A Link to an Article about Jordan Destabilizing

Today I want to alert people to a Jerusalem Post article that cites analysts within Jordan who believe a crisis within Jordan is approaching as tensions rise rapidly between reformists and pro-government groups.

The article can be found at this link

The instability in Jordan is nowhere near the instability found in Libya and even Syria (where anti-government protesters are burning buildings belonging to the ruling party). However, the article quotes people within Jordan who feel the situation could “explode at any moment”.

Jordan is a country that we need to watch closely because they’ve had a peace treaty with Israel since 1994. If the tensions escalate into something which threatens the monarchy’s power then the fate of Jordan’s peace treaty with Israel may come into question since it is the monarchy who upholds the treaty even though a majority of Jordanians dislike it. As I wrote before, the cancellation of a peace treaty between Jordan and Israel (and/or Egypt and Israel) could have significant Bible prophecy implications:

By cancelling a peace treaty, Egypt and/or Jordan would no longer be constrained by the agreements they made with Israel in the past and vice versa. (Perhaps it is a war involving Israel versus these countries and others that necessitates the need for the "covenant with many" mentioned in Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:15-19)

The cancellation of one or both peace treaties would also make it much more difficult for peace negotiators to reach an all-encompassing Middle East peace deal because negotiators would have to get Egypt and/or Jordan to agree to a new peace deal with Israel (in addition to getting other parties in the region to agree to peace with Israel). An increase in the difficulty to reach an all-encompassing Middle East peace deal would increase the likelihood that Antichrist will be initially hailed as a “hero” by most people for accomplishing what seemed to be impossible when an all-encompassing Middle East peace deal is finally reached.

I’m still studying Jeremiah 25 and the chapters/passages relating to Egypt and Libya. In addition, I’m working on a side research project that I might write about when I’m finished… I hope to have something to share about Jeremiah 25 soon. I’ve learned a lot these past few days about Jeremiah 25 and other related passages.