands and the mayhem that took place in Egyptian Streets.  Journalists and tourists, students and citizens were all caught up in it. .  Heads of State scrambled, issuing measured statements. Pundits pondered and gawkers gawked.

There are crowds and demonstrations  in the streets of Turkey,Yemen and Algeria and heads are not resting easy in Libya or Jordan either. Nobody knows where this is going and everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But what happens in Egypt is pivotal. Egypt, one of the world's most ancient nations,  is the heart of the MIddle East.  If the Army sides with the people, the regime will fall.  If it does not, there will be a slower, more orderly transition to some other form of government.... either way, Mubarak is toast ( whether he knows it or not)  and either way, the genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back in.

What happens in Egypt in the next few days will definitely spread  beyond the borders of  Egypt.  Once the people have spoken, they cannot be ignored and in Egypt and other parts of the MIddle East, young people who want a better future are finding their voices.  

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Kinect - Video Games" Stickers

Name: You Are the Controller
Message: "Welcome to the world of Kinect! Visit the official site to see where this technology can take you: Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Like & Check-in To Video Games "Kinect" (list dan link di bawah)
Name: No Gadgets, No Gizmos, Just You!
Message: "No controllers are needed with the wonder that is Kinect. Visit the official website: Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Like & Check-in To Video Games "Kinect" (list dan link di bawah)
Name: A New Way to Play
Message: "You're a Kinect king! Visit the official website: Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Like & Check-in To Video Games "Kinect" (list dan link di bawah)
Name: Get Your Body in the Game
Message: "Keep moving and keep playing! Visit the official website: Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Like & Check-in To Video Games "Kinect" (list dan link di bawah)

List Video Game Kinect:

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "The Rite" Stickers

Name: The Rite Coming Soon
Message: "Anthony Hopkins stars in The Rite, opening in theaters on January 28. Prepare to be scared. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros.."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "The Rite" Before Premiere 28.01.2011

Name: The Rite Opening Weekend
Message: "You were among the first to see this supernatural thriller inspired by true events. Good luck sleeping tonight! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros.."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "The Rite" 28.01.2011

Name: The Rite Box Office
Message: "What makes The Rite all the more chilling is its basis in the truth. We won't judge you if you have nightmares. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros.."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "The Rite" Before Premiere 31.01.2011

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Sanctum The Movie" Stickers

Name: Sanctum Coming Soon
Message: "From Executive Producer James Cameron, creator of Titanic and Avatar, 3D action-thriller Sanctum arrives in theaters on February 4. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Universal Pictures."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "Sanctum" Before Premiere 04.02.2011

Name: Sanctum Opening Weekend
Message: "You were first in line for Sanctum. How extreme are you? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Universal Pictures."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "Sanctum" 04.02.2011

Name: Sanctum Box Office
Message: "Did Sanctum scare you away from cave diving, or do you crave adventure? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Universal Pictures."

How To Earn: Check-in To Movie "Sanctum" 07.02.2011

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Pit Boss" Stickers

Name: Pit Boss Fan
Message: "Welcome to the team at Shorty's Pit Bull Rescue! That's five check-ins/visits to Pit Boss! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Animal Planet."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Pit Boss" 5 times

Name: Sebastian
Message: "Shorty's right-hand man keeps life at Shortywood organized. Thanks for tuning in to Pit Boss! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Animal Planet."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Pit Boss" On Air 05.02.2010 10pm EST

Name: Ronald
Message: "As the booking assistant at Shortywood, Ronald coordinates business at this company that brings awareness and education to the world of pit bull rescue. Thanks for tuning in to Pit Boss! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Animal Planet."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Pit Boss" On Air 19.02.2010 10pm EST

Name: Ashley
Message: "Receptionist Ashley is the newest addition to the crew at Shortywood Productions. Thanks for tuning in to Pit Boss! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Animal Planet."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Pit Boss" On Air 05.02.2010 10pm EST
Name: Pit Boss Season Premiere

Message: "Pit Boss is back January 29 on Animal Planet, and you were there with the crew for all the action. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Animal Planet."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Pit Boss" 29.01.2011 10 pm

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Video Games Fable 3 & Alan Wake" Stickers

Name: Villager
Message: "You're on the Road to Rule. Visit the official page for Fable 3 (Rated M): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Check-in To Video Games "Fable III" 5 Times

Name: King
Message: "You're the ruler of Albion. Visit the official page for Fable 3 (Rated M): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Check-in To Video Games "Fable III" 15 Times

Name: Alan Wake
Message: "You're immersed in the world of Alan Wake. Visit the official page for Alan Wake (Rated T): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox.".

How To Earn: Check-in To Video Games "Alan Wake" 5 Times

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Halo: Reach" Stickers

Name: Noble Six
Message: "You're an elite supersoldier. Visit the official page for Halo: Reach (Rated M): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Check-in to "Halo: Reach" 5 Times

Name: Carter-A259
Message: "You're the team leader. Visit the official page for Halo: Reach (Rated M): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Check-in to "Halo: Reach" 15 Times

Name: Jet Pack
Message: "You've reached impressive heights in Halo: Reach. Visit the official page for Halo: Reach (Rated M): Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Xbox."

How To Earn: Check-in to "Halo: Reach" 25 Times

Eye-Opening Statistics about the State of Christian Belief in America

I’ve written several articles about the “falling away” of Christians under the assumption that a falling away is taking place. I based this assumption on what I’ve observed, on what other people have observed, and on my own personal experiences. I’m sure many people would agree that a falling away is taking place around the world. However, not everyone may agree with the assumption that a falling away is taking place because they have different experiences and observe different things which suggests a falling away isn't taking place.

I’ve searched for data to support or refute the notion that a falling away is taking place worldwide for the past several weeks. Unfortunately, I have not yet found data that I could use to report about a worldwide falling away. However, yesterday I found some fairly recent research about the current state of Christian belief in the United States, and it’s far worse than I thought…

The Barna Group is a marketing research firm that specializes in collecting and reporting statistics about the state of Christianity in the United States. Every few years the Barna Group conducts a nationwide survey where they attempt to find out how many Americans hold a “biblical worldview”. The Barna Group summarizes their findings in a lengthy article that can be found at the following link:

I suggest you interpret the statistics reported by the Barna Group for yourself because they can be interpreted in a number of ways, but I think many of you might come to a similar conclusion as I came up with after I reviewed the numbers:

  • A falling away from faith may have begun in the United States long ago and has resulted in far fewer Americans possessing a worldview that is fully grounded in the Bible or fully shaped by the Bible than what is commonly believed. There may still be a lot of Americans who say they are “Christian”, but the way many people view things is not completely consistent with what the Bible teaches.

The biblical worldview numbers the Barna Group reported may not seem "believable" at first glance due to how few people expressed a "biblical worldview". To be fair, there are some scholars who've criticized how the Barna Group defines/measures a “biblical worldview”... However, the statistics the Barna Group provided about the individual components that comprise their biblical worldview measure are eye-opening about the views that many Americans hold (or don't hold).

I understand that people have their own beliefs which likely differ from other people including my own. I am not trying to condemn individual people who hold different beliefs than my own in this article or condemn people who would provide different answers than me to the survey questions the Barna Group asked respondents. I am just trying to draw attention to an overall development in the United States which may provide evidence that a falling away has taken place in the United States, a country that many view as one of the most “Christian” countries in the world. If a falling away has eroded Christian belief in the United States then it’s probably just as bad or worse in other countries around the world.

Another Israel vs Hezbollah War Seems Inevitable

A couple of weeks ago the coalition government in Lebanon collapsed after Hezbollah quit the government in protest of an ongoing investigation that was set to accuse Hezbollah of complicity in the 2005 assassination of a former Lebanese Prime Minister. After a power struggling lasting for several days, Hezbollah has emerged as a front-runner to form a new government in Lebanon with a billionaire Prime Minister candidate that it supports.

The potential for a Hezbollah-backed government in Lebanon is a cause of concern…

  • Hezbollah receives a lot of support from Iran, so the rise of a Hezbollah-backed government would potentially give Iran greater influence in the region.
  • Hezbollah is also an antagonist of the U.S. and Israel so relations between Israel and Lebanon and the U.S. and Lebanon could be severely damaged with the rise of a Hezbollah-backed government.

The potential rise of a Hezbollah-backed government in Lebanon has caused some people to even reassess their outlook on a potential war between Israel and Hezbollah. I argue that war between Israel and Hezbollah seems inevitable regardless of whether a Hezbollah-backed government controls Lebanon or not. Today I’ll share why I believe another war between Israel and Hezbollah seems inevitable.

Israel and Hezbollah have clashed several times over the past few decades. The most recent clash came in a 2006 war that attracted the world’s complete attention.

  • I remember watching continuous reporting of the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war on American television news stations with reporters stationed in Lebanon and Northern Israel for over a month. I also remember watching retired U.S. military officers and political pundits emphasizing that Israel had a chance to wipeout Hezbollah forever if it fully committed itself to destroying Hezbollah during the conflict.

Unfortunately, Israel was unable to fully defeat Hezbollah and remove Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah from power before hostilities stopped. The war ended with a United Nations (U.N.)-brokered ceasefire agreement where thousands of U.N. troops and the Lebanese Army were given the task to disarm Hezbollah. Instead of overseeing the disarmament of Hezbollah, the Lebanese Army and the U.N. troops in Lebanon have failed to deter Hezbollah from rearming beyond its 2006 pre-war levels.

Hezbollah’s rearmament has been an ongoing process for the past few years. The obvious weapon suppliers for Hezbollah include Iran, who provides around $200 million a year to Hezbollah in funding and training for Hezbollah fighters, and Syria, whose territory is used to smuggle weapons into Lebanon. In addition, Turkey is believed to have sent “sophisticated weapons, rockets and guns” to Hezbollah through Syria’s borders. Meanwhile, North Korea has made at least one publicized effort to provide Hezbollah weaponry in the past couple of years.

Recent estimates suggest that Hezbollah now possesses more than 50,000 rockets To give you an idea of how significant 50,000 rockets are, Hezbollah bombarded Israel with just 4,000 rockets in 34 days of war in 2006. Thus, Hezbollah has at least twelve times more rockets at its disposal now than it launched in 2006. In addition, Hezbollah may also possess the following:

A Beirut-defense analyst recently noted that Hezbollah is also currently searching for ways to neutralize Israel’s nearly unchallenged air superiority with advanced anti-aircraft weaponry.

I mention Hezbollah’s major rearmament effort because the fact that they are making a major effort to rearm suggests that they anticipate another conflict with Israel in the future. If Hezbollah truly wanted peace they would have already complied with the U.N. ceasefire agreement to disarm. Instead, Hezbollah has demonstrated a desire to fight Israel in the future with their rearmament effort.

By reviewing a couple of statements by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah it seems that one of Hezbollah leadership’s top goals is to eliminate Israel:

"There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel"

"I am against any reconciliation with Israel. I do not even recognize the presence of a state that is called 'Israel.' I consider its presence both unjust and unlawful. That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it; Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle."

Unsurprisingly, Hezbollah's political program/charter states: “The Zionist entity is aggressive from its inception and built on lands wrested from their owners, at the expense of the rights of the Muslim people. Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated

The statements above suggest that war between Israel and Hezbollah seems inevitable because Hezbollah appears determined to work towards the elimination of Israel. Israel is not going to voluntarily disappear so Hezbollah sees the need to pursue Israel’s elimination through armed conflict. Thus, Hezbollah is rearming for another war it appears to find inevitable if it wants to achieve one of its chief goals.

Although war between Israel and Hezbollah seems inevitable, Hezbollah may not engage in a large-scale attack of Israel in the short-term because they’ll probably focus on legitimizing their position as the leader of the Lebanese government in the short-term. Some media reports suggest that Hezbollah has to work on incorporating various domestic political groups into a unity government in order to avoid another civil war in Lebanon. If/when a unity government is established Hezbollah then has to work to serve the Lebanese people so another collapse in government is avoided. In sum, Hezbollah is going to have a lot of things to do first in Lebanon before it considers initiating a new round of armed conflict with Israel.

However, when that seemingly inevitable war comes the question will be whether the war is going to be limited to just Israel versus Hezbollah. Judging by how Syria and Iran have worked hard to rearm Hezbollah it does not appear Syria and Iran are going to sit back and watch their investment get obliterated by the vastly superior Israeli military. The answer to this question becomes clearer when looking at the defense agreements that exist between Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah.

  • Syria signed a defense pact with Hezbollah last year where each side agrees to come the other’s aid in case of war against Israel. The defense pact includes an agreement to jointly attack Israel together.

The existence of these two defense pacts suggest that Israel is going to have to battle with Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran if war involves any of these three entities. For instance, Iran is brought into a Hezbollah versus Israel war because its military ally Syria is brought into the war to support Hezbollah against Israel.

Regardless of what happens, Israel cannot be eliminated by any of its enemies. Israel is still in existence when the seventieth week of Daniel (the seven year period that most people refer to as the “tribulation”) begins and will survive even the Antichrist’s attempts to destroy the nation of Israel. Israel’s enemies prefer that Israel ceases to exist, but their wishes will never be fulfilled because God won’t let that happen.

Which Countries May be Next to See Instability if Food Prices Continue to Rise?

Over the past several days the media has covered massive protests in Yemen, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, and Jordan. The situation in each country is unique, but one of the common issues people are protesting over is the rapidly rising cost of food, which takes up a much more significant portion of people’s household budgets in these countries than in the U.S.

  • The rising cost of food is an issue to monitor because people need to eat in order to survive; a person can’t live without eating food for a sustained period of time like a person can live without listening to their iPod for a sustained period of time. As seen in many of the ongoing protests around the world, if people are having difficulty obtaining food they’ll put significant pressure on their government to do something about it.

Today I want to highlight a recent report from Nomura Global Economics and Strategy about which countries may be the most vulnerable if food prices continue to rise.

Nomura utilized three indicators to determine which countries might be the most vulnerable to rising food prices.

  • GDP Per Capita: gauges how much money the typical person has to spend on food
  • Share of Total Household Consumption Spent on Food: gauges how much of what households spend goes towards buying food. Rising food prices most adversely impact households that spend a significant portion their disposable money on food.
  • Net Food Exports as a Percentage of GDP: gauges how much food a country is exporting to other countries. Higher the percentage the better since it means that there is potentially a surplus of food available for the domestic population if it is needed.

The following table are the top 25 countries most vulnerable to rising food prices according to Nomura (link to the table in case you are unable to see it on your screen):

food vulernability

Several countries on Nomura’s list currently have protests where people are demanding relief from rising food prices, including: Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Lebanon. Other countries on the list may see protests soon if food prices continue to rise.

Nomura’s ranking identifies what countries may be at most risk if food prices continue to rise. If/when the people living in these countries demand reform or for something to be done about food prices it will be up to the governments in these countries to respond effectively.

The Center for Systematic Peace (CSP) has an indicator which tracks the degree that each government can effectively respond to various demands and crises (i.e. high food prices). The measure is known as “state fragility”. This is how the CSP explains the useful of its state fragility measure:

“A country’s fragility is closely associated with its state capacity to manage conflict; make and implement public policy; and deliver essential services and its systemic resilience in maintaining system coherence, cohesion, and quality of life; responding effectively to challenges and crises, and continuing progressive development”.[1]

Unfortunately, the CSP only has state fragility data through 2009. Nevertheless, the data is recent enough for us to still get a good feel of how fragile the government of each country mentioned in Nomura’s rankings is. The next table ranks each state by how fragile it is (link to the table in case you are unable to see it on your screen)

  • The "Fragility Explained" column translates the meaning of the fragility score. For instance, Pakistan’s government is highly fragile while China’s government is moderately fragile. Higher the fragility score the more fragile a country is vis-à-vis a country with a lower fragility score.
  • Countries with the highest fragility scores may struggle the most to deal with the pressure and demands of unhappy people.

food vulernability2

What stands out in the table above is that the Tunisian government was overwhelmed even though it was estimated to have only a relatively low level of fragility by the CSP. This does not bode well for other governments on this list with higher fragility scores than Tunisian’s old government if/when the rapidly rising cost of food becomes a factor that motivates people to protest.

Thirty countries experienced food protests and food riots in the 2007-2008 global food crisis. Some experts have recently expressed concern that a new crisis worse than 2007-2008 may arise from record food prices soon and may lead to the toppling of regimes that struggle to handle with the pressure to respond.

We should not be surprised by any instability caused from rising food prices or surprised by reports of famines because these events are consistent with what we should see in the birth pangs period.

  • Mat 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
  • Mat 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
  • Mat 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

  • Luk 21:9 But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by.

Remember that God is in control of the entire situation. There is a reason these events and others are happening.


[1] Marshall, Monty and Benjamin R. Cole. State Fragility Index and Matrix 2009. Fairfax: Center for Systematic Peace and Center for Global Policy. August 28, 2010. Pg 7

Congressional Hearing

 Listen up Repubs-- America is talking to you and you're not hearing what they are  saying
H/T to  Political Irony's post today for this one. Congressional Hearing


New Untappd Badge: Idle Hands

besok pagi (kamis 27.1.2011) jam 8:30 wib atau 26.01,2011 8:30pm waktu new york akan ada badge baru dari "untappd" yang bernama "idle hands" badge yang akan dirilis di "idle hands bar" 25 avenue b (downstairs) new york. badge ini adalah badge pertama yang diterbitkan "untappd" bekerjasama dengan salah satu bar atau badge ke 3 yang diterbitkan bersama partner lain.

untuk mendapatkan badge ini harus 5 kali check-in pada saat launch badge ini dari jam 8:30pm - 11:30pm sedangkan normalnya adalah 10 kali check-in. untuk brew yang digunakan buat check-in adalah yang berasal dari brewery ommegang.

tertarik buat unlock badge "idle hands" ini? berkunjung ke "idle hands" new york besok pagi (27.01.2011) mulai jam 8:30 wib.

follow akun untappd

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Syracuse 44" Badge

Some of the greatest players in Syracuse University history have worn the legendary #44. Today, you join them! Wear it proudly. Go ’Cuse!

menyusul kampus lain seperti "harvard" dan "stanford" yang memiliki badge sendiri, kali ini kampus "syracuse university" bersama foursquare merilis badge terbaru "syracuse 44" dengan warna khas kampus tersebut yakni orange.

menurut pihak "syracuse university" badge ini akan rilis minggu depan ndan buat unlock badge ini adalah dengan terlebih dahulu follow halaman "syracuse university" di alamat kemudian check-in di  beberapa venue rekomendasi yang ada di halaman tersebut.

tunggu update saat rilis badge ini di blog ini atau twitter @tamtomo2 @pc_holic

Update 01.02.2011:
- badge ini aktif tanggal 01.02.2011
- cara unlock dengan mengunjungi dan check-in di 5 venue yang ada di halaman "Syracuse"


GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Archer Coming Soon & Premiere" Stickers

Name: Archer Coming Soon
Message: "What kind of trouble will Sterling Archer uncover in the season premiere? Watch Archer on January 27 at 10pm on FX to find out. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at FX."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "Archer" 25.01.2011 - 27.01.2011

Name: Archer Premiere
Message: "You've just joined ISIS (for the night anyway). Thanks for watching the season premiere of Archer! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at FX."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "Archer" 27 Januari 2011 10pm

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Handmade Hero" Badge

Warm up the glue gun, sharpen your scissors and lay out some pipe cleaners - cause somebody's about to make something awesome! Sure hope it's a papier-mâché dinosaur!

berbarengan dengan terbitnya badge-badge event/ brand yang berbasis specific venue, kali ini foursquare menerbitkan juga satu badge yang dapat diunlock bagi pengguna di seluruh dunia termasuk indonesia yakni "handmade hero" terutama diberikan khusus bagi yang aktif check-in di venue kesenian atau kerajinan.

untuk unlock badge "handmade hero" ini tak perlu follow brand apapun atau shout kata-kata tertentu tetapi cukup mengunjungi 3 venue dengan kategori "arts & crafts" dan bagi yang udah rutin dan sering berkunjung bisa sekali saja langsung unlock badge ini. venue kategori "arts & crafts" bergambar "pensil dan kuas" seperti gambar samping. untuk mrngetahui venue yang berkategori ini bisa search di sini.

unlocked badge:
happy checkin... follow @tamtomo2 dan @pc_holic buat update badge terbaru foursquare.

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Sun Valley" Badge

Congratulations on unlocking the Sun Valley Resort Badge! Welcome to the Tradition! Now start your own...

satu lagi badge keluarga "ski season 2011" diterbitkan foursquare, kali ini bekerjasama dengan "sun valley resort" di idaho amerika serikat mengeluarkan badge "sun valley" yang mulai dapat diunlock 25.1.2011.

badge "sun valley" melengkapi badge sebelumnya yakni "whistler blackcomb", "mount snow" dan "sunday river" dan beberapa badge "ski season 2011" yang akan terbit juga segera.

untuk unlock badge "sun valley" adalah mengunjungi dan check-in sekali di venue yang ada di halaman "sun valley resort" di foursquare alamat . contoh venue yang ada di "sun valley resort" adalah di "bald mountain" yang berkategori "ski area" dan selain badge "sun valley" bisa juga unlock badge "ski bum".

buat update badge lainnya bisa follow di twitter @tamtomo2 @pc_holic

New Gomiso Badge: Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?

siang ini ada yang baru lagi 2 badge "gomiso" yang salah satunya udah mulai dapat diunlock dan satunya lagi baru minggu depan. silahkan buka dulu halaman "joan & melissa: joan knows beat?" di alamat gomiso kemudian melakukan cek in mulai hari ini (25 januari 2011) setiap hari selasa.

Name: It's My Life!
Message: "Melissa's happy home is being turned upside down."
How To Unlock: Check-in Every Tuesday (mulai 25.1.11)

Name: -
Message: -
How To Unlock: Check-in Every Tuesday (mulai 01.2.11)

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "True Blood" Stickers

Name: True Blood Newbie
Message: "You earned the True Blood Newbie sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "True Blood" 1st time
Name: Truebie
Message: "You earned the Truebie sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "True Blood" 5 time

Name: Maker
Message: "You earned the True Blood Maker sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "True Blood" 15 time

Name: Fangbanger
Message: "You earned the True Blood Fangbanger sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "True Blood" with shout "I Love Eric & Pam"

Name: Hookah
Message: "You earned the True Blood Hookah sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "True Blood" with shout "I love lafayette! Ring ring hookah ring ring"

Name: Ultimate Truebie
Message: "You earned the True Blood Ultimate Truebie sticker. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Earn: Like/ Check-in to TV Show/ Music/ Books/ Music/ Topic about True Blood 

Name: Daywalker
Message: "You watched the True Blood Season 3 Finale! Share this one proudly. It’s from our friends at HBO."

How To Earn: Check-in to TV Show "True Blood" 12.09.2010 (Inactive)