Mark Sanford is the King of TMI

South Carolina Governor,Mark Sanford, keeps trying to explain his extra marital rumpy bumpy and to let us all know that he really isn't a bad guy even though he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar(so to speak) The more he explains the worse it gets.

Last week's press conference where he admitted he was in Argentina with his honey and not hiking the Appalachian Trail was bad enough. Explanations of the "sparking thing"that developed between him and a " dear friend" along with lots of " I've been a bad boy, don't know what got into me, and I won't do it again" yah da yah da yah da. made me cringe. I swear, all adulterous husbands read from the same script, but most of them don't hold press conferences and tell it to the world. It was definitely TMI( too much information) and I know I wasn't the only one cringing. I bet his wife, Jenny, was just a tad embarrassed at having the family laundry washed quite so publicly.

But yesterday, Mark went and made it worse. Like a knight of old, coming to the rescue of the tarnished reputation of his ladylove Sanford told reporters

"This was a whole lot more than a simple affair, this was a love story. A forbidden one, a tragic one, but a love story at the end of the day"

Great. I bet his wife, Jenny, was happy to hear that. Another brilliant TMI moment in which not only Mark Sanford's marriage, but also his political future hit the skids. What is he thinking? I guess I know. He's not thinking. He's feeling, And what he is feeling is life, love, and youth passing him by. He is having a classic mid-life crisis. Poor baby. He is madly, hopelessly, idealistically, crazily in love.

It's a guy thing and I don't pretend to understand it. But I do know, that in the end he is apt to lose his wife and possibly his children and his career as well. We all know what hell hath no fury like. I suspect that the lady in Argentina is apt to rethink things too and he won't end up with her either.

So set em up Joe and play another chorus of " Don't Cry for Me Argentina." But please please please, don't let soon-to-be-ex- Governor Sanford hold another press conference. I've had enough and I hope he has too.