I'm Back After A Week

It’s been more than a week since I last wrote a blog entry. I’ve been busy this past week working on major aspects of this (now) book that I am writing. There have been a couple headlines that have caught my eye in the past week…

The Senate Democrats may vote on this health care bill earlier than expected. I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I thought we could see a big repeat of the summer time protests during Congress’s winter recess as people try to stop the Democrats from passing health care reform. I am not surprised the voting may be move up because the Senate Democrats know that they are going to get grilled either way so they might as well get grilled with a vote already completed. The news is also an example of how difficult it is to forecast near-term events like the passage of a law. Ironically, it’s easier to forecast with accuracy long-term events than short-term events. Short-term events are difficult because anything can happen while long-term events are easier to forecast with accuracy because certain events are preordained to happen in the long-run.

The second headline is that some hackers accessed electronic data from one of the world’s premiere climate research center. The people who have read through the information gathered claim that top research scientists have colluded with each other to manipulate temperature data and other research to push anthropogenic global warming as a political agenda. I would not be surprised if there was data manipulation or some type of collusion going on because I do not believe there is a lot of scientific support to say that man is the sole driver of the rising temperatures in the past century. My sense is that the push to place controls on emissions by environmental groups and government organizations to combat “anthropogenic global warming” have more nefarious goals. I have more to say about this at a later date…

I decided to turn the research report into a book because I was able to get it over 100 pages. The book is around 70% complete right now. I’m working on the hardest portions of the book at this moment so when I get past this point the other 30% should be completed rather quickly. It’s sometimes hard to get the motivation to write a blog entry because I’m so focused on the book. However, I'll try to update a bit more frequently until the completion of the book.