The 2009 U.N. Gathering Report

Every year we have a gathering of world leaders at the United Nations. I look forward to this each year because we get to see world leaders make complete idiots of themselves when they speak like Libyan Moammar Gadhafi yesterday. This year’s gathering was noteworthy because of the news made in the past couple of days. Here are some events that jumped out at me:

Yesterday, Barack Obama basically buried Israel with perhaps the most Anti-Israeli speech by a U.S. President in history. Obama said that the U.S. doesn’t consider Israel’s current settlements in the West Bank legitimate and implied that Israel should return to its 1967 borders. He also suggested that a Palestinian state with contiguous borders should be created, which implies that he wants Israel to surrender land so that the Gaza Strip can connect with the West Bank. This speech was something that an Anti-Israel New Ager would give and the “solutions” offered are something Antichrist Spirit Maitreya would recommend. However, I am not surprised that Obama gave this speech for reasons I won’t state now…

I anticipate that the United States will eventually be punished for Obama’s stance on Israel because the Bible says that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who cursed Israel will be cursed.

  • Gen 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
  • Gen 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

After Obama spoke, Moammar Gadhafi gave a “legendary” 90+ minute speech that will probably be replayed on Youtube for years to come by those who are looking for some comic relief. While Gadhafi said a bunch of crazy and ridiculous things, his call to abolish the U.N. Security Council jumped out at me. I read that he got applauds for that and other world leaders called for the same thing in their respective speeches. This is very important because one element of the Plan to create a New World Order is to abolish the U.N. Security Council. The forces of evil hate the U.N. Security Council because it enables a country like the United States to stop progress towards creating a one-world government with a simple veto and to enables a single country to defend Israel. Gadhafi’s words are a reminder that the abolishment of the Security Council is likely to come because the sentiment to abolish it exists among many world leaders.

Yesterday afternoon, I watched the President of Iran’s speech out of sheer curiosity. As expected, his speech was full of ridiculous, Anti-Semitic rhetoric. However, at the end the President of Iran said something that caught my attention. Ahmadinejad said,

“Let's support goodness and the majority of people who are good and the embodiment of absolute good that is the Imam of Time, The Promised One who will come accompanied by Jesus Christ, and accordingly design and implement the just and humanistic mechanisms for regulating the constructive relationships between nations and governments”.

Ahmadinejad was evoking Islamic End Times prophecy in the passage. “The Promised One” is Imam Mahdi, the Messiah for the brand of Islam that Ahadinejad subscribes to. The detail that Jesus will supposedly join Imam Mahdi and implement a one world government is exactly what New Agers are teaching. New Age teachers say that Maitreya will work very closely with Jesus (Fallen Angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel) and Jesus will help Maitreya implement a New World Order. Ahmadinejad’s statement provides more evidence that the forces of evil are planning to fulfill the prophecies of the major world religions through deceptive acts.

Today, Obama chaired a meeting of the U.N. Security Council. The members of the Security Council approved a U.N. resolution committing nations to work towards creating a world where no nation has nuclear weapons. A gradual disarmament is part of the Plan to bring a New World Order into fruition, so today shows that the forces of evil are serious about implementing some of the things they said they would implement. However, I do not expect this disarmament to happen right away because I anticipate a prolonged period of war to occur next decade.

If there is one thing that you can take from all of this it is that when the nations of the world gather the citizens of the world lose.