Creme Live Interview Notes 1/9/2010

Earlier today Benjamin Creme granted another live interview. This interview was the longest one he’s given in his mini-media tour this week.

Creme confirmed what I wrote in my report about the 2012 Phenomenon by saying that nothing would happen in 2012 and by going as far as calling 2012 a “red herring”. Creme went on to say that the Ascended Masters have no interest in 2012. My research indicates that Creme’s statement about how the Ascended Masters have no interest in 2012 is a lie because the Ascended Masters do care about 2012 a lot. In fact, my research indicates that the Ascended Masters are the ones behind everything related to 2012 and plan to use it to induce people to raise their consciousness levels which would enable them to receive Maitreya/Satan’s evil energy. You can read the 2012 report at the following links:

Creme discussed his experiences with UFOs. Creme spoke about his work for a UFO group that focused on the spiritual mission of UFOs. Creme also described his experience interviewing the British Air Ministry officials about UFOs in the 1950s. Creme confirmed again that UFOs work to prepare the way for Maitreya, that is, UFOs work for Maitreya.

Creme talked about life on other planets. Creme claims there is life on other planets, but this life exists on a spiritual level. Creme mentioned that Mars is home to the solar system’s UFO factory. Although it is practically impossible to confirm if Creme’s statement is true, there is something we can glean from Creme’s statement if we assume it is true. Why is there a need for a UFO factory? It must be that some of their UFOs are being destroyed. There must be an invisible spiritual war going on-the one described by Paul in Ephesians 6.

Creme talked about the characteristics of aliens and UFOs. He said that UFOs and aliens mainly operate at a higher level of existence (essentially at a spiritual level). Creme said that virtually all people cannot see aliens and UFOs unless they choose to make themselves visible.

I see Creme’s comments about aliens and UFOs as confirmation that aliens are actually low-level fallen angels because they are beings that exist at a primarily spiritual level and work for the Antichrist Spirit Maitreya.

Creme also mentioned that there are a few people who can see higher-levels of existence (higher dimensions)-an ability he calls etheric vision. He said that a growing number of children possess etheric vision with some degree. It sounds like Creme was speaking of Indigo children… Creme mention that mankind will eventually learn about something called the etheric plane. I do not know enough about this yet to comment. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if something evil will come after people learned about the etheric plane-IF it exists and IF people actually learn about it and believe it.

The overall interview was quite interesting to listen to. In the early part of the interview the main host admitted to Creme that he was skeptical about any messianic figure coming and sounded like he knew nothing about Maitreya. As the interview went on the host suddenly became enthralled with what Creme was saying and just about became a follower of Maiterya by the end of the interview. The co-host, who did not appear until the later part of the interview, showed even more enthusiasm for Creme’s message than the main host. Near the end (70 minutes into the interview) the main host commented that Creme expressed everything he believed in a way he could never express before himself. I do not know if this was a case where Maitreya/Satan’s evil energy entered into the two hosts, but this was definitely a case where two people were being so open-minded that their brains fell out.

You can hear the interview at the following link:

I plan to have more about Creme in the coming days. Creme has another live interview scheduled next week and the new edition of Share International Magazine should be out soon. There is another topic I heard Creme discuss in multiple interviews this week that I feel is important to focus on. I may discuss that topic in the next entry.