Who will stand up for the American soldier? Did you know that more American soldiers kill themselves after they get home than are killed on the battlefield? Did you know that the alcoholism rate for returning veterans is four times the national average and the divorce rate is through the roof?
Healing wounded bodies is a piece of cake compared to healing wounded minds. Yet officialdom often denies the existance of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It will be featured at a special Veterans Day screening in Las Vegas on November 11, 2009, which coincides with a special BloggersUnite program to raise funds for the various Veterans organizations featured in the film. Even if you can't make it to Las Vegas for Veterans Day, there is plenty you can do.
Watch the trailer below and then visit the Who Will Stand website for further information. You can order a DVD or find upcoming showings. If you want to take action, they have a page with suggestions on how to do it and direct links to the organizations they recommend. Oh and one last thing-- profits from the film go to organizations that help returning soldiers. So, my fellow Americans-- let's do our bit. Let's stand up for the American soldier.