The UN in the News

There are two headlines tonight that are dominating online news.

The first headline is that Obama is going to be chair the UN Security Council. I’m sure this headline is making a lot of people nervous because a lot of people believe that the Antichrist will be the head of the UN. Although my research indicates that Antichrist will have great influence over the UN, you should not be overly alarmed by this announcement.

The UN Security Council is despised by high-level people who are working to bring on a New World Order. The main reason that I feel the UN Security Council is despised is because the United States is able to use its Security Council veto power to defend Israel. The Plan is to eliminate the UN Security Council and just have the UN Generally Assembly remain so that an individual country will not have a major influence over legislative outcomes.

Therefore, you should not go into a bunker because Obama simply is going to be named head of a political institution that will not exist in the future. However, the one thing to be concerned about is that Israel could be placed in more danger because Obama is not a strong supporter of Israel like his predecessors were. At the minimum, expect Israel to receive less protection from the UN Security Council in the future.

The second headline is that the UN is recommending the creation of a global currency. While the Plan calls for the UN to administer a global currency one day, the currency recommended here is not the currency that eventually will arise. The flaw with the currency that is being proposed by the UN now is that it is paper-based (fiat). The Bible indicates (along with other sources) that the future global currency will commodity-based rather than paper-based. Therefore, it’s going to be a while before we get a recommendation from the UN that should give us a cause for concern.