Another live Benjamin Creme interview took place today. The show was supposed to be about 2012, but nothing about 2012 was mentioned during the interview. Here is an overview of some of the things that were discussed in this interview.
The interview began the usual way with Creme giving the background about the Ascended Masters and Maitreya.
Creme claimed that the Ascended Masters were somehow responsible for giving the religious teachings to the world. For instance, Creme spoke about how “Buddha” (a spiritual being according to Creme) utilized a human messenger to present the teachings that eventually formed Buddhism. I’m not sure how Buddhists would react to hearing that, but I would not be surprised if the Ascended Masters were indeed behind the creation of Buddhism. This is a topic worth investigating…
Creme went on to flat out deny that Jesus is the Son of God and claimed that it was Maitreya that used Jesus of Nazareth’s body to bring Christian teachings to the world. Any Christians listening to the interview would immediately see Creme for who he is-a spokesman of a deceiving spirit. Unfortunately, everyone commenting in the chat room on the webpage where the broadcast could be heard from thought nothing of it. Creme even had the audacity to claim that Jesus came back a few years after his crucifixion to live in India.
Around 50 minutes into the interview a brave Christian managed to get on the air and told Creme that he believed that Maitreya was the Antichrist. As you can imagine, Creme was taken aback by the comment and tried to comeback at the Christian with lies. Creme told the Christian that he doesn’t know what he is talking about when it comes to Maitreya because he has never seen him, felt him, or experienced him. Creme went on to state that fundamentalist Christians do NOT understand their own scripture, which was a completely ridiculous statement since Creme warps the meaning of every Bible passage he quotes from. Creme even had the audacity to compare Christian’s criticism of Maitreya to the Jews’ criticism of Jesus 2000 years ago.
Meanwhile, in the chat room the listeners were lamenting about how “hateful” the Christian was and mentioning how love and acceptance is needed. At this moment, I had a mini-epiphany about New Age followers. These people are so indoctrinated in this stuff that they are on a completely different mental wavelength than a fundamentalist Christian. They are so open-minded that they become completely incapable of discernment. New Agers’ desire to be accepting of all points-of-view and to love all points-of-view impairs their ability to differentiate between right and wrong; good and evil. Therefore, it was no surprise that a New Ager then called up the show and said that the Book of John supported Creme’s assertion that Maitreya is the one that all religions are waiting for.
Creme claimed that Maitreya and "Jesus" (fallen angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel) were inseparable “brothers” always working together. Creme mentioned he was confident that most Christians would accept Maitreya as their savior.
Creme was asked about the television interview that he claimed Maitreya gave. Creme ducked the question and rambled on about the need for peace, justice, sharing, and trust. The New Agers in the chat room noticed that Creme was ducking the question and they were unhappy about it. However, the unhappiness did not turn into skepticism for Creme because the New Agers still ate up everything Creme said afterwards as the truth.
Overall, the interview was hard to listen to because of all the blasphemies that Creme spoke of and because of the undiscerning chat room participants that believed every single word that Creme had to say. Creme has another live interview scheduled this Thursday at 1PM/EST on Blogtalk Radio. It was revealed today that Creme has an assistant that contacts all these radio shows and asks if they would be interested to interview Creme. This explains why he is appearing so frequently now. More to come…