The Paradox of Building a New World Order

This past weekend a major International Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting occurred in Washington D.C. The reported main goal for the participants of this meeting was to coordinate global currency actions to stem a fledgling global currency war. Reports following the meeting suggested that the participants failed to make any progress.

When I read about this meeting late last week I had an epiphany about why we have been seeing so many major meetings involving global leaders recently. Today I share my “epiphany” with you.

I begin by sharing with you a quote that really stuck out in my mind and probably in the minds of many other people. Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made the following statement at the G20 summit in April 2009 (a time when the global financial system was showing signs of breaking down):

"Today’s decisions, of course, will not immediately solve the crisis. But we have begun the process by which it will be solved," Mr Brown said. "I think a new world order is emerging with the foundation of a new progressive era of international co-operation,"

This quote encapsulates what I suspect has been occurring for at least the past several years, including at last weekend’s IMF meeting. It seems global elites are attempting to create a New World Order by building on the structures that exist today (an explanation of why there may be efforts to build one can be found here). Global elites do not seem interested in destroying what we have now. Instead they seem interested in building on the steps others have already taken.

  • For instance, the European Union (EU) began as a coal and steel community. European elites worked for several decades to expand cooperation in a variety of additional areas to create the entity that we see today. European leaders now appear to be working on the creation of an EU Treasury, which would be a step towards fiscal/political union. European elites are continually building on the structures their predecessors established in the past.

The probable reason why elites are seeking to build on the structures that currently exist is that they are seeking to maintain their position of power as a New World Order is being established.

  • The risk that elites of particular countries run by dismantling the existing laws is that it becomes relatively easy for the masses to suspect that these elites are working for an interest outside the country they supposedly represent and/or outside the country where they are domiciled. Once people suspect there are high-level individuals within their own country working to destroy existing laws it is likely they are going to take action to prevent these individuals from doing more “damage”. For instance, Americans would probably demand impeachment hearings if a U.S. President insists on dropping the U.S. dollar as the nation’s currency and insists on instead using the Euro out of a need to show transatlantic/global solidarity.

Another reason why elites probably seek to build on existing structures is that there is no guarantee that they will remain in power if they allow the current system to collapse and no guarantee that a new, future system will resemble the one they collectively prefer.

  • For instance, we saw in 2008 that people tend to become angry when they are impoverished by a collapse in the financial markets. Angry people usually take their frustrations out on those who they deem responsible for the collapse and/or on those who are in power as the collapse takes place. Sometimes the frustration can be expressed at the ballot box (like in the 2008 U.S. election) and at other times it can be expressed violently. Elites are at risk when such an event occurs because they are the ones who people tend to perceive as being responsible for what has taken place and/or are the ones who allowed what has taken place to happen under their watch. Angry people looking for change are likely going to replace these embattled elites with a new set of elites who have much different policy preferences than the embattled elites. These former elites then may have to watch as the new elites change their countries/world in a way that radically differs from what they collectively wanted to see.

As a consequence, global elites have major incentive to keep the current global economic, financial, and political system afloat in face of major problems threatening to destroy it. The elites’ desires to keep the current system afloat is probably the main reason why we have seen bailouts of major financial institutions and other policies intended to keep the globally economy afloat. This desire is also a likely reason why there are so many meetings where global leaders and officials try to coordinate actions intended to fight off global instability.

Paradoxically, the more elites attempt to prolong the current global system and build on it the greater its collapse it is going to be and the more radical the New World Order will look like when it eventually arises from the ashes.

  • The current global system could have collapsed anytime between March 2008 and early 2009. However, the system did not collapse after numerous bailouts and money printing campaigns by governments/central banks around the world. World leaders took credit for saving the world, but in reality they made a debt problem worse. As I’ve said before, the public money used to bailout financial intuitions and other companies caused problems to spread from the private sector to the public sector. Before the bailouts companies, their shareholders, and debt holders were primarily the ones at risk of detrimentally affected if something bad happened. However, the bailouts now have put the taxpayer at risk (in addition to those who were already at risk before) and have caused the debt problems of many countries to become dramatically worse. By delaying the inevitable, the harder the fall is going to be when the system does collapse.

Many people will want to see a dramatically different world because the current system has too many imbalances (whether it’d be debt, social, etc). The individual who is probably going to benefit the most from people’s desire to see a new world is the Antichrist…