Patel Thinks Creme is “Bonkers”

Earlier this month I jokingly said that Benjamin Creme (the official spokesmen of Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters (a group of spiritual beings mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”), could play mind games with some people by actually meeting with Raj Patel, a man who some people suspect is the Antichrist, while he was visiting San Francisco earlier this month. A reader just posted a link to a story seen on the New York Times’s website about a meeting that took place between Patel and Creme during Creme's trip to San Fransisco.

Although I personally do not believe Patel is the Antichrist, it is an interesting read nonetheless as the article also covers Creme’s trip to San Francisco. The article also includes comments from Patel about his impressions of Creme after meeting him and attending his lecture. It seems Patel thought that Creme was “bonkers” and whose vision of the future was impossible.

  • Again, there is the link to the story: link

Glenn Beck Restores Racism to America


If you want to know who attended Glenn Beck's " Restoring Honor" Rally at the Lincoln Memorial last week-end, have a look at the video below.  It is a series of interviews that will just blow your mind ( and you won't believe the fashion statements either)

What a mad melange of racism and xenophobia, not to mention ignorance.  These folks know how to parrot what they are told but not how to think for themselves. Clearly the inmates are running the asylum. Glenn Beck may be restoring  something to America, but it is certainly not honor. 

God help Glenn Beck and God help America is all I can say

What Happened on Monday...

I apologize for the lack of a blog post on Monday. Sometimes writers get a case of writer’s bloc that is so bad that they are unable to formulate coherent sentences. This is what has plagued me for the past 48 hours. I literally starred at my laptop for several hours on Sunday night and on Monday trying to figure out what I was going to write about. I had several potential ideas, but I simply could not turn any of these ideas into something worth reading.

Although I still have a serious case of writer’s bloc, I do have something to share with you regarding something that took place on Monday.

I received an email from a person representing the promotional department of a certain company whose name I’ll keep private. The individual kindly asked whether I would be willing to engage in a promotional campaign where I promote their company’s products on this blog. In exchange, the company would provide me items to give away to readers of this blog.

I was honored that a company found my blog worthy enough that they inquired about a promotional campaign. I thought about this proposal for awhile, but I ultimately decided that it would not be right if I accepted the company’s offer. Although I think it is nice to have good things to give away to loyal readers of this blog, I would be expected to write about topics/products that do not directly relate to current events, the ongoing spiritual warfare, and the End Times. I imagine that many of you would not appreciate reading product reviews especially when you are bombarded with solicitations and advertising from other websites, television, radio, etc.

I apologize to any readers who might have been interested in winning some free stuff. Perhaps someday another company will offer a more doable deal that will enable me to have just as nice or even nicer stuff to give away. Until that time you’ll probably have to just deal with my views and analysis on current events, Bible prophecy, the ongoing spiritual warfare, etc.

Fabulous Cartoon Reblog from The Political Carnival

The cartoon of the Day from The Political Carnival says it all. I could not resist re-blogging it here.  The sub-title could be " My mind is made up. Do not confuse me with the facts" and it is perfect for today's Glenn Beck/ Sarah Palin show in Washington. I guess it is better to laugh than to cry.

Happy week-end all

How Your Cell Phone Can Be a Tool of Government Surveillance

The topic of government surveillance is a sensitive one for many people because people throughout the world do not trust their government. As a result, it is not a complete surprise for people to hear about how their government is monitoring their activities or how their government can monitor their activities. Nevertheless, many people still get enraged whenever they hear examples of how their government is monitoring their activities.

Earlier this week a lot of people were angered by a headline about how it is legal in some U.S. states for government officials to install GPS devices underneath people’s car and track their car’s whereabouts without informing the people they monitor. While this recent revelation is startling, it is not the most erogenous example of secret government surveillance that I can think of.

A few years ago U.S. media reported about how the U.S. government has the ability to legally utilize American’s cell phone as a listening device whether it is on or off. Apparently some peoples’ cell phone has software installed that converts their phone into a microphone and transmitter. This microphone and transmitter enables the U.S. government to monitor any audio conversation that may occur nearby a programmed cell phone. Therefore, the U.S. government has the ability to monitor an American’s conversation if a cell phone is nearby (whether they actually monitor an ordinary citizen’s conversation is a different story). Here is a television report about the topic: Link

Here is a more in-depth article about the topic.

The lesson that should be taken from this is to always be careful with what you say because someone may be monitoring you.

  • The lesson also applies to those of you living outside the U.S. because the U.S. is renowned for its relatively free society. If the relatively benign U.S. government utilizes a variety of methods to monitor their citizens’ activities I can only imagine the lengths that Australian, Asian, South American, and European governments go to monitor their citizens’ activities.

How the Federal Reserve Can Win the Battle But Lose the War

It’s been awhile since I’ve written about an economic and financial topic on the blog. I have not neglected to follow these issues recently as I still watch the global economy and financial markets rather closely. The reason I have not written about these issues is because there is not much new to say about these issues.

  • The U.S. and global economy is still weakening with atrocious economic data to support this notion. For instance, homes sales in the U.S. plunged to a 15 year low in the month of July. The fear (and it’s a reasonable one to have) is that the U.S. real estate market is going to experience another downturn.
  • The sovereign debt crisis remains as governments around the world still have major fiscal problems. Ireland’s credit rating was downgraded on Wednesday even though they have done more cutting back on spending than what the European Union and the International Monetary Fund has asked countries like Spain and Greece to do.
  • Local governments also face huge fiscal problems. For instance, the state of California is going to withhold $3 billion from school districts across the state because they need money to pay bondholders. School districts across the state desperately need the money, but the state cannot afford to miss a debt payment or the situation will get much worse. California is likely going to issue IOUs soon if it cannot get its fiscal house in order.

A couple of days ago I read an article that does a great job of explaining a major problem that the U.S. Federal Reserve faces. The article explains that even if the Federal Reserve fixes the U.S. economy by returning it to a sustainable growth pattern the outcome could be much higher inflation or even hyperinflation. The reason much higher inflation could develop from a real (not an illusionary one like the U.S. government has touted for the past year) economic recovery is that banks would finally lend out the tremendous amount of money that has been deposited into them recently to people (up to this point banks have been very reluctant to lend money out to people-so much so that U.S. politicians are unhappy with the banks).

  • The money lent out would lead to increased demand for items in the U.S. economy since Americans would have access to more money to buy items. This increased demand would lead to higher prices if supply cannot respond to meet this demand in time (which is probable since it takes time for companies to adjust to a new demand picture). If the process gets out of control (which is quite possible since so much money could potentially be lent out that is not being lent out right now) people will start believing that inflation is a major problem and will take steps to buy things they need before prices increase further. People’s desire to buy items before prices increase further increases the demand for these items, and as a result, prices increase even faster for these items. This is a vicious cycle that can lead to very high inflation or hyperinflation, especially if people lose faith in paper money during the process.

The article does a great job conveying the notion that if the Federal Reserve wins the battle (restoring the U.S. economy on a sustainable growth trajectory) they could still easily lose the war (maintaining people’s faith in paper money and maintaining price stability). You can read the article at the following link.

Will Everyone Just Shut Up About the Ground Zero Mosque?

I am so sick of the comments on TV and online about the " Ground Zero Mosque" that I can hardly stand it.   I am offended by the hysteria and  mis informed commentary and now I just have to say, will everybody please just shut up?

Maybe New Yorkers should have a say, but the nonsensical victim mentality of those from all over the United States who oppose the construction of an Islamic community center in downtown Manhattan is just ludicrous, as is the number of Senators and Congressmen weighing in on the issue for purely political reasons.

The demonstrations and the mob mentality are just awful with their assumptions that all Muslims are terrorists and that this lower Manhattan neighborhood is " hallowed ground"  (oh puhleeeze-- the neighborhood is full of everything from fast food to strip joints). Frankly, I think it is just crazy. But then these seem to be the same people who want to think of America as a " Christian country" ( their brand of Christianity of course) and who simply won't believe that the founding fathers very firmly rejected the notion of  a State religion.

Have these folks thought about what a slippery slope they are on?  If  you can reject the construction of a mosque today, then a Mormon center,  a Synagogue, a Christian Science Reading room, or an Evangelical Christian Megachurch  could be next. 

Oh yes, and by the way, what kind of message are you sending to the Muslim street in the Middle East... or in Dearborn, Michigan for that matter?   Let's see,half of Pakistan is under water and millions of Muslims are in terrible shape there and desperately in need of help, and all you can think about is stopping a Sufi imam and his congregation from building a community center in downtown Manhattan that caters to the larger community and incorporates a mosque-- wow-- who are the assholes in this picture hmmmmm?

For those of you who don't know it, Thomas Jefferson rewrote the New Testament taking out all references to miracles and the divinity of Jesus.   George Washington though officially Anglican, was a deist who did not often attend church and never took communion. He used to leave after the sermon whenever he could and while he was a believer in God, he was not religious.  Boston and Philadelphia were founded by religious dissenters who knew very well what religious bigotry wedded to political power could do.There was a reason that our constitution mandated  not only strict separation of church and state, but also, tolerance for all faiths, no matter how oddball-- and we have got some pretty oddball religions here, I must say.

 As long as church and state are truly separate, neither the Taliban nor the Southern Baptists can force their religion on anybody but they are both free to practice their religion without fear.   Their protection is our protection too . So, just shut up and stop whining OK?  You  might be surprised at how it all turns out.

My View on the Potential for an Antichrist Pope

An anonymous person strongly urged me to comment on a couple of videos that are apparently really popular on Youtube right now regarding the potential identity of Antichrist. Here are the links to the videos that the anonymous person posted.

I did finally find time to watch the videos so I will comment on the videos here in this blog post.

The videos’ producer(s) argue that the Catholic Church is the harlot/false religious system of Revelation 17. This is my first issue with the videos because I do not believe the Catholic Church is the false religious system described in Revelation 17 for three main reasons:

  • The false religious system of Babylon the Great has its roots in ancient Babylon (Rev 17:5). The typical argument people who argue that the Catholic Church represents Babylon the Great is that the Catholic Church promotes a form of mother-child worship which has been found throughout history, including in the ancient Babylonian religion. The problem with this argument is that Antichrist is going to demand that the world worship him and the dragon. The supposed main link between the religion of ancient Babylon and Catholicism today will be broken during the End Times by Antichrist. For more on what I believe what Babylon the Great represents click this Link
  • Satan would restrict himself too much if the false religious system is represented by the Catholic Church. What would Satan do with the followers of Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and other non-Catholic religions? Would he require them to suddenly abandon their beliefs and make them learn a completely new religion with different terminology than the one they previously practiced? As I stated before, I believe fusing the world’s religions together makes much more sense because it enables followers of different faiths to quickly learn about the one-world religion in terms that they are familiar with. Using familiar terminology significantly accelerates the learning process for people, which is vital during the End Times since Satan does not have a lot of time to convert most people on Earth into a follower of his/Antichrist.
  • People often identify Babylon the Great City as the city of Rome because the city is known to sit on seven hills. The idea then is to say that the false religious system is Catholicism because its center of power is in Rome. The issue I have with this line of thinking is that Jerusalem is also a city on seven hills. In addition, scriptural evidence supports the identity of Babylon the Great City as Jerusalem (for more on this click this link).

The videos assume that the seven kings described in Revelation 17 are seven Popes. If we assume that the seven kings described in Revelation 17 are Popes, a major issue we would have is to identify which Popes are the seven Popes described in the Book of Revelation. This is a difficult issue to deal with because there have been far more than seven Popes in history.

  • I have Bible commentaries from a few hundred years ago and each commentary presents a different combination of Popes. The videos above assume that the current Pope is the seventh king and that the sixth Popes before him are the other six kings.

Inevitably, the identity of the seven Popes is strictly arbitrary. I do not believe the identification of the seven kings is so arbitrary...

  • The dragon of Revelation 12 has ten horns and seven heads (with crowns on them). This association between the seven heads and the dragon implies that the seven heads/kings are satanically-inspired leaders. I personally do not believe that Popes are satanically-inspired leaders. In contrast, I believe the Egyptian Pharaoh who tried to kill all Jewish first-born males, Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, Antiochus Epiphanies IV, Nero, and Adolf Hitler were satanically-inspired leaders who played big roles in Satan’s attempt to stop Christ’s First Coming and His upcoming eternal reign.

The videos’ producer(s) argue that the Antichrist will be a demon that impersonates Pope John Paul II. Even if the videos’ producers are correct that the Antichrist will be a Pope, it is hard to envision Antichrist being a counterfeit Pope John Paul II when the Antichrist is a war leader who boasts about how great he is (Daniel 11:36-39). The characteristics of Antichrist are not the characteristics that people would associate with the real Pope John Paul II. I imagine many people would realize that there is something really wrong when “Pope John Paul II” is not acting like himself.

In addition, a counterfeit John Paul II (like any other Pope) would have to explain why he is urging people to worship him and the dragon when he urged people to follow Christ and the Virgin Mary during his first time in power as Pope. This will be an extremely difficult thing for a counterfeit Pope to accomplish because he will need to explain why he strongly urged people to worship the “wrong” individuals during his first time as Pope without losing the trust of people and making people suspicious…

I agree with the videos’ producer(s) that the final Pope is unlikely going to be a Christian’s best friend. However, I highly doubt that it is going to be a counterfeit John Paul II. If Satan really wants to deceive people he could have a fallen angel posing as the Apostle Peter (“Peter the Roman” in St. Malachy’s demonically-inspired prophecy) serve as the final Pope and have the counterfeit Peter work under the guidance of Ascended Master (a spiritual being mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the "spiritual wickedness in high places") Jesus Sananda Immanuel (the counterfeit of Jesus of Nazareth and the likely False Prophet of Revelation 13).

In sum, I do not see how the Antichrist can be a future Pope.

My Little Horn (Antichrist) Ascension Scenario

I’ve made it clear in my recent blog posts that I believe that the Antichrist is going to emerge as the leader of Russia. Yesterday I wrote why I did not believe the Antichrist was Vladimir Putin even though Putin is the most important political figure in Russia today. Today I’ll share with you how I currently envision how the Antichrist’s future rise from relative obscurity to a major political player is going to play out.

One of the key conditions that I think we need to see before Antichrist can even emerge from Russia is the integration of North Ossetia and South Ossetia into one political entity (representing the land of Magog) within Russia.

  • Right now North Ossetia and South Ossetia are separated: North Ossetia is a Russian Republic while South Ossetia is an independent territory that is technically not an official part of Russia yet even though the Russians have a presence there.
  • The integration is very likely going to take place because the people of North Ossetia and South Ossetia have longed to recreate the kingdom of Alania, which was the kingdom of the Alans several hundred years ago (the Alans were one of the Scythian tribes).
  • If/When this event occurs it will give every Ossetian the ability to enter into mainstream Russian politics (right now only those from North Ossetia can), which is something that has happened before with major consequences for the world (more on that a little bit later).

From this region, I expect an extremely dynamic, charismatic, vibrant, and ruthless political figure to emerge. I anticipate this man will obtain a prominent position within Russia’s parliament as he rapidly builds a large group of supporters. At some point (most likely during a time of internal turmoil within Russia and turmoil for the rest of the world), I anticipate this man will violently overthrow whomever is the President of Russia and declare himself leader of Russia.

  • Thus, we are likely seeing the Antichrist emerge when we see the President of Russia get violently replaced by a dynamic leader. The dynamic leader is likely the Antichrist...

Shortly after Antichrist’s ascension in Russia I expect him to fulfill the rest of Daniel 7:24 by overthrowing the governments of the Republic of Georgia (Tubal) and Armenia (Meshech).

The idea that a major world leader arising from North/South Ossetia may seem unrealistic to most people because most people probably have never heard of the Ossetians. However, the scenario I have described is not unprecedented because it has taken place before.

  • In 1879 a man named Iosif Dzhugashvili was born in Gori, Georgia (which is only a few miles from where South Ossetia is currently located today) to a Georgian mother and an Ossetian father. You probably have not seen the name “Iosif Dzhugashvili” in the list of past Russian and Soviet leaders because he gave himself a different name when he entered politics-everyone knows him as Joseph Stalin, one of the few men in history who could match Adolf Hitler in terms of evilness.

In essence, I am watching for a sort of repeat of history with the rise of Antichrist. Again, I understand that the scenario I described sounds really strange, but my research leads me to taking this scenario most seriously.

Vladimir Putin’s Role in History: Is He the Antichrist?

A reader asked in response to my article about the Obama-Antichrist speculation whether I thought that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin could be the Antichrist. I suppose the reasoning behind this question is that I stated that my research suggests that Antichrist is going to rise from Russia.

Vladimir Putin has been the central figure of Russian politics for the past decade and potentially could remain the central figure in the next decade.

  • Although Putin is no longer the President of Russia, there is a loophole which makes him eligible to run for a new six-year presidential term in 2012. Even if Putin chooses to remain Prime Minister of Russia, he still would wield a lot of influence. In fact, some argue that Putin is still the man that runs the country and that the current Russian President is just a figurehead.

Given Putin’s position of power in an important country like Russia, asking whether Putin is the Antichrist is a good question. It’s a topic that I’ve wanted to write about in the past, but have not found a good way to introduce it. Therefore, in this blog post I’ll address whether Vladimir Putin is the Antichrist.

There are a few reasons why I do not believe Putin is the Antichrist.

  • The Antichrist is characterized as the “little horn” in Daniel 7:8, which implies he is a leader who arises out of relative obscurity. Putin is a well known leader throughout the world.
  • Recall that Antichrist will not desire women (Daniel 11:37). Vladimir Putin was married and was rumored to marry again in the future.

Putin also lacks the charisma that Antichrist likely is going to have. Although Putin speaks fluent German and Russian, he does not have a command of the English language. It is difficult for a person to gain the support and trust of English-speaking people when he or she lacks the ability to communicate effectively in English.

Vladimir Putin’s role in history is to help prepare Russia for the rise of Antichrist and to ensure that Russia remains a major adversary to the United States and Israel:

  • Israel and the United States can blame Putin for making the decision to startup Iran’s nuclear reactor this past weekend.
  • The biggest thing that I believe Putin has done so far since his rise to power is engineer the Georgian-Russian War in 2008 because that war brought the territory of South Ossetia under the control of Russia. The absorption of South Ossetia into Russia is very important because researchers profiled in a National Geographic article believe that the surviving remnants of the Scythians, the people whom Flavius Josephus identified as Magog, are located in South Ossetia (and North Ossetia). In effect, the land of Magog is now contained within the boundaries of Russia because of Putin’s war. The war makes it possible for Antichrist to originate in the land of Magog and to take control of Russia… More on this can be found at this link

Antichrist’s rise out of obscurity will involve the overthrowing of three leaders.

  • Dan 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

  • Dan 7:24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

It is possible that Antichrist overthrows Putin though I think there is a less than 50% chance that Putin is in power when it is time for Antichrist to begin his ascent.

  • The future is going to be highly unstable so it is going to be very difficult for any leader to maintain their position of power. Putin’s political survival is going to depend on his ability to suppress future civil unrest and his ability to manage Russia through a time of global turmoil. However, Putin will eventually be replaced… The question is whether he will be replaced peacefully or violently. If Putin is replaced by Antichrist it’s probably going to be violent…

My View On the Obama-Antichrist Speculation

The purpose of this blog entry is to address the speculation regarding whether Barack Obama is the Antichrist. There are people who believe he is the Antichrist, so it is important to address the issue. I want to clear up any misunderstandings that are out there about this issue…

Before I analyze Barack Obama specifically, I want to remind people that this type of speculation occurs with every U.S. President and most world leaders. There were people who thought that the Antichrist was Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, or even George W. Bush. There have been people who claim that the Antichrist is Prince Charles, which is really hard to imagine now since he sounds so clueless in recent interviews.

The speculation surrounding Obama seems to be a lot more intense right now than past leaders because Obama’s religious views seem to be much more ambiguous than any other U.S. President, Obama has a far greater global disposition than his predecessors, Obama has an arguably adversarial stance towards Israel, and the U.S.’s power has been arguably declining under his watch. Despite all of this, Obama does not match the Bible’s description of the Antichrist. Here are the following biblical reasons why I am comfortable stating that Barack Obama is not the Antichrist:

1. The Antichrist will not desire women (Daniel 11:37): Obama is married and has two daughters.

2. Antichrist will originate from the land of Magog (Ezekiel 38:2), which my research indicates is now a part of Russia after the Georgian-Russian War in 2008. The U.S. is not the land of Magog nor is Africa.

3. The Antichrist is a brilliant war leader (Daniel 11:39). Obama seems to know very little about the military or how to lead a military on a global conquest mission.

  • For instance, Obama announced a timetable to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq earlier in his presidency. The decision to announce a timetable to withdraw U.S. troops publically was a very questionable decision since all America’s enemies have to do is to simply wait until most U.S. troops withdraw before they wreak havoc in Iraq.

4. The Antichrist is an empire builder. One can argue that the U.S. has become a weaker country under Obama’s watch. Thus, it is hard to see how Obama can build an empire if he cannot strengthen the country that he currently runs.

5. There are only seven individuals who are eligible to be the Antichrist (Revelation 17:10): seven rulers of seven satanically-inspired empires in the past (five came before John’s time, one lived during John’s time, and the seventh was Adolf Hitler). I highly doubt that Obama is a past leader who has been falsely resurrected from the dead.

Obama is charismatic, but he is not even close to being as charismatic as some leaders in history. Remember, Obama skeptics have accused Obama of being completely inarticulate when he is without a teleprompter. All you have to do is watch a video clip of Hitler giving a speech and you’ll see that Obama does not possess nearly the same level of charisma as Hitler.

  • I do not believe Obama’s charisma even compares with Winston Churchill’s or Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s. Obama's charisma is above average, but it's not extraordinary.

Finally, it is difficult to see how Obama is going to be reelected in 2012 with the negative sentiment towards government officials in the U.S. The aura that surrounded Obama when he was elected is completely gone as there are more people who disapprove of Obama than approve. With the coming economic downturn the number of people who dislike Obama should continue to increase...

Tee Shirts for the Tea Party Crowd

At last,  tee shirts for the tea party.  I seem to be into tee shirts these days, but there are some very cool political  ones around, especially if you are a sane American watching the far right fall apart. Nothing like a good laugh to clear the air-- and perhaps the mind as well.

These dynamite designs are the brainchild of  Jeremy Kalgreen  who describes himself as " a slacker, former art student, and general ne'er-do-well."  You can view all of the  reasons why Jeremy is voting tea party here on his website and online shop and order up any of a dozen  in the collection for your next get-together on the White House Lawn.    I love this guy and I hope he makes a fortune.

Meanwhile, maybe these tee shirts will keep the tea  party crowd from carrying dumb mis-spelled  signs making ignorant statements. Hmmmm then again, don't hold your breath. Oh well, at least they will keep the rest of us laughing.

H/T to Political Irony for putting me on to  Jeremy and his political T's.

A Maitreya Overshadowing on Camera?

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

About a month ago a reader posted a link to a video on Youtube in the comments sections of one of my articles. The anonymous reader indicated that the video had creepy footage of Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of beings mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”). I finally found the time to check out the video and to analyze it.

The following video footage shows Creme when he is supposedly being overshadowed by Maitreya (overshadowing is an occult process where the person allows a spiritual entity to temporarily possess them). The video is not for the faint of heart so do not watch this video if you are concerned about what may happen after watching the video or if you have some fear. Here is the video footage: Link

There are a few things that stood out to me in this video. Here are my observations:

1. The person who made this video claims that Maitreya’s voice is coming out of nowhere from the audience. It is apparent that Creme’s mouth is not moving, but I’m not totally convinced that Maitreya’s actual voice is being heard. The voice speaking sounds similar to Creme’s voice so Creme may be acting like a ventriloquist who can speak without opening his or her mouth. I do not rule out of the possibility of Maitreya using Creme’s voice to speak though...

2. There is something strange going on with the lighting. An eye-witness who infiltrated a meeting over ten years ago spoke about the strange lighting he saw around Creme as he spoke. It’s almost appears there is a shadow of a figure on the wall behind Creme. You can see the shadow in the middle part of the video, but not in the early part of the video. Perhaps it's a real spiritual figure or it is an illusion created by the lighting in the room.

3. The people around the person filming this video are sitting there like nothing out of the ordinary is taking place. If I was there I would have probably prayed profusely to stop what is taking place or I would have left. It's odd watching people being so calm as this is taking place.

I got a small headache after watching this video a few times. The person who posted this video wisely stated that going to these lectures is a major spiritual risk. It’s definitely not something I would advise a Christian to do. After watching this video I do not think I would go to one of Creme’s lectures if one took place in my city because of the spiritual risks involved.

A Video Showing Nairobi, Kenya After Maitreya’s Visit

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

There is a video on Youtube showing documentarians interviewing people in Nairobi, Kenya about a Jesus sighting back in 1988. If you read my writings regularly you know that I believe the being that appeared in Nairobi, Kenya at that time was actually Maitreya, the leader of the Ascended Masters (a group of beings mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”). I think it is important to mention the video in this blog post because there are some people who still doubt that Maitreya is a real spiritual being.

  • The following is the video that is on Youtube: Link

There are several things that really stood out to me in this video. Here are some of my observations:

1. The documentarians actually interviewed the woman who walked with Maitreya during his appearance: Mary Akatsa. This alone makes this video fascinating.

2. The people attending the religious gathering shown in the video are wearing garments based on the garments that Maitreya wore during his appearance. It’s hard to believe that Maitreya is a hoax when people are so moved by what they saw that they start wearing the same type of garments as what Maitreya wore during his visit.

3. Mary claimed that “Jesus” told her that the blue and white colors were a sign that one could identify themselves as a child of God. The real Christ said that people should not look for signs (Matthew 12:29 and 24:24). The giving of the blue and white sign should have been a major clue for Mary that she was not dealing with the real Jesus.

4. The article about Maitreya’s visit mentioned that a bright “star” appeared over Nairobi a week before Maitreya’s appearance. Interestingly, the same “star” managed to appear over Nairobi during the filming of the documentary. The “star” is likely a UFO that is assigned to Nairobi to give people the impression that something supernatural did happen and to give people the impression that the city is blessed.

5. Mary gave insight behind the “miracle” healings that take place in her presence. Mary revealed that she is literally told who has problems, what these problems are, and that all she has to do is to mention a few simple words to heal a person.

  • What actually is probably happening is that there are evil entities inflicting illness on certain people and Mary is being told by these same entities which people they are inflicting illness on. When Mary attempts to heal people with her words these evil entities simply stop inflicting illness on the person she is attempting to heal. Thus, these miracle healings are probably a well-orchestrated deception that the forces of evil use to strengthen people’s faith in Mary as a messenger of a higher power and to strengthen people’s faith in signs and wonders.

I am not saying that Mary is an evil person. Mary seems to be a good woman who has good intentions. The issue is that the forces of evil appear to be exploiting Mary’s good intentions to their advantage…

People are entitled to not believe that Maitreya is a real spiritual being. However, the video above makes it more difficult to disprove that Maitreya exists in my humble opinion.

Why I Do Not Practice Yoga Anymore

I own a Wii and a special game for the Wii called Wii Fit. For those who are unfamiliar with Wii Fit, it’s an exercising game that enables users to engage in a variety of exercises to burn calories and to improve muscle tone, strength, balance, and flexibility. Wii Fit is a wildly popular game; selling more than 20 million consoles since its inception.

One of my favorite activities on Wii Fit used to be the yoga exercises. Wii Fit has around fifteen different types of yoga exercises that I could engage in from the Cobra to the Sun Salutation. I was really good at the yoga exercises and felt good after doing them. I enjoyed the experience so much that I practically did each Wii Fit yoga exercise twice each day.

My positive view of the yoga exercises on the Wii Fit changed when I began to learn about the New Age Movement. During my research into New Age concepts I encountered an article from Let Us Reason Ministries about yoga. The well-researched article is written by a person who used to practice yoga for many years.

  • According to the author, yoga is presented as a stretching exercise to the mainstream public, but is actually a form of worship to Hindu gods at the minimum and potentially a spiritual practice that makes a person more susceptible to being influenced by evil spirits.

When I read this article I became apprehensive about continuing to perform Yoga on my Wii Fit. I’m a person that does not like to take a lot of risks; particularly spiritual risks. The article is so well-researched that it convinced me that there seems to be a significant spiritual risk involve in doing Yoga. After all, there has to be a reason why yoga is so wildly popular among followers of the New Age Movement and many yoga teachers believe in New Age concepts...

I have not performed a single yoga exercise on my Wii Fit for over a year and I do not plan to ever to a single yoga exercise again. Again, you can read the article that made me apprehensive about practicing yoga at the following link. This article may be an eye opener for those of you who do practice yoga. If not and you continue to practice yoga after reviewing this article, you’re braver than me and I hope nothing bad happens to you.

My Thoughts on Replacement Theology

I was asked how we should interpret the wars mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Psalms given that these passages refer to the Church instead of Israel. After I read this request I felt the best way address this request is to write about Replacement Theology, which posits that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s plan and the promises given to Israel are now intended for the Church. Here I’ll share with you my thoughts on the subject.

I do not believe in Replacement Theology because I do not believe God has abandoned Israel at all. For instance, Romans 11:25 mention that Israel’s “spiritual blindness” is scheduled to continue until the fullness of the Gentiles comes. However, verse 26 onwards mentions that Israel is still scheduled to be eventually saved by a Redeemer; a promise which Paul noted was written about in older scripture.

  • Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
  • Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
  • Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
  • Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

God has a plan to save Israel through Christ. Israel is going to be refined during the End Times and the survivors of the refining process will then be saved by Christ.

  • Zec 13:7 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.
  • Zec 13:8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
  • Zec 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

  • Jer 30:7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.

(Evidence of Christ’s physical return to Earth to redeem the remnant of Israel can be found in Isaiah 63:1-4 and Micah 2:12-13. This return to redeem the remnant of Israel will take place at the completion of the seventh week of Daniel when it is time to bring everlasting righteousness)

It shall be a very emotion time for the surviving remnant of Israel when they understand that their Messiah is Jesus Christ, the one who their ancestors crucified.

  • Zec 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
  • Zec 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
  • Zec 12:11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

There is still some time before unbelieving Israel is saved. In the meantime, Paul reminded us that Israel still maintains the covenants that have been made despite their lack of faith in Christ:

  • Rom 9:3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
  • Rom 9:4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;

Therefore, wars mentioned in Psalms and Ezekiel focuses on Israel rather than the Church. I cannot imagine how a person can get a proper understanding of Bible prophecy if they insist that the prophetic passages of the Bible which mention Israel apply to the Church instead of Israel. I believe taking the Bible at face value instead of allegorizing texts or warping verses to push an agenda.

More Strange Experiences in the Past

The terrifying night is not only the strange event that my dad has experienced. As you can tell by now after sharing the story about the terrifying night, I have some permission to share with you details of the past. Today I’ll tell you about two more instances where my dad dealt with uncommon phenomena.

Experience 1: One day my dad had a conversation with a man that turned to the topic of religion. The man told my dad information about a religion whose name I am not allowed to disclose but is one that Christians tend to react very negatively towards.

Soon after the conversation, my dad went to a library to checkout some religious books. My dad had some interest in learning more about this religion, but “unfortunately”, there were not many religious books for him to look at.

My dad removed one book from the shelf to scan. He read a few passages about an ancient people known as the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls before he lost interest in the book. When my dad put the book back on the shelf he felt a stabbing pain coming from his birthmark underneath his left breast. While in pain, my dad looked around to see if there was anyone who could have caused it. My dad became perplexed when he realized that there was no one even close to where he was standing. Strangely, when my dad pulled the book back from shelf the pain immediately stopped… In order to avoid that experience again, my dad checked out the mysterious book. He felt like he received a sign to read the book…

My dad did not find a lot interesting about the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, when my dad later got to the latter half of the book he was amazed at what he saw. This section of the book contained material that was so different from the earlier part of the book that it seemed my dad had checked out two books in one. This part of the book strongly refuted the undisclosed religion that my dad had just heard about from the man he spoke with earlier…

My dad literally could not put the book down. My dad received little sleep that night as he stayed up to absorb the information that emanated from the book. Soon after my dad finished the book he realized that somebody or something did not want him to stray away…

Experience 2: One morning my dad woke up to a startling sight. My dad could see an old man’s head by his bed with a big grin on his face as he looked at my dad. My dad did not say anything while he looked in bewilderment. The old man then just vanished…

  • This event is puzzling. I’ve read about a Christian woman who woke up to see an old man next to her bed at this link. The major difference with that story is that the old man (who was identified by the woman as a demon) paralyzed the woman and could only be defeated when the woman sung “Jesus loves me”. My dad did not have to resort to saying something religious…the old man just vanished.

There are a few more instances where my dad dealt with strange experiences. They are not nearly as compelling as these stories I’ve shared with you, but I might share one more experience sometime in the future if I have permission to. If anyone has any idea why these events happened or has any insight into explaining what kinds of forces might be influencing these events (especially the second event described here) please let me know.

How I Got into Studying Bible Prophecy Part 1: A Terrifying Night

Late one night a military man was preparing for bed just after receiving a message informing him that he was being transferred to new assignment. He originally believed he would be going to Germany, but the paper told him that he would be staying in Asia, the region where he currently was stationed at. As he prepared to lie down, the man saw a large, mysterious light moving in from another room. At that moment the man was more concerned about getting some sleep than investigating the weird light that he saw moving. The man felt secure on the fourth floor of the building that housed military personnel. The man turned off a lamp and fell onto his bed.

As soon as the man’s body contacted his mattress he noticed that something was really wrong… He could not move! As he tried to figure out why he could not move he sensed that something was in his bedroom. He heard the clothes in his closet being thrown around and he heard something moving closer to him. Sweat dripped all over his body as he laid completely paralyzed; fearful that something terrible was going to happen to him. Suddenly, he heard the presence next to him take great interest in a completely folded piece of paper that he laid next to the nightstand. The paper made a very loud noise as the presence investigated the piece of paper. Moments later, the man suddenly heard the sound of a strong gust of wind in the room even though the windows were completely shut and it was a windless night…the presence had finally left.

As soon as the presence left the man regained the ability to move his limbs. The man leaped out of his bed to survey the room. He looked down at floor and found the piece of paper that presence took great interest in wide open. The paper was the message that the man received to transfer to his new assignment. This was definitely not a dream or a hallucination…

The man talked to people he knew about his strange experience, and they told him that they thought that he had been visited by demons. The man, unsure of what happened, turned towards religion in his search for some answers. The man found some people he knew reading a book about Bible prophecy. With the recent supernatural encounter in mind, the man was curious about the book and asked to borrow it. When the man read the book he thought that it was one of the most fantastic things he ever seen… From then on the man tried to read anything that he could on the subject…

What you have read is not a fictional story. The man in this story is not a character that I made up...he is my dad.

I am not exactly sure what happened to my dad, but this event seems very similar to the events commonly described by people who retell their encounter with demonic spirits at night. Those who report demonic encounters say that they become paralyzed as the spirit(s) enter their room, move around for a while, and then try to harm them and/or take possession of their bodies. The people who report these encounters say that the spirit retreats when they mention the Lord’s name. However, my dad did not have to resort to saying the Lord’s name. The presence in his room disappeared before it could harm him.

Nevertheless, the event was a major catalyst that got my dad interested in Bible prophecy. Without that event happening I doubt he would have begun Bible studying prophecy and I doubt I would be as well. If anyone has any theories about what happened feel free to share your theory.

Medical Tourism and The Unstoppable NDM-1 Bacteria

In case you haven't heard, NDM-1 or more formally, New Dehli-Metallo-1,is the new superbug in town. Well, it is not exactly a super bug itself. It is a gene that can turn any bug into a superbug impervious to antibiotics and that makes it pretty scary stuff.  There is very little data on it, but potentially, it can turn any bacterium into a  killer-- or not.  We don't know yet.

It comes from India but it's turning up now in the UK  and experts expect it to spread around the world rather quickly. Why?  Well, that is interesting too.  It seems the affluent from America, Austrailia, and Western Europe go to India for affordable surgical procedures-- particularly cosmetic surgery, and these medical tourists are taking more than a pretty face back home with them.

Here we go again with this year's H1N1. It's as if those of us of European extraction have some kind of deeply embedded genetic memory of the Black Death which killed half the population of Europe in the Middle Ages and we are just waiting for it to happen again. 

Well, here's what folks.  It probably will happen again  sooner or later because there are just too many of us on the planet.You can't fight mother nature.  But will NDM-1 be the killer that does the trick?  My crystal ball is a little cloudy on that one but here is what's for sure.

The media, online, broadcast and print, all over the world are going to be all over this one, so get ready for lots of scary, end of the world headlines. Also (and this is a good thing) the drug companies just might decide to invest bigtime in  new antibiotics in an attempt to find something that works against NDM-1. We'll hear a lot about that too.  If this really is the big one, we'll all know soon enough and if it is just another H1N1, we'll know that too.

In the meantime, if you are thinking about going to India for a face lift or a tummy tuck, think again or at least consider Canada instead for your medical tourism expedition. 

A Christian Analysis on the Topic of Atlantis

I planned to write an in-depth article or research report about Atlantis, the legendary civilization that has captured the imagination of many people. The reason I wanted to produce an in-depth article or research report about Atlantis is because most of the information people hear about Atlantis come from non-Christian sources. A Christian is unlikely going to hear a sermon on Atlantis from their church’s pastor, but they are probably going to hear wild claims about Atlantis from movies, television programs, books, Internet, and radio (like I sometimes do at night). I wanted to provide an analysis about Atlantis from a Christian point of view.

However, during the information gathering process I discovered an article from the website Answers in Genesis which does a terrific job addressing the issue of Atlantis from a Christian point of view. If you are interested in reading an analysis of Atlantis from a Christian point of view I suggest you read the article. I do not believe anyone can surpass Answers in Genesis’s analysis on the topic.

  • You can access the article at the following link.

I did examine New Age sources to see what they had to say about Atlantis in case there is something that can be gleaned from what they claim. New Age sources claim that Atlantis was an advanced civilization where the natives exhibited extraordinary powers. These sources also claim that the destruction of Atlantis came at a time of great spiritual conflict between the forces of good and the forces of evil (what New Age sources claim is “good” is actually evil and what these sources claim is “evil” is actually good from a Christian point of view). Supposedly, the forces of “good” were overwhelmed by the forces of “evil” and the result was the destruction of Atlantis via a great flood.

  • I am highly skeptical of this Atlantis story like I am with anything New Age sources say. However, what stands out to me about this particular telling of the Atlantis story is that the New Age sources practically admit that their side was defeated during this alleged battle. A follower of these non-biblical religious sources should question what they believe in after hearing this Atlantis story (even if the story is completely untrue) since these sources admit that their side was defeated by a force stronger than them.

I doubt we will see the reemergence of Atlantis in 2012 as people like Joe Coleman claim we will see. However, I do not think Atlantis is a topic that Christians should be afraid of. Again, if you are curious about Atlantis I suggest you read Answers in Genesis’s analysis of the topic.

My Current Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls

I’ve taken a recent interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls after watching a documentary about them on the National Geographic Channel few weeks ago. After watching the documentary I wondered why mankind was permitted to rediscover the scrolls after they laid hidden in caves for nearly two thousand years. More specifically, I wondered whether the scrolls could impact people during the End Times like I believe the Shroud of Turin will. In this blog entry I’ll share with you my thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls after I conducted some research on the topic.

I first looked at Benjamin Creme’s, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters-a group of spiritual beings described in Ephesians 6:12 as the
spiritual wickedness in high places”), website to see if he had anything to say about the Dead Sea Scrolls. I wanted to see if Creme had anything to say about the Dead Sea Scrolls just in case he knew whether the forces of evil plan to utilize/exploit the scrolls for their sinister purposes. Creme’s website contains one, lengthy article solely about the Dead Sea Scrolls, but was not written by Creme himself.

The article began with a quote by New Age author Alice Bailey, who worked under an Ascended Master named Djwhal Khul. The quote spoke about how one day the Gospel story that Christians tout would be “disentangled” and that mankind would know about what actually happened during Jesus’s First Coming.

  • In essence, one of the objectives the forces of evil have apparently is to rewrite the history of Christ in an attempt to refute the validity of Bible’s account and portrayal of Jesus.

The article includes a statement by Creme about the Dead Sea Scrolls and a group of documents called the Nag Hammadi Scrolls (which contain many Gnostic works).

  • Creme claimed that the Dead Sea Scrolls refer to Maitreya as the “Teacher of Righteousness” and Ascended Master Jesus Sananda Immanuel as the “Pierced Messiah”.
  • He also claimed that the purpose of the scrolls is to help clarify what actually happened during the time of Jesus.
  • Creme actually stated that the scrolls are more accurate about the life of Jesus than the Bible is and that they were written in the second century A.D. (I’m sure 99.9% of Christians would disagree with Creme’s trumpeting of the scrolls over the Bible and a vast majority of scholars would disagree with Creme’s dating of the scrolls).

After I looked at the article on Creme’s website I became suspicious about whether the forces of evil could actually use the Dead Sea Scrolls to mislead people about what happened during Christ’s First Coming. I tried my best to find a way the forces of evil could use the Dead Sea Scrolls to lie about Christ’s life, but I could not find a way. I looked at various scroll experts and realized that the Dead Sea Scrolls really do not have much to say directly about Christ’s life (I am not including the messianic prophecies which is found in the scrolls), so it would be hard to credibly cite the Dead Sea Scrolls as a source to revise the history of Christ. Perhaps the forces of evil have something up their sleeve… I don’t know at this point…

However, the Gnostic writings may be the preferred documents that the forces of evil use to tell a warped version of Christ’s life/teachings because they apparently do talk about Christ in a direct way. I am not too familiar with Gnosticism, but I know that Gnosticism features a lot of esoteric concepts and unbiblical teachings. Given the esoteric nature of Gnostic writings and the forces of evil’s apparent plan to tell a retell the life story of Jesus, some review of what is the Nag Hammadi Scrolls and other Gnostic writings may be warranted at some point in the future.

  • By the way, Creme’s website features an article that portrays the Gnostics and their writings in a positive light. I am not surprised…

At this point, the Dead Sea Scrolls appear to be a set of writings that help us understand what was going on before the time of Christ, writings that help strengthen some Christian’s belief in the validity of the Bible, and writings that strengthen people’s belief in the messianic nature of Christ. They do not appear to be something that is going to be used to mislead people in the future (although there is the Book of Enoch which has confused some people). However, this viewpoint is subject to change because we do not know everything about the scrolls. Scholars and scientists are still working on trying to piece together and decipher old fragments.

  • The National Geographic Channel documentary I saw featured the efforts of a prominent scholar who is attempting to use one fragment of the scrolls to disprove the concept of resurrection as something original to Christ. This scholar has not succeeded so far because one key word is indecipherable even with our best technology at his disposal.

Therefore, the potential still exists for the Dead Sea Scrolls to become a useful tool for the forces of evil in the future albeit a small one.

Should We Worry About the Future? Matthew 6:34

I was asked to comment on Matthew 6:34 where Christ said the following:

  • Mat 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

At first glance it appears that Christ said to not think about tomorrow because things will take care of themselves. This statement may seem a bit odd when many people’s mindset is to look ahead and concern themselves with the problems we face in the future. I’ll attempt to address this person’s request by commenting about Matthew 6:34 in this blog post.

I do not believe Christ taught that people should not plan/prepare for the future in Matthew 6:34 because He would’ve contradicted Proverbs 22:3 if He taught that. Proverbs 22:3 characterized people who foresee problems and take proactive steps to prepare themselves as “prudent” and those who do nothing about these problems as foolish (simple).

  • Pro 22:3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Since none of Christ’s teachings contradict the Bible I do not see how He told people that they cannot take steps to prepare for the future in Matthew 6:34. Christ was simply conveying that we should not be nervous about or afraid of the future. In addition, the argument that Christ was simply telling people to not be nervous about the future is strengthened by the fact the Greek word for “thought” in Matthew 6:34 is merimnaƍ which means “to be anxious about”.

  • For those whose first language is not English, a person who is anxious experiences unease, nervousness, or discomfort because they are thinking about an upcoming event or an uncertain future.

Finally, another person cited Luke 14:28-31 as an example where Christ indicated that it unwise to not plan/prepare for the future.

  • Luk 14:28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
  • Luk 14:29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,
  • Luk 14:30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.
  • Luk 14:31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?

I am confident that the world is going to be a horrible place to live in five years from now. I can easily see myself on the frontline of some war or trying to avoid getting attacked by a desperate person who has been impoverished by the financial and economic collapse that is likely going to take place soon. I can also easily envision myself having problems finding a secure supply of food, water, and energy.

  • As bad as these problems sound, I am not worried about them. I rarely think about these problems and I am not shaken by them when I do think about them.
  • I also do not stay up all night thinking about the future and I rarely experience a nightmare that concerns future world events (I rarely have nightmares in general).

I think the reason why I am virtually unafraid of the challenging future is that I know that all the problems ahead must happen. I cannot do anything to stop the Antichrist from appearing, I cannot stop a global economic and financial collapse, etc.

  • I actually sometimes view the knowledge I have as an advantage. It is much easier for me to deal with major events when I know they are coming in advance.

In sum, I believe it is unwise to view Matthew 6:34 as a call to not prepare for the future. However, as we prepare for the future we should try our best to not be afraid of or nervous about the challenges ahead. Remember that God is control of everything. He is far more powerful than Satan and will not allow Satan to win.

The Republicans Have a Plan for Ground Zero

 Yes folks, Republicans have a plan for Ground Zero and since one picture is worth we all know how many words-- I'll let this graphic do the talking.

 But first a hat tip to Political a political blog you should definitely check out early and often.  They published this fabulous tongue in cheek comment on the New York City, Ground Zero Mosque bruhahaha yesterday.  I just had to reblog it.

Creme’s Teachings on Evolution Remind Radio Host of National Socialism: Live Interview Notes 8/5/10

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of the Ascended Masters, a group of beings described in Ephesians 6:12 as the “spiritual wickedness in high places”) had a thirty-minute interview on a Massachusetts radio station yesterday.

I am going to provide an account of what happened during the interview not only because it was fairly interesting but also because some people could not hear the full interview since the radio station’s main Internet stream was oddly cutoff five minutes into the interview and returned perfectly back to normal as soon as Creme was done.

  • I managed to listen to the entire interview because I found an alternative website that carried the interview with no problem.

To give proper context, the interview was conducted by two hosts: a liberal and a conservative. The liberal host was more open to letting Creme say what he wanted while the conservative host often cutoff Creme and challenged Creme.

The interview focused heavily on what is God. Creme argued that there is divinity in every person while the conservative host argued that God is what people traditionally view God as. Creme claimed that the Jewish or Christian conception of God is a fabrication and is totally untrue. I suspect Creme is going to regret saying that one day when he is judged…

The interview also focused heavily on evolution. Creme claimed that evolution began with minerals, which later evolved into plants, animals, and eventually humans. Creme stated that mankind is ready to evolve to the next level: the spiritual level.

  • Creme claimed that the Ascended Masters have already evolved to the spiritual level and that certain initiates on Earth have also achieved that level. The Ascended Masters’ role would to “help” mankind reach that next level of evolution.

The conservative host asked Creme if Adolf Hitler was an Ascended Master. As one would expect, Creme vehemently denied that Hitler was an Ascended Master and stated that Hitler was a deeply evil man. After the interview the conservative host said that the reason why he asked Creme about Hitler was that he felt that Creme’s teachings on evolution mirrored National Socialism’s teachings on evolution, which emphasized the idea that a new man could be created.

“…It is all finished. National Socialism is dead and will never rise again! Perhaps in a hundred years a similar idea would arise with the power of a religion and spread throughout the world. But Germany is lost. It actually was not quite ready or quite strong enough for the mission I set for the nation”.

The spiritual/religious teachings of Creme and others like him seem to be National Socialism repackaged into a religion. In fact, Christian author Constance Cumbey wrote about many parallels between National Socialism and the New Age Movement in Chapter 9 of her book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.

After the interview both hosts indicated that they thought that Creme’s views were (for a lack of a better term) “crazy”. I doubt Creme won any new converts during the interview.

Creme will be in San Francisco this weekend and the early part of next week. San Francisco is such a strange city that I would not be surprised if the city held a parade in Creme’s honor and the mayor gave him the key to the city. If Creme wanted to play mind games with some people he could have a nice lunch with Raj Patel and invite the media. There is so much that Creme could do that crazy city…

A Preview of Topics to Come

As I wait for Benjamin Creme’s interview around 2 PM EST I thought it would be good to alert people about what I plan to write about in the coming days and weeks.

  • I plan to write about two topics that interest a lot of people who are not necessarily Christians: the Dead Sea Scrolls and Atlantis. I’ll, of course, deal with these topics from a Christian perspective.
  • I’ve been asked to write about Matthew 6:34 where Christ said to not worry about tomorrow
  • I still have to address several chapters in the Bible that relate to Bible prophecy like Isaiah 19.
  • I plan to provide my own study notes for every book from the Book of Isaiah to the Book of Malachi.

If the interview with Creme is interesting I may post notes from the interview later today or on Friday. I expect the interview will be interesting to listen to because of what happened last time. Creme is unlikely to go unchallenged when he provides his false teachings to the audience.

The Sun and the Bowl Judgments of Revelation 16

One of the major news headlines recently concerns a solar storm heading towards Earth. The solar storm has not wreaked havoc so far on Earth, but has enable some people in the Northern Hemisphere to see aurora displays in the nighttime sky.

Recently, scientists have suggested that the Earth may not be so fortunate in the future when there is a major solar storm. Scientists warn that a major solar flare storm could “result in the loss of power, water and communications on a global scale”.[1]

I mention this information because I believe the Book of Revelation indicates that Earth will be adversely impacted by a major solar flare in the future.

The seven bowl judgments represent the final element of the Wrath of God. The fourth bowl judgment mentions that the sun will scorch men with fire.

  • Rev 16:8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
  • Rev 16:9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

The sun is the aggressor when it uses the power it is given to scorch men with fire, so perhaps the sun will send a massive amount of solar energy towards Earth during this time, a solar flare.

  • The fact that men will be scorched with great heat suggests this is not an ordinary solar flare. Something extraordinary has happened. Perhaps the solar flare is extraordinary because it is given power by a divine source to punish people on Earth or perhaps something has happened to Earth’s atmosphere leading up to this event, which has weakened the atmosphere’s ability to shield the earth from the solar energy (it could even be a combination of the two).

The description of the fifth bowl further strengthens the idea that Earth is going to be scorched by a major solar flare during the bowl judgments. The Antichrist’s kingdom is going to fall into complete darkness in the aftermath of the sun’s attack, which is consistent with the idea of the electrical grid being knocked out after a major solar flare.

  • Rev 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
  • Rev 16:11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and
  • repented not of their deeds.

The sun’s activities run in an eleven year cycle on average. Sometimes the cycles are shorter (nine years) and sometimes the cycles run longer (fourteen years). This new solar cycle that we are now in took a few years longer than what scientists expected. In addition, the sun can send solar flares towards Earth before its solar maximum (like we have now). Therefore, it is difficult to use scientists’ projections of future solar cycle maximums to pinpoint when the bowl judgments will take place in the future.


[1] Mazzocchi, Sherry. “Dire Warning: U.S. Unprepared for Massive Solar Flare Storm; Could Lose Power, Communications”. 25 Jun. 2010. Last Accessed 4 Aug 2010.

The General Nature of the News

Each day we are bombarded with news and information about events and developments that are going on where we live and places elsewhere. I want to comment on the general nature of the news we hear each day to give you an idea of how I view the news we are bombarded with each day.

I believe that monitoring the news is important because if you do not follow the news you will have no idea what is going on in the world. However, I do not believe constantly monitoring the news will benefit you more than monitoring the news just occasionally because most news events and developments are completely irrelevant in the big picture.

  • I have a news aggregator program that enables me to gather news headlines and updates from various websites of my choice throughout the Internet onto one screen. I probably receive up to 500 news headlines per day, and I check this program several times throughout the day in search of news headlines to recommend on my blog (the rotating sentences just above my blog posts are the news headlines that I recommend). Usually, I only find perhaps four to five news headlines a day that are relevant for us to have a good understanding of the important things that are going on now and/or relevant for us to have a good understanding of what is likely going to have in the future.

Most news stories we hear about only concern yesterday or today. This is the type of news that we will forget about in a few days or weeks, and are thus news stories that we should ignore. Few news stories concern topics that will impact us in the next few months or the next few years.

I have access to my local newspaper everyday and I receive five local channels that run several local news broadcasts throughout the day. Despite my access to many local news information sources, I do not watch these news broadcasts nor do I read my local newspaper (except for the poorly written Sports section which I finish reading in about 45 seconds). The reason I do not follow local news at all is because local news covers topics that only impact the local area for short period of time.

  • My suspicion is that local television news reporters probably forget about most events they cover within a couple of weeks after they report on the event. If these news reporters forget about the events they report about then why should we care about these events?

I monitor the news for events and developments that impact the world in the long-term because these events and developments impact everyone. These events and developments are difficult to find in the news because the media is often concerned with just reporting news about yesterday or news that impacts people in the short-term. Unfortunately, the media’s news coverage is completely backwards because many long-term events and developments often have more impact on people than what takes place in the short term.

I will share news headlines and developments that I find important with you on my blog either in a “recommended headlines” section or if it is really important-a blog post of its own.