A Timeline of Wicked Events of the Past 150 Years

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

A reader asked me to create a timeline of events surrounding Share International. I think a timeline would be very useful because it helps give us some kind of idea what has happened and how quickly events have happened. I have decided to make a timeline that goes beyond listing the things Share International has done. Instead I have made a timeline that lists many of the major events of the past 150 years that relate to the Ascended Masters (the spiritual wickedness in high places mentioned in Ephesians 6:12) and Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters).

Note: Much of the information used to create the timeline is from unbiblical sources. Therefore, some of the events listed here may or may not have actually happened or happened like the sources claim.

1851: Helena Blavatsky first encountered an Ascended Master named El Morya while visiting London.

1875: Helena Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society, which still remains one of the premiere occult organizations today that supposedly teaches divine secrets.

1877 to 1888: Blavatsky published Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine under the direction of several Ascended Masters. In fact, here is a photo of Blavatsky with allegedly three Ascended Masters in human form. Link

1919: Alice Bailey began to write books under the direction of an Ascended Master named Djwhal Khul.

1920 to 1941: Ascended Master El Morya inspired Helena Roerich’s Agni Yoga book series.

Early 1920s: Dietrich Eckart initiated Adolf Hitler, who I believe was the seventh king of Revelation 17:10, into The Secret Doctrine. Later Bailey and Creme acknowledge that Hitler was possessed by “antichrist energy” like Nero (the man who I believe was the sixth king of Revelation 17:10).

1922: New Group of World Servers is formed by Maitreya.

1945: The United Nations (U.N.) is formed…Ascended Master Djwhal Khul told Bailey that they helped to create and guide the U.N.

January 1959: Benjamin Creme is first contacted by an Ascended Master

1972: Creme began training under the guidance of his Ascended Master

June 1974: Creme began to get overshadowed, a process where a person permits a spirit to temporary possess them, by Maitreya, which continues to this day.

1975: Creme began to talk publicly about Maitreya

September 6, 1977: Creme gives first public message from Maitreya to the public.

July 7, 1977: Maitreya supposedly appeared for the first time in a physical body and travelled from the Himalayas to London (I am skeptical about this particular claim).

1982: Tara Center (now Share International) advertises that Maitreya’s appearance is imminent in major newspapers

June 11, 1988: Maitreya appears in Nairobi, Kenya in front of thousands.

April 21-22 1990: A major conference is held in London. Maitreya hosted reporters, world leaders, religious leaders, diplomats, etc. Creme claims that Yasser Arafat and King Hussein of Jordan attended this conference.

November 25, 1997: Creme holds a major press conference in Los Angeles to discuss Maitreya and the Ascended Masters.

Late 1990s: Share International launches another media campaign and website to promote the imminent appearance of Maitreya

December 11, 2008: Creme predicts the coming of a “star” which will herald Maitreya’s appearance on American television (one week after it appears). The star later appears, but the one week prediction fails.

July 31, 2009: Coast to Coast AM host George Noory and many listeners fall ill during a live interview with Creme.

January 14, 2010: Creme announces that Maitreya appeared on American television

For those who want to go even deeper into what Share International has done you can access their past press releases at the following Link. In addition, Lookup Fellowship has posted an alternative timeline relating to Maitreya. Link.