An Update and Quick Reaction to Israel Storming a Turkish Ship

Even though it is Memorial Day Weekend and I have not posted anything in a couple of days I have not taken a break. I have been feverishly at work trying to write two versions of the 2nd Edition of Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future.

This past Saturday I heard an interview with this New Ager/Edgar Cayce expert which interested me so much that I will probably write about it in the coming days. For those reading this blog for the first time, I believe Edgar Cayce is a false prophet instead of a genuine prophet like Isaiah or Ezekiel. The interview I heard had some information that enables me to shed a bit more light into Edgar Cayce.

I’m sure most people know by now that Israel stormed a Turkish ship full of pro-Palestinian activists that was bound for the Gaza Strip. What people may not know is that the people guiding the ship knew in advance that Israel was likely to act as it headed towards the Gaza Strip. Israel has a naval blockade established to prevent ships from entering the Gaza Strip so any ship that challenges the blockade risks getting boarded. Therefore, do not believe anyone who says that Israeli forces stormed the ship unprovoked or without cause.

There is going to be a lot of finger-pointing in the coming days and probably some escalation in animosity between Israel and Turkey, but I do not believe this is going to be some catalyst that will launch us into the 70th Week of Daniel. Some people who watch current events for signs of the End Times overreact to incidents like this. I do not believe this is not an event that merits sounding an alarm bell.