Wise choice, Sarah, for you and for the nation. I love the title and the cover( just released by Harpers) It's called Going Rogue: An American Life, and the cover features a big photo of Palin against a blue sky. Media genius if you ask me.
Would you believe that though still on pre-order, the book is already number one on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble even though it won't actually be available till Novemeber 17th? Talk about star power ! It all bodes very well for the Palin bank account. Sarah and the First Dude will be in clover. Wonder how long it will be before they leave Alaska for the lower 48?
From here it is only a hop skip and a jump to her own talk show, and big bucks on the speaker circuit. She'll be able to influence public opinion and she'll be making enough money to buy all the designer clothes and Botox she wants. Who needs a career in politics with all that in the offing?
She'll get lots of attention which is what she really craves, and the rest of us can breathe a sigh of relief that she is off the international political stage. What was John McCain thinking, anyway?
I can tell you one thing, much as I disliked Sarah Palin as a political candidate, I like her as an author and media personality. I can't wait to read the Going Rogue. My name is already on the list over at Amazon. If you want to add yours, you can use the Amazon widget below. I, for one, am delighted that Sarah Palin is moving towards celebrity and away from statesmanship. She'll be doing what she's good at and the world will be a safer place. Go Sarah!!!