What's Behind the Twilight Craze?

I last wrote that I would try to write a bit more frequently than I have lately. Unfortunately, I’ve still been busy writing my new book which is around 80% complete. I hope to get it out before the end of the year. However, I hope this blog entry makes up for my absence because it contains some information I think some people will find very insightful.

New Moon, the latest installment to the wildly popular Twilight Saga series, made over $140 million during its first weekend at the box office. The movie and the book that it is based on are wildly popular amongst teenage girls who obsess over the Twilight Saga like some people obsess over Star Wars. I personally have not seen or have not read anything related to the Twilight Saga nor do I ever plan to do so. However, I have observed the craze with some wonderment because of its cult-like following. After some research and thought, I believe there is a very, very sinister power behind the popularity of the series. There are a few major red flags about the Twilight Saga.

1. First is the high amount of unbiblical content. I will not cover that here because Dr. Scott Johnson has several good sermons on the Twilight Saga which do a good job of that. You can listen to his sermons about the Twilight Saga by clicking this link.

2. Second, I find that the Twilight Saga has an intoxicating effect on the minds of those obsessed with it. I am very disturbed by how much females’ obsess over the male vampires’ physical appearance and charm. These females frankly don’t care if these vampires are condemned forever. I’ve pointed this out to some Twilight fans, but they tell me that they don’t care that a vampire like Edward Cullen (the male protagonist in the saga) is an evil being because Edward is “good”. These girls are so obsessed with the Twilight Saga that they cannot see that there is no such thing as a good, evil being-it is a complete contradiction! It is like saying there are good fallen angels and bad fallen angels.

3. Third, the author of the Twilight Saga, Stephanie Meyer, stated on her official website that she was practically hearing voices in her head when she wrote the first book of the series. Here are Meyer’s own words

“All this time, Bella and Edward were, quite literally, voices in my head. They simply wouldn't shut up. I'd stay up as late as I could stand trying to get all the stuff in my mind typed out, and then crawl, exhausted, into bed (my baby still wasn't sleeping through the night, yet) only to have another conversation start in my head”… [i]

This is eye-opening because words typically do not flow into someone’s mind this easily and this consistently unless there is some outside influence aiding in the process. Perhaps Meyer did everything on her own, but I think it is more likely she had the words placed into her mind by an evil entity.

I read a recent account of a dream that Meyer had after she completed writing her first book. Meyer claims that she actually met Edward in a very vivid dream that startled her. Below is her account of the dream:

“I had this dream that Edward actually showed up and told me that I got it all wrong and like he exists and everything but he couldn't live off animals... and I kind of got the sense he was going to kill me. It was really terrifying and bizarrely different from every other time I've thought about his character”.[ii]

A dream like this is a gigantic red flag because it is my understanding that evil entities have the ability to penetrate certain people’s dreams. It is not out of the question that “Edward” is a real spiritual entity that set up Meyer to write the Twilight Saga. “Edward” surprised Meyer by revealing information about him that she did not know about, including a statement about how he really exists. The way Meyer described her dream it sure sounds like “Edward” is not a figment of her imagination. If we assume “Edward” is real and was the one behind Twilight then what is the motivation of “Edward” to tell the story to Meyer and to have the story propagate in all sorts of media like movies, books, video games, etc?

My suspicion is that the Twilight Saga is being used to condition young girls and teenagers to become accepting of condemned spiritual entities. I do not think the conditioning is related to arrival of vampires, but the arrival of fallen angels. Paul warns that satanic representatives like fallen angels have the ability to transform or masquerade themselves as benevolent ministers of light.

  • 2Co 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
  • 2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
  • 2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Dr. Scott Johnson notes that “transform” as used here is not figurative, but physical: “The literal word is “metaschematizo - to change the figure of, to transform, to assume the form of another,” and has the same root as “metamorphosis,” and relates specifically to the outward physical appearance’”.[iii] The Bible provides further evidence that angels can take on other physical forms. In fact, Hebrews 13:2 says that people can mistake angels as people.

  • Heb 13:1 Let brotherly love continue.
  • Heb 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Genesis 19:1-5 describes an instance where the people of Sodom mistaken angels for humans, and the angels looked so human that the people of Sodom were attracted to them.

In a report entitled “Details of the Plan to Fool Christians” I wrote about how several biblical passages (Dan 2:41-43, Mat 24:37-8, Rev 12:9, Luk 21:25-26) indicate we are likely going to see Satan’s fallen angels interacting with humans during the end times. The following is a passage from the report that about how I foresee the interaction of fallen angels and humans.

“I believe that many fallen angels at this future time (the end times) will interact with humans and perhaps even marry humans. I do not know if there will again be interbreeding with humans and fallen angels, but if there is it will not have a major consequence on end time events... The interaction between humans and fallen angels will not last very long as “iron does not mix with clay”.

Another thing I foresee is that many women may fall in love with these fallen angels to the point that they will be convinced by them to accept the Mark of the Beast and worship Antichrist. People are not going to stop finding mates during the end times and it is quite possible that fallen angels may make themselves so irresistible to women that they will become willing to do anything for them so that the fallen angel elects to be their mate.

Therefore, I believe the Twilight Saga is being used by the forces of evil to soften up these young girls and teenage girls for the eventual arrival of fallen angels that will take on human form like the vampires appear in human form in the Twilight Saga. During that time a large number of today’s young girls and teenagers will still be unmarried and vulnerable to being wooed by fallen angels in human form like the Twilight Saga’s main character Bella was wooed by Edward wooed and like the women on Earth before the flood. Unfortunately, like Bella, a lot of women will be willing accept eternal condemnation to be with these condemned beings.


[i] Meyer, Stephanie. “The Story Behind Twilight”. 14 Dec. 2008. Last Accessed 28 Nov. 2009. http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight.html

[ii] Montenegro, Marcia. “A Girl and Her Vampire”. Last Accessed 28. Nov. 2009. http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_Twilight.html

[iii] Johnson, Scott. “UFO’s, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and The Days of Noah”. 19 Aug 2007. Last Accessed 11 Jan 2009. http://media.sermonaudio.com/mediapdf/82007142704.pdf.