What's Behind the Twilight Craze?

I last wrote that I would try to write a bit more frequently than I have lately. Unfortunately, I’ve still been busy writing my new book which is around 80% complete. I hope to get it out before the end of the year. However, I hope this blog entry makes up for my absence because it contains some information I think some people will find very insightful.

New Moon, the latest installment to the wildly popular Twilight Saga series, made over $140 million during its first weekend at the box office. The movie and the book that it is based on are wildly popular amongst teenage girls who obsess over the Twilight Saga like some people obsess over Star Wars. I personally have not seen or have not read anything related to the Twilight Saga nor do I ever plan to do so. However, I have observed the craze with some wonderment because of its cult-like following. After some research and thought, I believe there is a very, very sinister power behind the popularity of the series. There are a few major red flags about the Twilight Saga.

1. First is the high amount of unbiblical content. I will not cover that here because Dr. Scott Johnson has several good sermons on the Twilight Saga which do a good job of that. You can listen to his sermons about the Twilight Saga by clicking this link.

2. Second, I find that the Twilight Saga has an intoxicating effect on the minds of those obsessed with it. I am very disturbed by how much females’ obsess over the male vampires’ physical appearance and charm. These females frankly don’t care if these vampires are condemned forever. I’ve pointed this out to some Twilight fans, but they tell me that they don’t care that a vampire like Edward Cullen (the male protagonist in the saga) is an evil being because Edward is “good”. These girls are so obsessed with the Twilight Saga that they cannot see that there is no such thing as a good, evil being-it is a complete contradiction! It is like saying there are good fallen angels and bad fallen angels.

3. Third, the author of the Twilight Saga, Stephanie Meyer, stated on her official website that she was practically hearing voices in her head when she wrote the first book of the series. Here are Meyer’s own words

“All this time, Bella and Edward were, quite literally, voices in my head. They simply wouldn't shut up. I'd stay up as late as I could stand trying to get all the stuff in my mind typed out, and then crawl, exhausted, into bed (my baby still wasn't sleeping through the night, yet) only to have another conversation start in my head”… [i]

This is eye-opening because words typically do not flow into someone’s mind this easily and this consistently unless there is some outside influence aiding in the process. Perhaps Meyer did everything on her own, but I think it is more likely she had the words placed into her mind by an evil entity.

I read a recent account of a dream that Meyer had after she completed writing her first book. Meyer claims that she actually met Edward in a very vivid dream that startled her. Below is her account of the dream:

“I had this dream that Edward actually showed up and told me that I got it all wrong and like he exists and everything but he couldn't live off animals... and I kind of got the sense he was going to kill me. It was really terrifying and bizarrely different from every other time I've thought about his character”.[ii]

A dream like this is a gigantic red flag because it is my understanding that evil entities have the ability to penetrate certain people’s dreams. It is not out of the question that “Edward” is a real spiritual entity that set up Meyer to write the Twilight Saga. “Edward” surprised Meyer by revealing information about him that she did not know about, including a statement about how he really exists. The way Meyer described her dream it sure sounds like “Edward” is not a figment of her imagination. If we assume “Edward” is real and was the one behind Twilight then what is the motivation of “Edward” to tell the story to Meyer and to have the story propagate in all sorts of media like movies, books, video games, etc?

My suspicion is that the Twilight Saga is being used to condition young girls and teenagers to become accepting of condemned spiritual entities. I do not think the conditioning is related to arrival of vampires, but the arrival of fallen angels. Paul warns that satanic representatives like fallen angels have the ability to transform or masquerade themselves as benevolent ministers of light.

  • 2Co 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
  • 2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
  • 2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Dr. Scott Johnson notes that “transform” as used here is not figurative, but physical: “The literal word is “metaschematizo - to change the figure of, to transform, to assume the form of another,” and has the same root as “metamorphosis,” and relates specifically to the outward physical appearance’”.[iii] The Bible provides further evidence that angels can take on other physical forms. In fact, Hebrews 13:2 says that people can mistake angels as people.

  • Heb 13:1 Let brotherly love continue.
  • Heb 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Genesis 19:1-5 describes an instance where the people of Sodom mistaken angels for humans, and the angels looked so human that the people of Sodom were attracted to them.

In a report entitled “Details of the Plan to Fool Christians” I wrote about how several biblical passages (Dan 2:41-43, Mat 24:37-8, Rev 12:9, Luk 21:25-26) indicate we are likely going to see Satan’s fallen angels interacting with humans during the end times. The following is a passage from the report that about how I foresee the interaction of fallen angels and humans.

“I believe that many fallen angels at this future time (the end times) will interact with humans and perhaps even marry humans. I do not know if there will again be interbreeding with humans and fallen angels, but if there is it will not have a major consequence on end time events... The interaction between humans and fallen angels will not last very long as “iron does not mix with clay”.

Another thing I foresee is that many women may fall in love with these fallen angels to the point that they will be convinced by them to accept the Mark of the Beast and worship Antichrist. People are not going to stop finding mates during the end times and it is quite possible that fallen angels may make themselves so irresistible to women that they will become willing to do anything for them so that the fallen angel elects to be their mate.

Therefore, I believe the Twilight Saga is being used by the forces of evil to soften up these young girls and teenage girls for the eventual arrival of fallen angels that will take on human form like the vampires appear in human form in the Twilight Saga. During that time a large number of today’s young girls and teenagers will still be unmarried and vulnerable to being wooed by fallen angels in human form like the Twilight Saga’s main character Bella was wooed by Edward wooed and like the women on Earth before the flood. Unfortunately, like Bella, a lot of women will be willing accept eternal condemnation to be with these condemned beings.


[i] Meyer, Stephanie. “The Story Behind Twilight”. 14 Dec. 2008. Last Accessed 28 Nov. 2009. http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/twilight.html

[ii] Montenegro, Marcia. “A Girl and Her Vampire”. Last Accessed 28. Nov. 2009. http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_Twilight.html

[iii] Johnson, Scott. “UFO’s, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and The Days of Noah”. 19 Aug 2007. Last Accessed 11 Jan 2009. http://media.sermonaudio.com/mediapdf/82007142704.pdf.

The World According to Us

We not only know we're #1, we also think we are intelligent, educated, modest and fit to lead the world. And hey, Europe-- look at what we think of you:-)

In case you were wondering, that's why Sarah Palin thinks that living between Canada and Russia gives her foreign affairs expertise. Our world view also lets us imagine that we have the best healthcare system in the world..

Well, sometimes you just gotta laugh and this is one of those times. Click on the map to enlarge it.

hat tip: Barry Ritholtz 

Sarah Palin Reminds Me of Hitler

Sarah Palin is going more than rogue these days.  Her book tour should be making Americans of all political persuasions very nervous.  Today is day four of the tour and she is in western Pennsylania  where more than a thousand people started lining up last night to actually get a chance to see the divine one.  According to her publisher, Palin's memoir sold more than 300,000 copies its first day--pretty stunning numbers if you ask me. The book's print run has already been increased from 1.5 million copies to 2.5 million copies.  Who knows where it will all end, but one way or another, Palin will end up with beaucoup bucks.  No wonder resigning as governer was not a problem for her.

Last week Sarah Palin  sat down with Oprah as part of her media blitz.  I, along with millions of others, tuned in and listened with rapt attention.  My conclusion?  This is a very dangerous woman with the power to twist truth and the vanity to think that she is doing it for the good of others and not for herself.  She is shrewd, narcissistic and  is into myth making as much as Hitler was.

Like Hitler she is a larger than life figure who weaves flattering national fantasies that bear very little resemblance to reality. She has  charisma and speaking ability and  she launches a powerful appeal to those who feel angry, fearful, and misunderstood, using paranoia and half truths to make her case.

I could almost see the torch light parades forming as I watched her romance the TV camera and Oprah's audience. She painted herself as the underdog and innocent  victim--a role many Americans identify with, especially those who have lost homes, jobs, and health insurance or who never had much to begin with.  They see her as their champion and her simplistic notions and twisted truths as an answer.

Palin vs. Hitler

Hitler rose to power in a period when Germans felt frightened and taken adantage of-- when economic conditions were terrible and the Weimar Republic was just not working.   When people feel threatened and  powerless, they are ripe for exploitation and that is what I see Sarah Palin in the process of doing. She is exploiting people for her own ego gratification and I don't think it is a mere political career that she wants.  I think she is looking for  more-- much more.

I see in her the megalomania of the true narcissist.  America today has much in common with Germany in the 1930's. People are disenchanted with  their leaders and are looking for answers.  There was a world wide financial crisis then too.  The notion of American exceptionalism that Palin embraces so heartily echos Hitler's notion of the master race and the special role of the German people. I can hear those  American militias in the heartland  now, cleaning their weapons and  talking about the evils of socialism, Obama, Liberals and gun control.  Scary, very divisive stuff.

We are part of a world community that cannot afford to let nationalism, isolationism, xenophobia and ignorance triumph.  Let us hope that " Going Rogue" is not Palin's  " Mein Kampf"

I'm Back After A Week

It’s been more than a week since I last wrote a blog entry. I’ve been busy this past week working on major aspects of this (now) book that I am writing. There have been a couple headlines that have caught my eye in the past week…

The Senate Democrats may vote on this health care bill earlier than expected. I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I thought we could see a big repeat of the summer time protests during Congress’s winter recess as people try to stop the Democrats from passing health care reform. I am not surprised the voting may be move up because the Senate Democrats know that they are going to get grilled either way so they might as well get grilled with a vote already completed. The news is also an example of how difficult it is to forecast near-term events like the passage of a law. Ironically, it’s easier to forecast with accuracy long-term events than short-term events. Short-term events are difficult because anything can happen while long-term events are easier to forecast with accuracy because certain events are preordained to happen in the long-run.

The second headline is that some hackers accessed electronic data from one of the world’s premiere climate research center. The people who have read through the information gathered claim that top research scientists have colluded with each other to manipulate temperature data and other research to push anthropogenic global warming as a political agenda. I would not be surprised if there was data manipulation or some type of collusion going on because I do not believe there is a lot of scientific support to say that man is the sole driver of the rising temperatures in the past century. My sense is that the push to place controls on emissions by environmental groups and government organizations to combat “anthropogenic global warming” have more nefarious goals. I have more to say about this at a later date…

I decided to turn the research report into a book because I was able to get it over 100 pages. The book is around 70% complete right now. I’m working on the hardest portions of the book at this moment so when I get past this point the other 30% should be completed rather quickly. It’s sometimes hard to get the motivation to write a blog entry because I’m so focused on the book. However, I'll try to update a bit more frequently until the completion of the book.

Review of the November Issue of Share International Magazine

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

A couple of days ago the November issue of Share International Magazine was posted online. The November issue surprisingly contains some new information about what the forces of evil.

Benjamin Creme spoke a lot about the number of people who either work for the Antichrist Spirit Maitreya or sympathize with him. Creme revealed that between 4 to 5 million people work for an organization that I wrote about in my research called the New Group of World Servers. For those of you who have never heard of the New Group of World Servers, here is the definition from my website:

“An organization founded in 1922 comprising a loose network of individuals who serve the effort to create a one world government, religion, economy, etc. The group helps bring a one-world government, religion, economy, etc by influencing public opinion to the point where the public demands leaders from all fields to bring global unity. There are several million people associated with this group, including some very influential, wealthy, and well-known individuals and organizations. Most people are unaware that they are working for evil while a small, inner circle work under direct supervision of the Ascended Masters”.

I would not be surprised if there really were 4 to 5 million people affiliated with the New Group of World Servers. Therefore, I think there is a pretty good chance that Creme is telling the truth here.

Creme also hints that Maitreya has 1.8 billion disciples. These “disciples” are people who are available for Maitreya to influence and/or open to his ideas. Most of these people probably do not necessarily know who Maitreya is, but are highly likely to follow him when he emerges on the world stage. Creme says that a “vast bulk” of people will follow Maitreya so they still have a ways to go before they are ready for the End Times. I think the lead up to 2012 will make that disciple number grow a lot.

As usual, there was a lot about the Star Sign. One reader asked Creme about the October 7, 2009 edition of the television show “Destination Truth” where a group of people explored a mineshaft in Chile that supposedly has a lot of “alien” activity. The people on this show saw a strange, pulsating white light that looked like a star. The star moved around, made some noise, and even interfered with some of the group’s equipment. Here is a link where you can watch the event (the event begins at 5:37 of the video). The reader asked Creme if the “star” was one of the UFOs that can create the Star Sign and Creme confirmed that it was.

I am surprised by the "quality" of new information that was revealed this month. Perhaps some months are better than others depending on the type of questions people ask.

China May Be Sending A Message

I’m back after a few days away from writing a blog. I spent a lot of time writing the special report and doing some research.

The big story that caught my eye these past couple of days is a headline that China is hinting that it may allow its currency to rise against the U.S. Dollar soon by allowing its currency’s value be determined by a basket of currencies. Currently, the Chinese government manipulates the value of its currency so that it stays relatively stable against the U.S. Dollar. The Chinese want to keep the value of its currency relatively stable against the U.S. Dollar because it helps them maintain an export advantage over the U.S. and keeps their main customer-the U.S-from having severe economic problems. If the Chinese did not restrict the movement of their currency against the U.S. Dollar the U.S. economy could be a complete disaster-far more than it is now-because the value of the Chinese currency would soar; causing everything Americans buy to skyrocket.

The past two administrations have put pressure on China to stop restricting the movement of its currency because China’s artificially low currency is putting U.S. producers at a disadvantage. China has slowly made concessions to show the world that they can be somewhat cooperative and to receive some concessions from the U.S. (i.e. not formally being label a currency manipulator by the U.S. Treasury). China’s hint that they may allow the value of their currency to rise indicates that they may be growing tired of following the inflationary practices of the U.S. Government. China is very unhappy with the way the U.S. Government is handling the current financial crisis and is getting tired of lending the government long-term money. China’s current verbal protests are likely to one day become protests involving actions that will have repercussions on the U.S. and the world.

I will have a lot more about this topic in detail in the special report I’m working on. In fact, one of the things I write that can basically destroy the U.S. economy and trigger a global economic and financial meltdown would be China completely dropping its peg to the U.S. Dollar. Although many currency experts think that it will take a while for China to drop its peg to the U.S. Dollar, it is an event that is inevitable…

Flying the Drunken Skies.

Erwin Vermont Washington, age 51, has the distinction of being the third United Airlines pilot to be accused of being drunk on the job in the past 13 months.  Yesterday, he was  literally taken from the cockpit by police at London's Heathrow Airport, given a breathalizer test, which he failed, and carted off to the hoosecow.

When you put it together with an American Airlines pilot who was removed from a plane for being drunk ( also at Heathrow) and   the two Delta pilots who were caught with booze in their coffee while going through an airport checkpoint here in the States a couple of years ago, it kind of makes you wonder just how friendly, not to mention safe, those drunken skies are.

True, British law is stricter than American law about what constitutes too much alcohol in the bloodstream, but American pilots are not supposed to be drinking at all before a flight.  They should have zero alcohol in the bloodstream. So what is going on here?  The American culture of corporate corruption and worship of the almighty dollar seems to have trumped common sense once again.

We've got a problem, folks.  It's time to enforce the laws we have about making sure pilots  are qualified, well rested, and stone cold sober. We have drunk driving checkpoints on the highways.  How come we are letting our pilots fly drunk when we don't let motorists drive drunk?

I lay the blame on the deregulation of airline travel in 1978.  Back in the day,  the civil aeronautics board had ultimate control over fares, routes, and entry of new carriers into the market.  It put safety first and profit second. Deragulation phased it out and gradually exposed American carriers to the pressures of the market.  Yes, airline prices fell by more than 40% but airline travel, which had been quite comfortable, became what it is today-- like a ride in a cattlecar.  Frankly, I'd rather pay more for a ticket and know that the guys in the cockpit have their wits about them.

I'll tell you one thing.  The next time I fly to London it will be on Virgin Atlantic or British Airways.  No drunken skies of United or American for me.   I'll go with an airline that has some government oversight and some sane safetly regulations.

America's Upcoming Winter of Discontent

The House Democrats are tonight celebrating the passage of the Health Care Bill by a very narrow margin. The House Democrats ought to enjoy their victory tonight because it will not be long before they face a tremendous public uproar.

The health care bill was passed despite strong opposition from a large number of people. The way the Democrats have dealt with the opposition throughout this entire process has given many people the idea that they hold them in contempt or just do not care what they think. During the August recess Democrats demonized the opposition by calling them “Nazis”, “Fascists”, and claiming that they were organized by the Republican Party, health insurance companies, and talk radio to stop “needed reform”. After the August recess, House Democrats went back to talking about health care in ways that suggest that they did not listen to the strong opposition back in August. Finally, a recently released poll suggested that more than 50% of people opposed the health care bill the very week it was voted on.

The way the Democrats have dealt with the opposition during the passage of an unpopular health care bill assuredly will infuriate people opposed to it to the point where they will take even bolder actions to show their displeasure. Many people now perceive that the government is trying to takeover of the economy and that the only way to stop it from happening now is to scare politicians straight. The Senate must next pass its own version of the Health Care Bill before a final health care bill can be devised. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid indicated that a vote on a Senate version of a health care bill would not occur until after the winter recess. Therefore, I expect there to be fierce protests during the winter recess and I would not be surprised if the protests exceed the protests we saw during the August recess. This winter will be America’s Winter of Discontent.

Special Report Update

Earlier I wrote that I hoped to have a special report about the economic collapse and next world war completed in early November. Now I think I will be fortunate if I can get the special report done before the end of the month. The report has been extremely difficult to write because the report focuses heavily on events that will happen in the next few years. There are so many things that can happen in the next few years that will trigger an economic collapse and world war that there is a lot to write about. In addition, many of these events will occur at the same time so I have to figure out what happens when these events interact with each other.

Basically, we are entering a period where many major events that by themselves can trigger an economic collapse and/or world war will all occur at the same time. Some people familiar with some of the events that will happen call it the “Perfect Financial Storm”. There has never been a period of history quite like the one we are going to experience in the coming decade. What you will find when the report is completed is how soon the chaos begin. I just hope I can complete the report before everything starts breaking down.

2009 Election Results Analysis

Election Day was yesterday and members of the two major political parties are spinning about its importance. Republicans won the top three offices in the State of Virginia and won the governorship of New Jersey. Meanwhile, Democrats gained a new seat in Congress with a victory in New York’s 23rd District.

The Republicans claim that the election represents the turning of a tide that will bring huge Republican gains in 2010. Meanwhile the Democrats and the media claim that the election results mean little because voter turnout was so low and the bad economy would hurt any incumbent-no matter what party they are from. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs even claimed that Barack Obama was not monitoring the election results.

I think yesterday’s Election has some meaning. This is what I glean from yesterday’s election results.

First, while watching a panel of Virginia Democratic, Republican, and Independent voters I got the sense that voters are angry and fearful about what the future holds. Some people who voted for Obama admitted last night that Obama did not bring the change they wanted. In fact, one Obama voter said that he felt that Obama has done more damage to the country than Bush did in 8 years. Others expressed great concern about the increasing influence of government in the economy and potentially in the health care system.

Second, the fact that a Republican won the governorship of New Jersey is an indication that people are tired of the status quo because Democrats historically has dominated New Jersey politics. This victory is analogous to the Republicans winning the governorship in the union-dominated state of Illinois. This result probably got a lot of the Democratic Party leadership's attention.

Third, the Democratic victory in New York’s 23rd District, a historically Republican district, demonstrates the incompetence of Republican Party leadership. If you are unfamiliar with what happened, the Republicans basically nominated a RINO (Republican In Name Only) to represent their party in the election with the belief that the party could win the election by having a candidate that espouses a lot of the same beliefs as the opposition. The party went as far as sending people party “stalwarts” like Newt Gingrich to endorse the RINO. The fatal flaw of this strategy is that while the party will gain wishy-washy, apathetic “centrists” and possibly some moderate Democrats they will lose the support of motivated activists in their own party. In this case the Conservative activists within the Republican Party totally revolted against party leadership forcing the Republican candidate to resign. The Democratic candidate won with Republican voters splitting their votes between a RINO and a Conservative Party candidate. The Republican Party needs to have real Conservative candidates to have a chance of replicating 1994's Republican Revolution in the 2010 election.

If Obama really did not watch what happened yesterday he is making a mistake. People are dissatisfied with the direction this country is going in terms of the policies that are passed and way the economy is being handle. Obama would get a sense of that if he watched the panel of Virginia voters. The Democrats know they will lose some seats next year to the Republicans because that is what historically happens in Midterm Elections. But if they ignore voter sentiment and the economy does not show much improvement there is a possibility that they’ll find themselves as the minority party in the House of Representatives after the 2010 election.

Personal Experience With Government Retail

Today I thought I would share a personal experience that gives me one reason why I believe the U.S. government should not take over the health care system.

A couple of weeks ago a military-run, retail branch held a special sale on a Medal of Honor 10th Anniversary Bundle, which contains 5 World War 2-based video games. I wanted to buy this bundle, but the store in my area did not have any copies when the sale began. This was astounding because the retail branch and the store had advertised the sale two weeks in advance! The store allowed a raincheck and promised to call me as soon as any copies arrived. One week later the store revealed that they had not yet contacted any suppliers to get a copy in the store. It’s been a week since we received an update from the store and nothing has changed...

How can anyone trust the government to run the health care system if they can’t run a retail operation correctly!? It’s like asking a person who has trouble speaking to give a State of the Union Address. Woops…we did for 8 years… Only in America!

I’m working feverishly right now writing about the derivatives market for the special report I’m working on. Writing this report is so much harder than I originally imagined...

Slow Money: A Fast Growing Idea

Slow Money is the name of a book, a movement, and an idea whose time has come. The subtitle of the book " investing as if food, farms and fertility mattered" explains the heart of the movement which is only about a year old, but which is going viral all over the world.

The principles of slow money are not about capitalism or communism but about common sense and basic morality. The idea of slowing money down means to not invest for a quick killing and maximum return for investors, but to invest for long tern goals and the good of both investment and investor. The movement asks three interesting questions in the principles section of its website:

  • What would the world be like if we invested 50% of our assets within 50 miles of where we live?
  • What if there were a new generation of companies that gave away 50% of their profits?
  • What if there were 50% more organic matter in our soil 50 years from now?

These questions were provocative enough to make me want to download the PDF outlining all the principles of the movement which you can do by clicking here.

How it Started

The Slow Money movement grew out of the slow food, buy local idea. From eating local and eschewing factory farms and agribusiness it is only one small step to changing the entire system by changing the way we view business, profit and investment. The Slow Money movement is putting its money where its mouth is by starting a seed money fund that will emphasize " nurture capitalism" funding local and small food enterprises, not as philanthropy, but as sensible investment in product, people, and the future.

Like most great concepts it is simple. Like most game-changing ideas it leaves you thinking " why didn't I think of that" and like many new ways of thinking, it will no doubt be met with ridicule and pessimism. The important thing is, given human nature, will it work? Only time will tell.

The world as we know it is on the verge of economic collapse. International financial institutions, governments and corporations are paddling like mad to keep us from going over the falls into oblivion. I say, keep an open mind and incorporate the idea of "nurture capitalism" into the economy. Maybe it is time to think outside the box? It's what we're best at here in America and Lord knows we need to re-invent ourselves.

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