Another Supernatural Event During Another Creme Live Interview?

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Today I listened to two live Benjamin Creme interviews. I’ll have stuff to say about what was actually said in these interviews in the coming days, but today I thought I would share something pretty odd about the 2nd interview.

The interviewer and Creme got into a pretty heated argument about Israel. Creme claimed that Israel was the obstacle preventing peace in the Mideast while the interviewer pointed out that every time Israel offered concessions they were attacked by the Palestinians. One example I remember the interviewer cited was the Year 2000 when Israel offered big concessions at Camp David while the Palestinians responded with an intifada. Around this time I heard a strange noise coming from the studio of the radio station where the interview was being broadcasted from. Moments later the computer system at the radio station was apparently paralyzed.

The callers on hold were all hung up on and Creme was suddenly no longer on the phone line. The interviewer said several times that they were trying to get Creme back on the air, but they were unable to reach him. The oddest thing was that the radio host announced that the radio station was unable to go to a commercial break because the computer system was frozen. The radio host then had to fill time for the remainder of the hour (perhaps 15 minutes). When the hour ended (which coincided with how long Creme’s radio interview was supposed to last) the radio station was finally able to go to a commercial break.

While it is possible that the radio studio’s computer system went down on its own, I would not be a bit surprised if what happened was not a coincidence. Something invisible might have gone “we have had enough of this” and decided to paralyze the radio station’s computer system so that Creme would not be further embarrassed (for a lack of a better term) by the interviewer.

What happened today isn’t as ominous as what happened on George Noory where Noory and his audience became ill as they listened to Creme, but it something that I will remember for awhile.