My View on the Prospect for a Major Middle East War Soon

There is a belief among some Christians that we are going to soon see a major Middle East war which will fulfill a lot of Bible prophecy. This fear was heightened last week after Israel’s seizing of a Turkish flotilla. I checked out a few Christian writers for their reaction to this news event and they seemed very worried that End Times prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

I briefly mentioned last week that I did not believe that we needed to be too concerned about what happened. One of the main reasons I am not so concerned about what is happening is that I do not currently believe that the prophecies contained in Isaiah 17, Psalms 83, Obadiah, Ezekiel 35-36, Ezekiel 38, and Ezekiel 39 are prophesies that are going to be fulfilled in the short-term future (i.e. the next five years). There are a couple of reasons why I hold this view:

  1. I do not believe the End Times are near as the world needs to change drastically in the next several years to be ready for the End Times.
  2. I believe these are prophesies concern the End Times after the Antichrist has appeared as a major player on the world stage. One of the emails I received suggested that I give my views on Isaiah 17, Psalms 83, Obadiah, Ezekiel 35-36, Ezekiel 38, and Ezekiel 39. This is a large number of chapters to cover and I am not sure yet how to cover them so I’ll work on answering this one in the next several days and weeks.

Another reason why I am not so worried about the situation between Israel and Turkey bringing on the End Times is that Israel has endured war before. Recall, just a few years ago Israel had a war with Hezbollah that was broadcasted almost 24/7 on television news channels (I even remember Fox News having a panel of so-called “prophecy experts” proclaiming that the war between Israel and Hezbollah was going to usher in the End Times). In addition, Israel had wars against multiple opponents in the past (i.e. the Six Day War and Yom Kippur War) yet those wars did not bring on the End Times nor fulfilled Psalms 83. In order to argue why an approaching war between Israel and its neighbors will fulfill Psalms 83 or other prophetic verses you have to answer how circumstances surrounding this war would be different from the other past wars Israel has taken on multiple opponents simultaneously.

I believe Israel is going to be entangled in more conflict in the coming years because Satan is always trying to find ways to harass and eliminate Israel. I even believe that the number of conflicts that Israel is going to get entangled in will increase in the coming years because the United States most likely is going to stop supporting Israel. Without the United States in place Israel is likely going to experience great instability as extremists and radical regimes attack the country without having to worry about American involvement and support for Israel.

However, Satan will not come close to inflicting End Times-levels of distress on Israel as long as Michael is in place. When Michael “stands up” Israel will be in big trouble.

  • Dan 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Anytime Israel gets embroiled in conflict there is reason to be concerned because it is another attempt for Satan to weaken or eliminate Israel. However, Israel is not going to be involved in any End Times-fulfilling conflicts until the time is right. I do not see the conditions ripe for an End Times conflict just yet…