Star Sign News and a 2012 Report Update

Today, Share International finally posted the September 2009 Edition of its magazine online. The focus of the magazine this month is on the Star Sign of Maitreya (the Spirit of Antichrist spoken of in 1 John Ch. 4). For those of you who are unfamiliar with this development, the forces of evil are trying to mimic the Star of Bethlehem by sending four UFOs around the world in anticipation of the coming of Maitreya. Many people around the world have reported seeing these UFOs in the sky and have posted pictures and videos of it. (I personally have not seen this "star"while looking up in the sky , which is probably a good thing). The big revelation this magazine issue is that the plan is to now have these UFOs to shine both day and night until the Day of Declaration, the day where Maitreya reveals his true identity to the world (halfway through the 70th Week of Daniel). Besides the news about the Star Sign there is not much else we can glean from the September issue of this magazine about what the forces of evil are up to.

I am near the end of writing a research report about the Year 2012. The report is likely going to have things that will absolutely blow you away. I just spent 3 days researching the motivation behind 2012 and my findings are pretty eye-opening. I will announce its completion here and will probably write a post about some of the stuff that I will leave out of the report.