President of the European Central Bank Wants Global Governance

Late Friday night I was amused by a report about how Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB) or the European version of Ben Bernanke, proclaimed that global governance was “extremely necessary” to prevent another financial crisis during a speech he gave to the Council of Foreign Relations.

Here is a video report highlighting Trichet’s comments on global governance: Link

I’m not surprised by Trichet’s comments because a person that ascends to that kind of position of power tends to support global integration. However, it’s ridiculous that the head of the ECB talks about how global governance is necessary to prevent another financial crisis when his own institution can barely handle a simple bailout of Greece. The Greek crisis has escalated in recent months partly because European rules forbid Greece to print its own money and European leaders and policymakers have taken forever to decide whether they want to help bailout Greece and how to do so. Therefore, it’s laughable that Trichet believes a global governing body can do a better job of managing the world’s economic and financial system than the current people in charge (although the current people in charge are not exactly helmsmen of genius themselves).

Nevertheless, I believe there will be some form of global governance in the area of economics and finance following the global economic and financial collapse as world leaders at that time will say “We must regulate the world’s economic and financial system in order to avoid another collapse!” It’s going to happen eventually because the Book of Revelation tells us that Antichrist and his minions will regulate the buying and selling of items.

  • Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Right now I'm somewhat amused by world leaders who talk about the benefits of global governance since these leaders cannot even handle their own countries and areas of responsibility. However, one day it’s not going to be laughing matter. It will be reality...

On an unrelated note, I have a couple of polls where I am looking for some feedback. I'd appreciate it if you vote if you have not already.