Update on My Work

I haven’t posted anything new in the past week. I’m didn't die or disappear off the face of the earth. I’ve just been working on finishing the book I’ve been working on for the past few months. The book is 99% completed at this moment and I expect it to be done tomorrow. I’ll probably release the book in the days following the completion of the book and when I do I’ll have a blog entry announcing its release.

I want to write about the Prophecy of Popes when I find the time. I have some insights on this topic that I think no one else has. It’s one of the most well known series of predictions in history and one that has got a lot of people’s attention. After I complete the book it’ll be one of the first topics that I address. Since I don’t have any more new books planned I should be putting on blogs on a fairly regular basis.

Umar Farouk-Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian who tried to bring down an airliner with explosives sewn into his underpants brings new meaning to the childhood taunt " liar liar pants on fire". His pants literally were on fire and if things had gone the way he wanted them to, he and God knows how many others would be dead by now..

While the crime he tried to commit is horrendous, there is also something crazily comical about the man who is becoming known as the " underpants bomber." I mean carrying enough PETN in your crotch to blow the side out of an airliner certainly has a cartoonish quality about it, especially when all you manage to do is burn your balls and scare the pants off your fellow passengers. Nothing dignified here. Certainly no martyrdom. Just a very bad joke and a pathetic, confused rich kid .

Think of the possibilities for stand up comics. After Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, failed to bring down a Virgin Atlantic flight in 2001, we all started having to take off our shoes for the securiity folks at the airport. In the wake of the underpants bomber, are we all going to have to submit to underwear searches or go commando when we fly? Would make joining the mile high club easier, wouldn't it < wink wink> Oh yeah-- there is humor here.

I wonder how Umar's daddy feels about pix of sonny's underwear flying around the internet--a pair of tightie-whities in shreds and flecked with blood-- an object of scorn and laughter. Must be a bit of an embarrassment for a distinguished banker to say the least. Poor guy must be wondering where he went wrong.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab,will definitely NOT be entering paradise with 70 virgins waiting for him. More likely, if he is lucky, he will end up some hairy convict's bitch in a maximum security prison in the United States. No club Fed for him. Hope he's learned his lesson. "liar liar, pants on fire"

New Martyrs for Iran

It isn't over in Iran.  In fact it may just be beginning. The creation of martyrs always galvanizes any movement, social, religious, or political, but what is happening in Iran is a perfect storm of martyrdom.

For starters, tens of thousands of protestors have chosen Ashura,  one of Shia Islam's holiest festivals to mount massive demonstrations all over the country.  Ashura is particularly important for Shia muslims because it marks the moment of their split from the Sunni majority and commemorates the martyrdom of Hussein, son of Imam 'Ali and grandson of the Prophet, on the 10th of Muharram, AH 61 (October 10, 680), in Karbala, Iraq. Ashura in Iran is all about martyrdom.

Even as an American of Christian background, with virtually no exposure to either Islam or Iran, I can see that this confluence of protest and martyrdom is proving very very powerful. Since the disputed election last summer, the movement has been growing. Iranians who at first just wanted their votes counted now want regeme change. They march in the streets. They risk severe reprisals incuding torture, jail, even death. I am profoundly moved by the tweets, videos, and blogposts coming out of Iran to chronicle this event.  This is more than a protest and it goes far beyond pollitics.,  This is a real revoloution and a genuine expression of  faith. The harder the regeme cracks down on the protesters, the more martyrs are created and the more powerful the dissent movement becomes.  The regeme has a tiger by the tail.  Can't say that I am sorry.

There are no impartial foreign journalists  recording events in Iran-- just thousands of citizens flooding the internet with videos, blogposts, text messages and tweets. They bear witness to what is happening. The protests are growing. The list of martyrs is growing. The nephew of opposition leader, Mir Hussain Mousavi, is the latest addition according to reports.

The world is watching and holding its breath.  History is being made in Iran by Iranians, but the outcome will affect us all.  I am particularly talking to you, my fellow Americans.  Check out  CNN on TV or online. They are doing a good job of covering the action and checking facts in a traditional journalistic way. Follow #Ashura #iranprotest and #iranelection  hashtags on Twitter. Set up a google alert for Iran protest.  You will be amazed.

Web Sources for Good Iran Info in English

homylafayette Iran News in English-- excellent ongoing up to the minute news, photos and videos plus knowledgable personal commentary in English.

Anonymous Iran   a wonderful forum with lots of excellent information and commentary about Iran and the protests from all over the world

Enduring America  -- an American intellectual blog doing a good job of analysis of the situation

The Huffington Post  -- not only articles, but also great recent photos and a live twitter feed for #iranprotest

Tehran Bureau -- absolutely the best single source of thoughtful articles, up to date information, photos and videos.  An American based website run by Iranians with sources on the ground in Iran.

Keep your eye on this situation, say a prayer,  and may God help the good people of Iran.

Can You Believe It Is Almost Christmas?

I can't believe it is almost Christmas.  Where did the year go? . Seems like only yesterday I was riding on Amtrak with Obama on my way with him( in my mind at least) to Washington to restore the hopes and dreams of America and the world. Seems like we have come a long way since George and Laura Bush lit the White House Christmas Tree for the last time..

The world is quite different, yet in many ways it is the same. Fear, anger, war, poverty and pestilence still dog us. People are still dying and children are still going to bed hungry, even in America.  And Christmas, this year as always, symbolizes the hope of the world embodied in the birth of a baby.  It speaks to the power of humility, the love of God, and the family of man.

This holiday season, whatever the holiday you celebrate, or if you celebrate none at all,  I wish you health and happiness and in the spirit of Christmas, I wish you light in the darkness, hope in the face of hopelessness, and joy in living each day as it comes.

I can't believe it is almost Christmas, but I am glad it is. Merry Christmas everyone. May the coming year bring us all one step closer to peace on earth and to understanding one another.


Why Politicians May Sometimes Ignore the People

The Senate’s version of the Health Care Reform Bill is now a virtual lock to pass this Thursday after Nebraska Senator Bill Nelson was essentially bribed by the Senate Democrats to abandon his supposed “anti-abortion” beliefs to support the legislation. I've spent my Monday morning listening to commentators and callers on the radio just being completely enraged by how the Democrats are trying to ram through legislation that a majority of the people do not want by doing whatever it takes.

I have read a lot of academic Political Science research articles where the chief assumption the researchers make is that democratic politicians are rational people who are mainly concerned about getting reelected. For many years I believed that this assumption held true 99.9% of the time. However, the recent actions by the Democrats and the actions of world leaders to push global governance makes me question this assumption.

Former Diplomat Wayne Peterson has publicly stated that he is a follower of Maitreya and the Ascended Masters. Peterson wrote a book about his life experiences which included meetings with Maitreya and with the Ascended Masters during his time as a diplomat. Peterson gave an interview where he spoke about his experiences, which you can access at this link.

I suggest you read the interview because Peterson strongly suggests that all sorts of high-level people have met with Maitreya and with the Ascended Masters, but are too afraid of speaking up about it. If Peterson is correct we may have an explanation to account for why politicians are sometimes willing to make laws that are unpopular with their voters.

Who are you going to listen to if you are an undiscerning politician that has a spiritual being instructing you to do something: the spiritual being or people? I would bet that most politicians would listen to the spiritual being because they probably have the impression that a divine being has appointed them to get a certain thing done. Therefore, here is my new assumption about politicians:

Politicians are rational people who are concerned about winning reelection unless they are instructed by a higher power to sacrifice their position of power to push a certain agenda.

The book is 95% done. I hope the book can be completely before the next decade, which is only a little more than 10 days from now.

Review of December 2009 Share International Magazine

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Last week the December 2009 issue of Share International Magazine was released. In this month’s issue Benjamin Creme was asked questions about Barack Obama. Creme’s response to his readers’ questions about Obama demonstrates that he probably will never publically claim to have any influence or connection with Obama. I am not surprised by Creme’s handling of the Obama-related issues because it makes no absolutely sense to claim that Maitreya or any other Ascended Masters have the ear of the President of the United States. However, Creme does indicate that Obama has the potential to be receptive to some of the ideas his organization and Maitreya teach based on what he knows about the man.

Creme vehemently denies that there will be UFO’s making “first contact” with Earth to tell people about the coming of Maitreya. This is consistent with the forces of evil’s plan to have Maitreya explain what UFO’s are to people when he reveals his true identity to the world.

The magazine speaks about the forces that are restraining Maitreya. The magazine labels them as “evil”, but those that are restraining Maitreya are likely influence by the “forces of good”.

Finally, the magazine has more coverage on the Star Sign. I think they will run articles about the Star Sign until the end of time.

Earlier this week I saw a headline about a potential new Virgin Mary apparition in Egypt. Here is the link to the article. I would not be shocked if this is the work of the fallen angel that poses as the Virgin Mary or the Ascended Master “Who”.

New Survey About American's Religious Practices

A recent survey released by the Pew Research Center revealed a lot of information about American’s spiritual practices. The survey asked respondents every question that I would want to ask people and some questions that I would never think of asking. Here are some of the things that jumped out at me.

  • 29% of Christians (20% evangelical protestants) report to have been in touch with the dead. This number is surprisingly high to me. Talking with the dead is completely forbidden in the Bible (Deut 18:11) so I expected this number to be a lot lower.

o Never try to communicate with the dead. Not only is talking with the dead forbidden by the Bible, but you are not really talking with the dead if you try it. Instead, you are talking with a disincarnated spirit that probably tracked the dead person when they were alive (since the spirit tracked the person it would know personal things about the person and thus would be able to mimic them).

  • 48% of people claim to have a religious or mystical experience. The overall number isn’t what jumps out at me-it’s the overall historical trend. 47 years ago the number of people who claimed to have a religious or mystical experience was only at 22% and only 33% just 15 years ago. This big increase is likely due to the combination of more people integrating New Age practices into their religious practices and increased spiritual activity from the forces of evil.
  • 24% of respondents believe in some basic tenets of Eastern/New Age practices. This number is quite high (1 in every 4 people) and illustrates how prevalent New Age practices are becoming in ordinary American’s lives. America is a predominately Christian country, so the number of people who believe in some basic tenets of Eastern/New Age practices is probably much higher overseas.

The book is 91% complete. I am currently adding a lot more detail to one chapter so once that is done I can say I’m much closer to completing it. I do not know if the book will be ready for January 1, 2010, but I am trying my hardest to make it happen. The next blog entry is likely going to be a review of the December 2009 edition of Share International Magazine, which came out earlier this week.

Insights on Edgar Cayce

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

I want to expand a bit on what I wrote about psychics. I want to focus on perhaps the most famous psychic: Edgar Cayce. People refer to Cayce as the “sleeping prophet” (he’s not a prophet) because of his ability to diagnose patient’s health problems and to make predictions while being in a trance. Cayce’s predictions have been featured in “prophecy” books and even a History Channel documentary on prophecy.

I did some research on Cayce and found that he is a messenger of evil. There is evidence that Cayce was visited by a spiritual representative from the forces of evil when he was young and remained in contact with them later in life. In addition, Cayce promoted a lot of New Age concepts. For instance, Cayce claims that the title “Christ” is an office like the presidency that someone else can assume, strongly suggests that people read Helena Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (Hitler’s favorite book) and other New Age books, and urges people to eat a meatless diet.

My sense is that the forces of evil fed a lot of “factual” information to Cayce during his trances to get people to believe in his words. At the same time, they fed him a lot of garbage (New Age teachings) to get unsuspecting followers to believe in the garbage. Given Cayce’s role as a messenger of evil, it would not be unwise to see what kinds of things he says about the future to see if there is any correspondence with the Bible. Anything unbiblical that Cayce says should be completely disregarded as a lie.

I read a few of his predictions. He focuses a lot on something called “earth changes”, which relates to the time preceding a pole shift. I do not put a lot of stock into what Cayce has to say about “earth changes” because it’s not my area of expertise and he seems to claim that it would occur in 1998, which did not happen. What caught my eye is what Cayce has to say about Russia. Here are two separate statements Cayce made about Russia.

“Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."

"... for changes are coming, this may be sure -- an evolution or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia. Not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same as the Christ taught -- his kind of communism."

These statements jump out at me because it reminds me of something written in Alice Bailey and Ascended Master (Fallen Angel) Djwhal Khul’s book the Destiny of Nations. Russia is predicted in that book to be where a man (Antichrist) would emerge from to export the New Age Religion to the world. Also, it is important to note that Cayce predicted that Russia will bring “Christ’s” form of “communism”. Cayce, the New Age follower and messenger of evil, is not referring to Jesus Christ, but is referring to Maitreya, the spirit of Antichrist. Maitreya’s spokesmen Benjamin Creme wrote that Maitreya would institute a heavily socialist economic system that is appropriate for the New Age. Therefore, Cayce’s readings about Russia reconfirms what Bailey and Djwhal Khul wrote about Russia and reconfirms what I believe from my analysis of Bible Prophecy. You can read more about this in the following report.

I’m still working on my book, which I still hope to have done soon. While I am typing this blog entry I am listening to “so-called” prophecy teacher Grant Jeffery on Coast to Coast AM, and yikes I think he is really off on what he is saying about Bible Prophecy. He is not someone I would follow for my “end times” information. Anyway, I will probably have new entries coming up soon because I found some other things to write about.

Benjamin Creme Live Interview Report

Sorry for the delay on this blog post. I’ve been working on more aspects of this upcoming book I’m working on. The book is around 90% complete now.

I heard Benjamin Creme's live on the Internet yesterday for about an hour, which was 30 minutes more than originally advertised. Beforehand I prayed to not be harmed during the interview and I was not harmed nor did I feel anything funny. The radio host interviewing Creme did not seem to be affected either, but in his case I doubt anything would happen to him since he is well-indoctrinated in New Age theology. It doesn’t make much sense for the forces of evil to harm someone who sympathizes with them as they interview one of their premier human spokesmen.

The interviewer basically allowed Creme to ramble on about anything he wanted. Creme seemed to be talking from a stream of consciousness as he spoke for several minute spurts at a time without any mistakes in speech. I attribute that to Creme giving the same stump speech so many times that he’s got the act down pat. Creme revealed a few things about Maitreya, the Antichrist Spirit.

  1. Maitreya trains disciples in temples in London, but is constantly on the move. Maitreya speaks to high-level people from all walks of life and “stimulates” people to do things for him.
  2. Creme hinted that Maitreya may have been in Copenhagen for the big climate conference and may have influenced a lot of things that happened there. Creme cited an editorial put out by 56 newspapers around the world as a great success that Maitreya may had some part of. This link will take you to the editorial
  1. Creme mentioned a meeting Maitreya had with high-level politicians, journalists, etc in London in 1990. Maitreya met with 200 people, including the late Yasser Arafat and the late King Hussein of Jordan. Creme mentions this meeting on his website, but he revealed that the meeting place was a temple and that Maitreya visited Arafat a lot following the 1990 meeting. In fact, Creme said that Maitreya would advise Arafat every time Israel and the Palestinians were close to a deal to reject the deal.
  2. Maitreya looks for windows of opportunity to make his emergence on the world stage.Creme said that November 22, 2009-December 25, 2009 is a window of opportunity for Maitreya. (However, there is no chance he will be able to make his emergence during this time).
  3. Creme mentioned that one of the UFO’s responsible for the Star Sign was behind the strange, blue spiral seen in Norway. Later Creme’s website issued a statement restating the claim. If you haven’t seen the blue spiral you can see it at the end of the blog entry.
  4. Creme reconfirms that he has been told that there are 1.8 billion people who are ready to respond to Maitreya.
  5. Creme says that Maitreya will show people that they can be gods, which is the same lie Satan has been telling since the Garden of Eden in the Book of Genesis! There is no doubt that Maitreya is evil after hearing those words from Creme’s mouth. I’ve read Creme making this statement before, but hearing Creme say it aloud has a totally different affect.

Overall, the interview provided a few more details about how Maitreya operates. I wish m y connection was better because some parts of the interview were inaudible. Anyway, here is the blue spiral scene over Norway. Note, the Russians claim that the blue spiral could accidentally be from a missile that mistakenly fired.

Creme Live Interview 12/10

Thursday, December 10, 2009 Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen for Maitreya (the Antichrist Spirit) is going to have a 30 minute live interview with a college radio station at 1PM/ET. Listening to a live Creme interview is not for the faint of heart. I have heard two instances where the listeners and radio hosts who heard Creme live got sick during the interview. The following link is George Noory, the host of Coast to Coast AM, describing the illness he and his audience got while listening to Creme in a July interview.

I plan on listening to the live interview to see if he reveals any new information about what the forces of evil are up to and to see if I get ill. If you are interested in hearing the interview live click this link around 1PM/ET. http://www.wrpi.org/listen

Again, this is not for the faint of heart.

Insight into Psychics

I’m still working on the new book. It’s now 85% done... I am working on editing the text at this point. I’m still hoping to have the book out by the beginning of next year.

Earlier this week I was listening to a female New Ager on the late night talk show Coast to Coast AM (a good show if you walk to hear a lot of the New Age mumbo jumbo, which is why I listen to it time to time-to find out what New Agers are talking about) tell the host about working with vibrations-the invisible "signals" you receive and get at a certain level of consciousness. As you would expect, she encouraged people to raise their vibration/consciousness level. However, she something quite revealing when she described her work as a psychic for various clients.

The woman implied that she raises her consciousness level and is given information about her client while in a higher consciousness state each time she does a reading. This got me to think about how a lot of people claim that a psychic they saw somehow knew something personal about them even though they never met before.

My understanding of how the forces of evil operate is that there are “spiritual spies” monitoring the activities of basically everyone. Me, you, your family, maybe even your dog-the forces of evil are probably trying to keep tabs on you. This does not mean Satan is omniscient (all knowing) because he is absolutely not. Also take comfort that you cannot be harmed by evil entities if God does not permit them to affect you.

With that aside, my sense is that these psychics actually do raise their consciousness levels during their readings and are given information by the person’s assigned “spiritual spy” about the individual so the psychic can impress their client. In terms of the predictions psychics make, I wouldn’t be surprised if the spiritual spies tell the psychics something about the future of the person the psychic is seeing with the intention of trying to engineer events within what they are allowed to do so that the events predicted actually comes true. However, they aren't always successful in their attempt to engineer events because Satan is not omnipotent. God will prevent the forces of evil to do something if it is His will.

What might be the purpose behind this? I think that the forces of evil may be using psychics as sort of the equivalent of a “gateway drug”. Some people might get so impressed with psychics that they get interested in what psychics do and want to be just like them that they start to learn this New Age mumbo jumbo. From there people could get indoctrinated and become open to being influenced by the forces of evil. Everything I’m saying is just a hunch so I can’t prove at this point that this is the actual purpose of psychics. I wouldn't be surprised if there was actually more sinister at work.

Also, I want to stress that you SHOULD NOT consult with psychics. The Bible totally condemns psychics and other occult practitioners.

  • Lev 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

  • Deu 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
  • Deu 18:11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
  • Deu 18:12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

The Bible says that a true prophet of God is a person who gets all predictions correct. Psychics are not true prophets of God.

  • Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Just stay away from psychics! Discourage people from seeing them! Have nothing to do with these people!

Folks Are Going Rogue for Sarah Palin

They are lining up  for miles in the malls of middle America to buy Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue.  Who are these people?  Who is buying the book and why? I came across a video that attempted to answer that question.  Random people were interviewed outside a Borders store in Ohio a couple of weeks ago  waiting to get inside, buy the book and get it signed.

The mood was festive. The reporter was neutral. The questions simple and direct-- nothing complicated or loaded. The answers given totally blew me away.  When asked what they liked about Sarah Palin, fans offered generalities like" she is what this country needs" or ""she'll stand up for America"  New Left Media, which made the video, swears that they simply interviewed random people and did not skew the responses in any way and I believe them.  Here's what they said on YouTube
We interviewed only a few more people than ended up in the video, not hundreds, and what was cut was done for time purposes. The people were selected at random--some offered to be interviewed--and we were only there for about 90 mins

Point being-- this was not a set up. It was an honest attempt to find out who is buying the book and why and what they think of Sarah Palin as a potential Presidential candidate.

Check out this video.  Unless you are totally brain-dead yourself, it will scare the pants off you.


Today is World AIDS Day and I'm Thinking of Brian

Today, December 1st, is World AIDS Day, as it has been since 1988.  Some things have changed since AIDS arrived in America in the early 1980's but unfortunately much has not. There is still no vaccine and there is also much less publicity and awareness than 20 years ago.

Here in the USA the urgency is gone. AIDS is no longer sexy( to coin a phrase). It seen as just another chronic disease, not a  death sentence. H1N1 gets a lot more media coverage.  HIV/AIDS is viewed as a disease of the disadvantaged and morally depraved and for most middle class Americans has been put into the " it could never happen to me" category-- even though millions of Americans are living with AIDS and according to the CDC as many as 50,000 new cases are diagnosed every year.

On this World AIDS day I would like to share the story of my friend, Brian.  Brian was diagnosed with AIDS in 1987 and died in September of 2003. I watched the course of his disease and how at the same time that it ravaged his body, it seemed to enlarge his soul. He was a man who had suffered much: childhood sexual abuse, alcoholism, mental illness, and discrimination because he was gay.  I was privileged to know him for almost two decades and to call him my friend..

Please click on this link and read an inspiring article about Brian written soon after his death..  It puts a personal  face on a terrible disease and I hope gives honor to a dear friend whom I miss greatly. That seems a fitting way for me to mark World AIDS Day 2009.

What's Behind the Twilight Craze?

I last wrote that I would try to write a bit more frequently than I have lately. Unfortunately, I’ve still been busy writing my new book which is around 80% complete. I hope to get it out before the end of the year. However, I hope this blog entry makes up for my absence because it contains some information I think some people will find very insightful.

New Moon, the latest installment to the wildly popular Twilight Saga series, made over $140 million during its first weekend at the box office. The movie and the book that it is based on are wildly popular amongst teenage girls who obsess over the Twilight Saga like some people obsess over Star Wars. I personally have not seen or have not read anything related to the Twilight Saga nor do I ever plan to do so. However, I have observed the craze with some wonderment because of its cult-like following. After some research and thought, I believe there is a very, very sinister power behind the popularity of the series. There are a few major red flags about the Twilight Saga.

1. First is the high amount of unbiblical content. I will not cover that here because Dr. Scott Johnson has several good sermons on the Twilight Saga which do a good job of that. You can listen to his sermons about the Twilight Saga by clicking this link.

2. Second, I find that the Twilight Saga has an intoxicating effect on the minds of those obsessed with it. I am very disturbed by how much females’ obsess over the male vampires’ physical appearance and charm. These females frankly don’t care if these vampires are condemned forever. I’ve pointed this out to some Twilight fans, but they tell me that they don’t care that a vampire like Edward Cullen (the male protagonist in the saga) is an evil being because Edward is “good”. These girls are so obsessed with the Twilight Saga that they cannot see that there is no such thing as a good, evil being-it is a complete contradiction! It is like saying there are good fallen angels and bad fallen angels.

3. Third, the author of the Twilight Saga, Stephanie Meyer, stated on her official website that she was practically hearing voices in her head when she wrote the first book of the series. Here are Meyer’s own words

“All this time, Bella and Edward were, quite literally, voices in my head. They simply wouldn't shut up. I'd stay up as late as I could stand trying to get all the stuff in my mind typed out, and then crawl, exhausted, into bed (my baby still wasn't sleeping through the night, yet) only to have another conversation start in my head”… [i]

This is eye-opening because words typically do not flow into someone’s mind this easily and this consistently unless there is some outside influence aiding in the process. Perhaps Meyer did everything on her own, but I think it is more likely she had the words placed into her mind by an evil entity.

I read a recent account of a dream that Meyer had after she completed writing her first book. Meyer claims that she actually met Edward in a very vivid dream that startled her. Below is her account of the dream:

“I had this dream that Edward actually showed up and told me that I got it all wrong and like he exists and everything but he couldn't live off animals... and I kind of got the sense he was going to kill me. It was really terrifying and bizarrely different from every other time I've thought about his character”.[ii]

A dream like this is a gigantic red flag because it is my understanding that evil entities have the ability to penetrate certain people’s dreams. It is not out of the question that “Edward” is a real spiritual entity that set up Meyer to write the Twilight Saga. “Edward” surprised Meyer by revealing information about him that she did not know about, including a statement about how he really exists. The way Meyer described her dream it sure sounds like “Edward” is not a figment of her imagination. If we assume “Edward” is real and was the one behind Twilight then what is the motivation of “Edward” to tell the story to Meyer and to have the story propagate in all sorts of media like movies, books, video games, etc?

My suspicion is that the Twilight Saga is being used to condition young girls and teenagers to become accepting of condemned spiritual entities. I do not think the conditioning is related to arrival of vampires, but the arrival of fallen angels. Paul warns that satanic representatives like fallen angels have the ability to transform or masquerade themselves as benevolent ministers of light.

  • 2Co 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
  • 2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
  • 2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Dr. Scott Johnson notes that “transform” as used here is not figurative, but physical: “The literal word is “metaschematizo - to change the figure of, to transform, to assume the form of another,” and has the same root as “metamorphosis,” and relates specifically to the outward physical appearance’”.[iii] The Bible provides further evidence that angels can take on other physical forms. In fact, Hebrews 13:2 says that people can mistake angels as people.

  • Heb 13:1 Let brotherly love continue.
  • Heb 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Genesis 19:1-5 describes an instance where the people of Sodom mistaken angels for humans, and the angels looked so human that the people of Sodom were attracted to them.

In a report entitled “Details of the Plan to Fool Christians” I wrote about how several biblical passages (Dan 2:41-43, Mat 24:37-8, Rev 12:9, Luk 21:25-26) indicate we are likely going to see Satan’s fallen angels interacting with humans during the end times. The following is a passage from the report that about how I foresee the interaction of fallen angels and humans.

“I believe that many fallen angels at this future time (the end times) will interact with humans and perhaps even marry humans. I do not know if there will again be interbreeding with humans and fallen angels, but if there is it will not have a major consequence on end time events... The interaction between humans and fallen angels will not last very long as “iron does not mix with clay”.

Another thing I foresee is that many women may fall in love with these fallen angels to the point that they will be convinced by them to accept the Mark of the Beast and worship Antichrist. People are not going to stop finding mates during the end times and it is quite possible that fallen angels may make themselves so irresistible to women that they will become willing to do anything for them so that the fallen angel elects to be their mate.

Therefore, I believe the Twilight Saga is being used by the forces of evil to soften up these young girls and teenage girls for the eventual arrival of fallen angels that will take on human form like the vampires appear in human form in the Twilight Saga. During that time a large number of today’s young girls and teenagers will still be unmarried and vulnerable to being wooed by fallen angels in human form like the Twilight Saga’s main character Bella was wooed by Edward wooed and like the women on Earth before the flood. Unfortunately, like Bella, a lot of women will be willing accept eternal condemnation to be with these condemned beings.


[i] Meyer, Stephanie. “The Story Behind Twilight”. 14 Dec. 2008. Last Accessed 28 Nov. 2009. http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight.html

[ii] Montenegro, Marcia. “A Girl and Her Vampire”. Last Accessed 28. Nov. 2009. http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_Twilight.html

[iii] Johnson, Scott. “UFO’s, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and The Days of Noah”. 19 Aug 2007. Last Accessed 11 Jan 2009. http://media.sermonaudio.com/mediapdf/82007142704.pdf.

The World According to Us

We not only know we're #1, we also think we are intelligent, educated, modest and fit to lead the world. And hey, Europe-- look at what we think of you:-)

In case you were wondering, that's why Sarah Palin thinks that living between Canada and Russia gives her foreign affairs expertise. Our world view also lets us imagine that we have the best healthcare system in the world..

Well, sometimes you just gotta laugh and this is one of those times. Click on the map to enlarge it.

hat tip: Barry Ritholtz 

Sarah Palin Reminds Me of Hitler

Sarah Palin is going more than rogue these days.  Her book tour should be making Americans of all political persuasions very nervous.  Today is day four of the tour and she is in western Pennsylania  where more than a thousand people started lining up last night to actually get a chance to see the divine one.  According to her publisher, Palin's memoir sold more than 300,000 copies its first day--pretty stunning numbers if you ask me. The book's print run has already been increased from 1.5 million copies to 2.5 million copies.  Who knows where it will all end, but one way or another, Palin will end up with beaucoup bucks.  No wonder resigning as governer was not a problem for her.

Last week Sarah Palin  sat down with Oprah as part of her media blitz.  I, along with millions of others, tuned in and listened with rapt attention.  My conclusion?  This is a very dangerous woman with the power to twist truth and the vanity to think that she is doing it for the good of others and not for herself.  She is shrewd, narcissistic and  is into myth making as much as Hitler was.

Like Hitler she is a larger than life figure who weaves flattering national fantasies that bear very little resemblance to reality. She has  charisma and speaking ability and  she launches a powerful appeal to those who feel angry, fearful, and misunderstood, using paranoia and half truths to make her case.

I could almost see the torch light parades forming as I watched her romance the TV camera and Oprah's audience. She painted herself as the underdog and innocent  victim--a role many Americans identify with, especially those who have lost homes, jobs, and health insurance or who never had much to begin with.  They see her as their champion and her simplistic notions and twisted truths as an answer.

Palin vs. Hitler

Hitler rose to power in a period when Germans felt frightened and taken adantage of-- when economic conditions were terrible and the Weimar Republic was just not working.   When people feel threatened and  powerless, they are ripe for exploitation and that is what I see Sarah Palin in the process of doing. She is exploiting people for her own ego gratification and I don't think it is a mere political career that she wants.  I think she is looking for  more-- much more.

I see in her the megalomania of the true narcissist.  America today has much in common with Germany in the 1930's. People are disenchanted with  their leaders and are looking for answers.  There was a world wide financial crisis then too.  The notion of American exceptionalism that Palin embraces so heartily echos Hitler's notion of the master race and the special role of the German people. I can hear those  American militias in the heartland  now, cleaning their weapons and  talking about the evils of socialism, Obama, Liberals and gun control.  Scary, very divisive stuff.

We are part of a world community that cannot afford to let nationalism, isolationism, xenophobia and ignorance triumph.  Let us hope that " Going Rogue" is not Palin's  " Mein Kampf"

I'm Back After A Week

It’s been more than a week since I last wrote a blog entry. I’ve been busy this past week working on major aspects of this (now) book that I am writing. There have been a couple headlines that have caught my eye in the past week…

The Senate Democrats may vote on this health care bill earlier than expected. I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I thought we could see a big repeat of the summer time protests during Congress’s winter recess as people try to stop the Democrats from passing health care reform. I am not surprised the voting may be move up because the Senate Democrats know that they are going to get grilled either way so they might as well get grilled with a vote already completed. The news is also an example of how difficult it is to forecast near-term events like the passage of a law. Ironically, it’s easier to forecast with accuracy long-term events than short-term events. Short-term events are difficult because anything can happen while long-term events are easier to forecast with accuracy because certain events are preordained to happen in the long-run.

The second headline is that some hackers accessed electronic data from one of the world’s premiere climate research center. The people who have read through the information gathered claim that top research scientists have colluded with each other to manipulate temperature data and other research to push anthropogenic global warming as a political agenda. I would not be surprised if there was data manipulation or some type of collusion going on because I do not believe there is a lot of scientific support to say that man is the sole driver of the rising temperatures in the past century. My sense is that the push to place controls on emissions by environmental groups and government organizations to combat “anthropogenic global warming” have more nefarious goals. I have more to say about this at a later date…

I decided to turn the research report into a book because I was able to get it over 100 pages. The book is around 70% complete right now. I’m working on the hardest portions of the book at this moment so when I get past this point the other 30% should be completed rather quickly. It’s sometimes hard to get the motivation to write a blog entry because I’m so focused on the book. However, I'll try to update a bit more frequently until the completion of the book.

Review of the November Issue of Share International Magazine

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

A couple of days ago the November issue of Share International Magazine was posted online. The November issue surprisingly contains some new information about what the forces of evil.

Benjamin Creme spoke a lot about the number of people who either work for the Antichrist Spirit Maitreya or sympathize with him. Creme revealed that between 4 to 5 million people work for an organization that I wrote about in my research called the New Group of World Servers. For those of you who have never heard of the New Group of World Servers, here is the definition from my website:

“An organization founded in 1922 comprising a loose network of individuals who serve the effort to create a one world government, religion, economy, etc. The group helps bring a one-world government, religion, economy, etc by influencing public opinion to the point where the public demands leaders from all fields to bring global unity. There are several million people associated with this group, including some very influential, wealthy, and well-known individuals and organizations. Most people are unaware that they are working for evil while a small, inner circle work under direct supervision of the Ascended Masters”.

I would not be surprised if there really were 4 to 5 million people affiliated with the New Group of World Servers. Therefore, I think there is a pretty good chance that Creme is telling the truth here.

Creme also hints that Maitreya has 1.8 billion disciples. These “disciples” are people who are available for Maitreya to influence and/or open to his ideas. Most of these people probably do not necessarily know who Maitreya is, but are highly likely to follow him when he emerges on the world stage. Creme says that a “vast bulk” of people will follow Maitreya so they still have a ways to go before they are ready for the End Times. I think the lead up to 2012 will make that disciple number grow a lot.

As usual, there was a lot about the Star Sign. One reader asked Creme about the October 7, 2009 edition of the television show “Destination Truth” where a group of people explored a mineshaft in Chile that supposedly has a lot of “alien” activity. The people on this show saw a strange, pulsating white light that looked like a star. The star moved around, made some noise, and even interfered with some of the group’s equipment. Here is a link where you can watch the event (the event begins at 5:37 of the video). The reader asked Creme if the “star” was one of the UFOs that can create the Star Sign and Creme confirmed that it was.

I am surprised by the "quality" of new information that was revealed this month. Perhaps some months are better than others depending on the type of questions people ask.