Why Barack Obama Overcompensates When He is Questioned on the Issue of Religion

A few weeks ago a poll found that many Americans were unsure about Barack Obama’s religious beliefs. Coincidentally, Barack Obama suddenly began talking openly about his religious beliefs to the point that some media outlets reported about his sudden openness. Some believe, including me, suspect that Obama’s sudden openness was a direct reaction to the poll…

Last week there were news reports about Obama’s strange omission of the word “Creator” when he recited the Declaration of Independence at multiple speaking engagements. Since the criticism Obama has made sure that he’s mentioned the word “Creator” when he recites the Declaration of Independence. The sudden use of the word “Creator” has not gone unnoticed. One of the most read stories today is about how Obama is suddenly using the term “Creator” in his speeches.

Obama’s sudden openness about his religious beliefs after a poll showed that many Americans’ were uncertain about them and his sudden usage of the word “Creator” after being criticized for not using it suggests that Obama is very sensitive when it comes to religious issues. Obama’s sudden change in behavior after being questioned on religious issues twice in four weeks illustrates that Obama tends to overcompensate when he is questioned on religious issues. In this blog post I answer why Obama overcompensates when he is questioned on religious issues.

The main reason why Obama tends to overcompensate when he is questioned on religious issues is that he is very vulnerable on this issue. Obama is vulnerable because there is a large group of people who are skeptical about his overall values and beliefs, especially religious values and beliefs. Skeptics point to Obama’s upbringing and/or his attendance of a radical church for two decades as reasons to question whether Obama’s beliefs are aligned with ordinary Americans. In addition, Obama’s stance on certain social policy issues and instances like last week’s omission of the word “Creator” when reciting the Declaration of Independence give people more reasons to question him…

It is important for Obama to give people the perception that his religious beliefs are aligned with ordinary Americans’ religious beliefs because the issue of religion is a key proxy issue (or one key way) where Obama can show that his values are aligned with ordinary Americans’ values. Obama does not have many other issues where he can do this because his economic and political beliefs are not aligned with the beliefs of ordinary Americans.[1]

  • Obama must cultivate the perception that his values are aligned with ordinary Americans’ values because some of Obama’s (remaining) appeal with relatively uninformed people (like young people) is based on the perception that he is “hip”. If Obama proves to everyone (young and old) that his values are not aligned with ordinary Americans’ values much of his remaining appeal and support would evaporate. Obama would no longer be hip-he would be someone who might as well be a foreigner. Without this appeal and support, Obama would instantly become a lame duck president.

Thus, Obama must address questions about his religious beliefs swiftly and forcibly because he risks losing his appeal and support with his remaining supporters if he allows those questions to go unanswered for an extended period of time.

To make myself clear, I am not trying to criticize Obama on his religious beliefs. I am just attempting to explain why Obama reacts suddenly when he is questioned on religious issues as he was four weeks ago and last week.


[1] I would characterize Obama’s economic and political beliefs as being consistent with what you would expect from left-wing European politician.