GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Californication" Stickers

Name: Californication Season Four Coming Soon
Message: "The new season of Californication premieres on January 9 at 9pm. Are you ready for more Hank Moody? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" 07.01.2011 -09.01.2011

Name: God Hates Us All
Message: "Hank Moody is a flawed character we can't stop watching either. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" 5 Times On Air (Every Sunday 9pm EST)

Name: Welcome to LA
Message: "Hank's back in the season four premiere of Californication, but how will he deal with being arrested (as if that's his only problem)? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" Premiere 09.01.2011

Name: Becca
Message: "She's the one woman who is always in Hank's life. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" 23.01.2011

Name: Runkle
Message: "Charlie's life as been as much of a roller coaster as his best friend Hank's. Where is it headed now? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" 06.02.2011

Name: Hank
Message: "Season four finds Hank getting into even more trouble. Can he continue to hold it together? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" 15 Times On Air (Every Sunday 9pm EST)

Name: Free Hank Moody
Message: "Season three's finale found Hank in handcuffs; where will the season four finale leave him? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" Season 3 Finale

Name: Chapter's End
Message: "We're not ready to close the book on Hank Moody, and neither are you. Thanks for watching every episode of Californication this season! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" Check-in to every episodes Season 3 (Every Sunday 9pm EST)
Name: Californication
Message: "You're a fan! That's 5 check-ins and visits to Californication! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime."

How To Earn: Check-in To TV Show "Californication" 5 Times (5x)

