A Lack of Direction in Afghanistan

Barack Obama is currently in Copenhagen, Denmark trying to secure the 2016 Olympic Games for the city of Chicago. There is a lot of Americans who believe that Obama is not using his time wisely by going to Denmark to make one last push for the Olympic Games. Personally, I think Obama has far more important things that he needs to deal with like ongoing war in Afghanistan.

The commander leading U.S. military forces in Afghanistan admitted last Sunday that Obama has only spoken to him once since he assumed the office of the presidency (I kid you not). This is an astonishing admission because I think Obama should be speaking with this commander everyday to understand what is going on. Sure, Obama receives intelligence briefings each day, but intelligence briefings cannot be a substitute for hearing directly from the man running the show on the ground in Afghanistan. Obama needs to hear from the commander to get a feeling of whether he can trust the man and so he can have an opportunity ask poignant questions with someone who is the most qualified to answer them.

The lack of communication between Obama and the U.S. commander is just a microcosm of a bigger problem the U.S. faces in Afghanistan. We have a complete lack of leadership from Obama, the Commander of the U.S. Armed Forces, when it comes to Afghanistan.

Obama does not yet have clear goals describing what he wants the U.S. military to achieve in Afghanistan. The fact that Obama does not have any clear goals set is inexcusable because you cannot approach a major activity-let alone a war- without first knowing what you want to accomplish first. You cannot formulate a successful plan without having coherent goals set first since you won’t know what you want to achieve with a plan, and without a sound plan, you end up performing a lot of tasks that are a waste of time and a waste of resources.

If we take Obama’s words at face value, achieving victory will not be a priority in the future. A couple of months ago Obama made it clear that victory is something he is very hesitant about achieving:

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur,” Source

You may say that I am misrepresenting Obama’s statement, but think about the mindset of someone that is very hesitant to use the word “victory” to describe what he wants to achieve. The statement indicates that Obama is sympathetic to the feelings of the enemy because he is worried about things from their perspective. This attitude is the wrong one to have because the enemy is ruthless and would be glad to humiliate the U.S. However, to be fair, Obama’s staff is now working on defining a set of goals and a strategy after getting heat for not showing any leadership for the first nine months of Obama’s presidency.

I will have a lot more to say about Afghanistan in future entries, including what I believe will happen and what role Afghanistan may play in leading us to the End Times.

The 2009 U.N. Gathering Report

Every year we have a gathering of world leaders at the United Nations. I look forward to this each year because we get to see world leaders make complete idiots of themselves when they speak like Libyan Moammar Gadhafi yesterday. This year’s gathering was noteworthy because of the news made in the past couple of days. Here are some events that jumped out at me:

Yesterday, Barack Obama basically buried Israel with perhaps the most Anti-Israeli speech by a U.S. President in history. Obama said that the U.S. doesn’t consider Israel’s current settlements in the West Bank legitimate and implied that Israel should return to its 1967 borders. He also suggested that a Palestinian state with contiguous borders should be created, which implies that he wants Israel to surrender land so that the Gaza Strip can connect with the West Bank. This speech was something that an Anti-Israel New Ager would give and the “solutions” offered are something Antichrist Spirit Maitreya would recommend. However, I am not surprised that Obama gave this speech for reasons I won’t state now…

I anticipate that the United States will eventually be punished for Obama’s stance on Israel because the Bible says that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who cursed Israel will be cursed.

  • Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
  • Gen 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

After Obama spoke, Moammar Gadhafi gave a “legendary” 90+ minute speech that will probably be replayed on Youtube for years to come by those who are looking for some comic relief. While Gadhafi said a bunch of crazy and ridiculous things, his call to abolish the U.N. Security Council jumped out at me. I read that he got applauds for that and other world leaders called for the same thing in their respective speeches. This is very important because one element of the Plan to create a New World Order is to abolish the U.N. Security Council. The forces of evil hate the U.N. Security Council because it enables a country like the United States to stop progress towards creating a one-world government with a simple veto and to enables a single country to defend Israel. Gadhafi’s words are a reminder that the abolishment of the Security Council is likely to come because the sentiment to abolish it exists among many world leaders.

Yesterday afternoon, I watched the President of Iran’s speech out of sheer curiosity. As expected, his speech was full of ridiculous, Anti-Semitic rhetoric. However, at the end the President of Iran said something that caught my attention. Ahmadinejad said,

“Let's support goodness and the majority of people who are good and the embodiment of absolute good that is the Imam of Time, The Promised One who will come accompanied by Jesus Christ, and accordingly design and implement the just and humanistic mechanisms for regulating the constructive relationships between nations and governments”.

Ahmadinejad was evoking Islamic End Times prophecy in the passage. “The Promised One” is Imam Mahdi, the Messiah for the brand of Islam that Ahadinejad subscribes to. The detail that Jesus will supposedly join Imam Mahdi and implement a one world government is exactly what New Agers are teaching. New Age teachers say that Maitreya will work very closely with Jesus (Fallen Angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel) and Jesus will help Maitreya implement a New World Order. Ahmadinejad’s statement provides more evidence that the forces of evil are planning to fulfill the prophecies of the major world religions through deceptive acts.

Today, Obama chaired a meeting of the U.N. Security Council. The members of the Security Council approved a U.N. resolution committing nations to work towards creating a world where no nation has nuclear weapons. A gradual disarmament is part of the Plan to bring a New World Order into fruition, so today shows that the forces of evil are serious about implementing some of the things they said they would implement. However, I do not expect this disarmament to happen right away because I anticipate a prolonged period of war to occur next decade.

If there is one thing that you can take from all of this it is that when the nations of the world gather the citizens of the world lose.

Don't Go To Work For The Census

My first thought when I read about the September 12th death of substitute math teacher and part time census worker, Bill Sparkman, was " Don't go to work for the census" Since Sparkman was found hanged near a cemetery in rural Kentucky, with the word " Fed" scrawled on his body, I imagined a bunch of moonshiners or xenophobic small town good ol' boys doing him in just to spite the Federal Government.

His body was found in a remote part of the Daniel Boone National Forest-- moonshine country for sure and a place where for 300 years independent whiskey makers have nurtured a hatred for " revenuers" in particular, and the Federal Government in general. The fact that the FBI has been called in and is still on the case two weeks after the body was discovered speaks volumes. Clearly foul play is suspected and clearly something of national importance is being investigated. The press has already suggested that an innocent Sparkman may have stumbled upon a crystal meth lab or a still by accident and ended up dead for his mistake. The liberal press is hinting that he may have been killed by extreme right wingers ginned up by Rush, Bill, and the Fox News Crowd.I put this last supposition down to left wing paranoia. It's a little too pat for this liberal. I don't like it. I have a feeling that something more personal is going to come out of the woodwork as the investigation continues. I don't know what, but the anti-government angle just doesn't smell right to me.

The Personal Angle

While Sparkman, from what I have read about him, does not sound like the type to commit suicide, he also sounds almost too good to be true. His bio describes him as a single father who worked two jobs and went to school to get his teaching certificate at the same time. He did all this while overcoming Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Very laudable, but I am wondering about a few things. Is he divorced or a widower? Where is the mother of his young son? Does he have a mother? Does the boy have grandparents? Where are they and where were they during all of Sparkman's travails?

What did he do before he became a teacher? Who are his friends? Where did he grow up? Where is his family. He sounds like a wonderful man, but I'd like to follow the chronological thread of his life a bit more closely. Somewhere it says that he volunteered for the boy scouts. Call me crazy, but I am always a bit suspicious of un-married men who have anything to do with the boy scouts. I know. He's a loving dad and lots of fathers do the scouting thing with their sons. Even so, I'd like that bio filled out a bit more and I bet the FBI would too.

The world is full of serial killers and total whack jobs who were good to their mothers, taught Sunday School and were model citizens on paper. So while it may be that he was an innocent victim ambushed by anti-government wing-nuts, it may also be that somebody killed him for more personal reasons. Most murders are committed by people who know their victims, after all.

Murder is always sad and horrible, and most often it is personal so let's wait and see what happens next.

Star Sign News and a 2012 Report Update

Today, Share International finally posted the September 2009 Edition of its magazine online. The focus of the magazine this month is on the Star Sign of Maitreya (the Spirit of Antichrist spoken of in 1 John Ch. 4). For those of you who are unfamiliar with this development, the forces of evil are trying to mimic the Star of Bethlehem by sending four UFOs around the world in anticipation of the coming of Maitreya. Many people around the world have reported seeing these UFOs in the sky and have posted pictures and videos of it. (I personally have not seen this "star"while looking up in the sky , which is probably a good thing). The big revelation this magazine issue is that the plan is to now have these UFOs to shine both day and night until the Day of Declaration, the day where Maitreya reveals his true identity to the world (halfway through the 70th Week of Daniel). Besides the news about the Star Sign there is not much else we can glean from the September issue of this magazine about what the forces of evil are up to.

I am near the end of writing a research report about the Year 2012. The report is likely going to have things that will absolutely blow you away. I just spent 3 days researching the motivation behind 2012 and my findings are pretty eye-opening. I will announce its completion here and will probably write a post about some of the stuff that I will leave out of the report.

Busy Week in the Big Apple for Obama

It's a busy week in the Big Apple for President Obama. You have to admire his guts and his willingness to take on the issues. Today and tomorrow he is going to be busy non stop at the United Nations. In the evenings he'll be at official social events and at night he'll be resting his tired Presidential head in the Presidential suite at the Waldorf Astoria

This morning he got right to work. He addressed the special one-day climate change conference being held at the UN before tomorrow's opening of the General Assembly. This afternoon he will meet with a dizzying array of world leaders and focus on nuclear dis-armament and world peace. Well, good luck is all I can say.

Tomorrow, President Obama will address the General Assembly. He will also chair the meeting of the Security Council -- the first sitting American President ever to do so. There should be lots of shmooze time not to mention tons of photo ops.

Then on Thursday, it's good bye Big Apple and off to Pittsburgh for the meeting of the G20.

The airwaves and the internet are already abuzz with comment and speculation. Obama's speech on climate change this morning( see the video below) was an emphatic clarion call to action filled with beautiful glittering generalities, but short on specifics. In it he called not only on the developed world, but also on the developing nations like China and India to take a larger role in cleaning up the environment. A good move, I think. I'll be watching as tomorrow unfolds.

At the very least, President has now sent a message loud and clear, that unlike his predecessor, George W. Bush, he sees the United Nations as an important player on the world stage and a place where a real exchange of ideas is possible. So far it doesn't look like he is going to get anything going with the Israeli's and Palistinians, nor does it look like he will be able to pull any rabbits out of his hat when it comes to Iran and Afghanistan, but you never can tell.

Like they say in New York, " you gotta be in it to win it" and President Obama is signaling that as far as the United Nations is concerned, the USA is back in the game. It's a good start.

My Attention is on 2012

In two months a movie about 2012 Doomsday will be released in theaters. In anticipation of that I decided to research the things that are being said about 2012. So far I have found a lot of misconceptions about the event. I was ready to release a research report about the topic when I found some very startling information that I believe no Christian knows about 2012. I think I have discovered who is exactly behind all of this and I am trying to figure out what their goal is. I cannot talk specifically about what I have found yet because not everything is confirmed, but I think I am at the cusp of something huge...

Dancing With the Russian Bear

Something really important happened yesterday that passed almost unnoticed amid the domestic din here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
While most of us were distracted by the healthcare debate here at home, President Obama announced to the world that the missile system proposed by the Bush Administration to be built in Poland and the Czech Republic( nicknamed son of Star Wars,) will be scrapped and a water based missile program aimed at monitoring doings in Iran will be substituted.

This is really important stuff. It is the opening step in a complicated dance that will lead to a key collaboration between Russia, NATO and the United States when it comes to dealing effectively with the pressing international problems of Iran and Afghanistan.

You are going to hear lots of moaning and groaning from the right on this,but pay no attention. Obama has not lost his mind. We have much more to gain by working with the Russians than by antagonizing them, something the Bush Administration with its macho posturing,failed to grasp. It's not that Russia is a participatory democracy or that Vladimir Putin and his puppet president, Dmitry Medvedev are teddy bears. Not at all. It is just, as my grandmother used to say, that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Abandoning the missile program proposed for Russia's doorstep is part of a quid pro quo program of diplomacy and not, as the Bushies would have you believe, a sign of weakness.

I am sure that President Obama's announcement was part of an orchestrated ballet negotiated and agreed to before the event. It sparked an immediate response from Russia. No sooner had President Obama spoken than the Kremlin announced that in response to the American position, Russia would cancel the medium range ballistic missles slated for Kaliningrad, which borders Poland and Lithuania. See? Quid Pro Quo:-)

The next announcement came from Nato's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen who called for a new strategic partnership with Russia. and urged both Russia and the United States to study the possibillity of a joint missile defense system.

Next week, President Obama will chair a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York-- the very first American President to do so. Nuclear dis-armament and non-proliferation will be on the agenda.

I hope Tehran and Kabul are taking note. There is a new strategic alignment in the offing, one that bodes well for keeping the peace and preventing nuclear disaster. It's the old " enemy of my enemy is my friend" routine. Nobody wants to see nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran or the Taliban back in the saddle in Afghanistan.

One way or another, the world simply won't let it happen. And that is why America is dancing with the Russian Bear while Nato calls the tune.

Too Gay to Adopt in Ukraine

There will be no celebrity adoption for Sir Elton John and his partner, David Furnish in Ukraine. Both Church and state are firm about that.

At 62 Elton John is too old to adopt under Ukranian law, and at least as far as the Church is concerned, he is also, evidently, too gay. I read about it this morning online. " Elton John Is A Sinner" the headline screamed. A Church spokesman had this to say about gay marriage and the proposed adoption of a 14 month old HIV positive Ukrainian orphan by the celebrity couple.

"People pretend to have good intentions, create semi-marriages and so-called families, and moreover they dare to adopt children. Unlike people who are blessed by God to create natural families, these are people who succumb to their passions."

The harshness of the remark made my hair stand on end. Who does this guy think he is making judgements like that? It's not like heterosexuals make wonderful parents just by virtue of being heterosexual. I was married for more than 30 years. My husband and I had two children. I am now divorced. I was an OK mother, but I sure made my mistakes. I wouldn't call my marriage a brilliant success, especially considering the way it ended. But according to this priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church my marriage was blessed by God and Elton John and his partner are only "succumbing to their passions."

I wish he could meet two gay men who live just a few blocks away from me. They have an adopted daughter from China who is about seven now. She came to them from a Chinese orphanage when she was an infant. She is a happy kid and they are responsible, excellent parents, respected in the community and active in local civic and charitable affairs.

Just a few blocks away from me in another direction lives a traditional family of mother, father, and two boys, ages 8 and 10. They are not happy campers. The neighbors can hear them fighting and screaming at each other all the time. There is lots of stomping in and out and slamming if doors, not to mention yelling and threats. On a couple of occasions the cops have been called by worried neighbors. The older boy is angry and troubled and the younger one just looks lost. Is the wife a battered woman? I suspect so. Is her union blessed by God? I wonder.

There may be good reasons why Elton John and his partner should not adopt this particular child. I have to say I am not a big fan of celebrity adoptions in general. This kid seems to have a living, if sick mother and a brother who is in the orphanage with him. Perhaps there is extended family. He's not really alone after all. When I watch the video below, I'm not even sure how serious Elton John really was. It sort of seems like he was just carried away by the moment. Whatever. Maybe it was a slow news day.

My point is only this. Love comes in many forms and so does family. It seems to me that in the name of human compassion, we ought to honor them all and not be too quick to judge who is doing God's work and who is not.

source: Mail Online

Obama's Poltical Sacrifice

Today it was announced that a week after delivering something akin to the State of the Union on Health Care, Barack Obama is going to be a guest on David Letterman (a very popular American night-time comedy and talk show) and will grant interviews to practically every Sunday morning political talk show in America. Link

Not many people realize that the President of the United States really does not have that much power when compared to Congress when it comes to law-making. The President’s law-making ability is basically limited to issuing executive orders and appointing unelected political puppets to positions of power (czars). Obama seems to have a lot of power at this moment on the outside because he has a very compliant Congress with Democrats having virtually a veto-proof majority in the Senate and control of the House of Representatives.

The main way American Presidents try to influence law-making is to influence public opinion by giving speeches and interviews in hopes that public opinion will be moved to the point that lawmakers will have to comply with the President and the public’s demands. In fact, political scientists often refer to American Presidents as “public opinion leaders”. Given an American President’s stature, they are given opportunities to speak about issues that concern them and opportunities to receive press coverage. However, American Presidents do not have unlimited opportunities to sway public opinion because the media and the public will grow tired of hearing the President speak. Therefore, American Presidents typically try to be cautious when they call for a primetime press conference, grant interviews, and when they make public appearances to give speeches about public policy.

The degree that Obama has given speeches, primetime press conferences, and “exclusive interviews” to push an overhaul of the health care system these past few weeks and appears to be willing to do this upcoming week is remarkable. These public appearances and the frequency of them is a clear indication that he desperately wants this national health care bill passed.

Why in the world would I write all of this to state the obvious? The reason I mentioned all of this is that Obama is making a huge political sacrifice right now. Obama is sacrificing his ability to influence law-making through influencing public opinion to push an overhaul of the health care system at the cost of being able to influence law-making through influencing public opinion in the future. He is hurting his ability to push other policies in the future because all of these current appearances are making people tired of hearing him talk (for instance, television viewership for his primetime press conferences is declining these past few months). When people get to the point that they will simply stop listening Obama will no longer be able influence lawmakers by influencing public opinion. Believe me, people will stop listening because they can (at this point in time) choose what they listen to and media companies will stop giving him so much coverage because they want to maximize viewership, listenership, or readership.

Right now Obama probably thinks that the benefits he would derive through controlling the entire American health care system are worth the sacrifice and probably thinks he will still be able to push his policies with a potentially compliant Congress after the 2010 elections.

Personally, I think the political sacrifice that Obama is making will not be worth it and will cause him to have very little power after the 2010 Congressional elections. More on that in the coming days and weeks…

About My New End Times Holocaust Report With Additional Comments

I just released a new research report describing how the Bible speaks about an End Times Holocaust and the salvation of the Jews. You can access the report by clicking this link.

I did not include statements made by the New Age sources that I typically cite in my reports in this report because this report was too important to include information from sources a lot of people are turned off by. People who do not know the reason why I include New Age sources in many of my reports would probably stop reading my writing before they can absorb the important information in the report. I cannot afford to have that happen as people’s lives may depend on this information getting out there.

While I did not include statements made by New Age sources in my report I will give you an overview of what information I would have included if I had done so in the passages below.

A woman named Hannah Newman wrote a seminal report warning Jews of dangers the New Age Movement poses. Section E of Newman’s report analyzes New Agers’ attitudes towards the Jews and Judaism. Newman includes statements from the highest-level New Age sources which prove that these sources and their high-level, fallen angel advisors are extremely anti-Semitic as they view the existence of Jews as a key problem that must be solved. It is clear from reading Newman’s report that the forces of evil consider there to be no possible salvation for the Jews. The forces of evil would still claim that the Jews are a problem even if every Jew denounced their religion, Jewish identity, and became a New Age worshipper because they would still be racially Jewish. This New Age teaching is completely the opposite of what the Bible states, which is that there will be salvation of the Jewish people when a surviving Jewish remnant finally accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The information that Newman provides gives us some additional insight into something that I wrote about in my report: the betrayal of the compromising Jews. The Bible indicates that Antichrist will give Jews a choice: submit to him or else (that “else” is being deported to concentration camps or being brought into slavery and shipped to some far away location). The Jews who compromise with Antichrist will initially be unharmed by Antichrist’s war against non-initiates who refuse to submit to his wishes. However, Antichrist eventually will betray the compromising Jews, and the information Newman that provides confirms why the compromising Jews will be betrayed. Although the compromising Jews submitted to Antichrist, they will still be considered a major problem because they are racially Jewish.

The Jews have been the target of Satan’s ire ever since God made them His chosen people. Satan’s hatred of the Jews stems back thousands of years. Therefore, it does not matter if all Jews begin to worship him; Satan will still be obsessed with exterminating the Jewish race because of his age-long deep hatred for them. Thus, it should be no surprise that the forces of evil will offer a “solution” to solve the “Jewish problem” that will be eerily similar to the “Final Solution” offered by the Nazis several decades ago.

  • You can access my complete report by clicking this link
  • You can access an executive summary of my report by clicking this link
  • You can access Newman’s report by clicking this link

Insider Selling is an Ominous Sign for Stocks

Disclaimer: Investing involves risk so you can lose money. The information in this post is meant to educate you and is just my opinion. This is not a solicitation so I will not be held liable for any money lost.

A very interesting article appeared on CNN Money about the nature of insider trading by officials of major corporations these past few months.

Insider trading can be a useful indicator of what people “in-the-know” think about how the market is pricing the future prospects of their respective companies. With this information you-the person not “in-the-know” can make better-informed investment decisions. For instance, you would have made money if you followed the actions of insiders, who were heavily buying shares of their respective companies’ stock back in February and March when stock prices were bottoming.

The article mentions that the degree that insiders are selling their respective companies’ stock has not been this high since the time just before stock markets around the world first began to buckle in the summer of 2007. This is quite alarming because people who know exactly how the economy is faring and how their respective company is fairing believe that the future is not nearly as bright as what investors believe. With such a large number of people believing the same thing the degree of insider selling is an indication that the stock market is quite overvalued at this moment. Therefore, if you have money available to invest now this would not be a time I would be looking to commit much of that money towards stocks. If you have all of your money invested in stocks I would consider reducing the amount you have invested in stocks.

There are other reasons that I would not be surprised that stock markets around the world begin to fall.... However, for now, I will leave you with a link to someone who I listen to each week who can explain the situation a lot better than I can:


Teabagger Serenade

The Teabaggers took it to the White House today. It was a white bread crowd from flyover country that spread out across the lawn this morning. Both the outfits and posters were whacky. The event seemed half county fair and half dance in the day room. It was quite a show.

The teabaggers are venting their rage-- how dare the " socialists" try to change their healthcare system. The United States ranks number thirty seven in the world and they are proud of it (although they keep saying we have the best health care in the world. It's part of their alternative vision of reality) Whatever.

Here's a little serenade in celebration of the teabaggers and their fight to preserve their freedom, no matter what it costs them-- or the rest of us. Have a look,a listen, and a laugh. What else can you do?

The UN in the News

There are two headlines tonight that are dominating online news.

The first headline is that Obama is going to be chair the UN Security Council. I’m sure this headline is making a lot of people nervous because a lot of people believe that the Antichrist will be the head of the UN. Although my research indicates that Antichrist will have great influence over the UN, you should not be overly alarmed by this announcement.

The UN Security Council is despised by high-level people who are working to bring on a New World Order. The main reason that I feel the UN Security Council is despised is because the United States is able to use its Security Council veto power to defend Israel. The Plan is to eliminate the UN Security Council and just have the UN Generally Assembly remain so that an individual country will not have a major influence over legislative outcomes.

Therefore, you should not go into a bunker because Obama simply is going to be named head of a political institution that will not exist in the future. However, the one thing to be concerned about is that Israel could be placed in more danger because Obama is not a strong supporter of Israel like his predecessors were. At the minimum, expect Israel to receive less protection from the UN Security Council in the future.

The second headline is that the UN is recommending the creation of a global currency. While the Plan calls for the UN to administer a global currency one day, the currency recommended here is not the currency that eventually will arise. The flaw with the currency that is being proposed by the UN now is that it is paper-based (fiat). The Bible indicates (along with other sources) that the future global currency will commodity-based rather than paper-based. Therefore, it’s going to be a while before we get a recommendation from the UN that should give us a cause for concern.

A New Research Report in the Works

The reason there hasn’t been a blog update in a while is that I am working on an urgent research report. This report is about the experiences that Jews will endure during the End Times with some chilling details never seen before. I won’t share much about it now because I’m still writing the report, but one thing that I am going to do in this report is show how Psalms 83, the Book of Joel, and Ezekiel 7 all combine to give us a much clearer idea of what is going to happen to Jews who compromise with Antichrist. I am leaning towards only using Bible verses in this report because I do not want to turn off Jewish people who need to understand what I am going to mention in my report. This might be one of the two most important reports I ever write...