Joe Coleman Makes Major Failed Prediction

Today is the day Joe Coleman, an alleged clairvoyant and channel for the “Virgin Mary”, claims that Mary will appear in Ireland to give predictions concerning the second coming of Christ. At this moment, I don’t have a list of predictions made at this event. Fortunately, however, I do not have to wait until 2012 to demonstrate that Coleman is a false prophet after he made a major failed prediction a few days ago.

The Irish Central published a prediction by Coleman regarding a major catastrophe that would occur prior to the “Mary’s” appearance on Tuesday. Coleman predicted the following:

“The oceans will explode - The Atlantic Ocean - Three major volcanic explosions under the sea - Tsunamis both sides of the Ocean between America and Europe. Fire will fall from the heavens. Ireland is under massive threat from the evil one. Pray Pray Pray for peace,”

The Irish Central states that Coleman said that the catastrophe would occur two days prior to “Mary’s” appearance, which means it was supposed to happen on Sunday. Neither the Irish Central nor I have found any reports of a major tsunami wreaking havoc on the U.S. or Europe like Coleman predicted.

Coleman’s failed prediction demonstrates that the source behind his predictions is not from God as the Bible says that a true prophet of God is a person who gets all predictions correct.

  • Deu 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

I do not doubt there is something going on spiritually in Ireland, but what is going on isn’t good. As I’ve long suspected, the source behind the apparitions in Ireland is evil. Unfortunately, there is going to be people who will forgive Coleman for making a failed prediction and will continue to follow him like people still continue to follow Duke Puntalangit after he made several failed predictions.

I’ll continue to keep a watch on this situation in case there is anything else we can glean from the situation in the coming days.