My Little Horn (Antichrist) Ascension Scenario

I’ve made it clear in my recent blog posts that I believe that the Antichrist is going to emerge as the leader of Russia. Yesterday I wrote why I did not believe the Antichrist was Vladimir Putin even though Putin is the most important political figure in Russia today. Today I’ll share with you how I currently envision how the Antichrist’s future rise from relative obscurity to a major political player is going to play out.

One of the key conditions that I think we need to see before Antichrist can even emerge from Russia is the integration of North Ossetia and South Ossetia into one political entity (representing the land of Magog) within Russia.

  • Right now North Ossetia and South Ossetia are separated: North Ossetia is a Russian Republic while South Ossetia is an independent territory that is technically not an official part of Russia yet even though the Russians have a presence there.
  • The integration is very likely going to take place because the people of North Ossetia and South Ossetia have longed to recreate the kingdom of Alania, which was the kingdom of the Alans several hundred years ago (the Alans were one of the Scythian tribes).
  • If/When this event occurs it will give every Ossetian the ability to enter into mainstream Russian politics (right now only those from North Ossetia can), which is something that has happened before with major consequences for the world (more on that a little bit later).

From this region, I expect an extremely dynamic, charismatic, vibrant, and ruthless political figure to emerge. I anticipate this man will obtain a prominent position within Russia’s parliament as he rapidly builds a large group of supporters. At some point (most likely during a time of internal turmoil within Russia and turmoil for the rest of the world), I anticipate this man will violently overthrow whomever is the President of Russia and declare himself leader of Russia.

  • Thus, we are likely seeing the Antichrist emerge when we see the President of Russia get violently replaced by a dynamic leader. The dynamic leader is likely the Antichrist...

Shortly after Antichrist’s ascension in Russia I expect him to fulfill the rest of Daniel 7:24 by overthrowing the governments of the Republic of Georgia (Tubal) and Armenia (Meshech).

The idea that a major world leader arising from North/South Ossetia may seem unrealistic to most people because most people probably have never heard of the Ossetians. However, the scenario I have described is not unprecedented because it has taken place before.

  • In 1879 a man named Iosif Dzhugashvili was born in Gori, Georgia (which is only a few miles from where South Ossetia is currently located today) to a Georgian mother and an Ossetian father. You probably have not seen the name “Iosif Dzhugashvili” in the list of past Russian and Soviet leaders because he gave himself a different name when he entered politics-everyone knows him as Joseph Stalin, one of the few men in history who could match Adolf Hitler in terms of evilness.

In essence, I am watching for a sort of repeat of history with the rise of Antichrist. Again, I understand that the scenario I described sounds really strange, but my research leads me to taking this scenario most seriously.