Insights on Edgar Cayce 2

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

A few weeks ago an Edgar Cayce author and expert was interviewed on the popular late-night talk radio program Coast to Coast AM. I did not have an opportunity to listen to the interview until this past Saturday, but I am glad I heard it because there was some interesting information about how Cayce, a man who I believe the forces of evil used, received information to make predictions and some interesting information about some of Cayce’s predictions. I will share with you what information stood out to me now.

Note: Here is what I wrote about Edgar Cayce a few months ago: Link

The author proclaimed that Edgar Cayce communicated with nymphs, faeries, and angels when he was young. I cannot confirm if Cayce was actually in contact with such beings when he was younger since no one else around him was, but if it happened it means that Cayce was already open to being utilized by the forces of evil since he would have been able to contact spiritual entities and I highly doubt that creatures like faeries and nymphs are good (if they actually exist).

A few months ago I wrote that I suspected that some psychics get their information from evil spiritual beings when they are in a trance during a reading. The author confirmed my suspicions when he said that spiritual beings often gave Cayce information about the topic he was asked about while he was in trance. This bit of information would explain how/why Cayce was sometimes able to predict the existence of things that had not yet been discovered like the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • These evil spiritual beings would probably know about something like the Dead Sea Scrolls because they probably have been monitoring the activities of people for thousands of years. In the case of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there were probably spiritual beings monitoring the activities of the Essenes.

The author also mentioned that Cayce predicted that one day the different Christian denominations would gradually reunite and that the major monotheistic religions would reunite again. This comment stood out to me more than any other comment the author made about Cayce in the interview because the prediction sounds a lot like what the messengers of evil have predicted (although they predict that all religions would unite). According to people like Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme, the plan is to gradually breakdown the barriers between different denominations of Christianity and to eventually create a one-world religion by fusing the major religions together. In other words, the plan is to establish Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth with the creation of a one-world religious system.

The fact that Cayce’s prediction is similar to what other messengers of evil have predicted reinforces my belief that Cayce is someone who was used by the forces of evil. I suspect the forces of evil gave Cayce some truthful information and helped Cayce“heal” people so that people looking for non-biblical sources of revelation would become avid followers of his. By building up Cayce’s credibility, the forces of evil could then exploit people’s trust in him. People who believe that Cayce truly was a prophet would become susceptible to believing in Cayce’s teachings on spiritual matters, which align very closely with New Age thought.

  • The author spoke a lot about Cayce’s teachings on spiritual issues and most of Cayce’s teachings were completely unbiblical: from the idea that there is reincarnation to the idea that people can achieve a higher-self by looking within.

There is probably a lot more to Cayce than what the author mentioned so there may be more entries on Cayce in the future.