Special Report Update

Earlier I wrote that I hoped to have a special report about the economic collapse and next world war completed in early November. Now I think I will be fortunate if I can get the special report done before the end of the month. The report has been extremely difficult to write because the report focuses heavily on events that will happen in the next few years. There are so many things that can happen in the next few years that will trigger an economic collapse and world war that there is a lot to write about. In addition, many of these events will occur at the same time so I have to figure out what happens when these events interact with each other.

Basically, we are entering a period where many major events that by themselves can trigger an economic collapse and/or world war will all occur at the same time. Some people familiar with some of the events that will happen call it the “Perfect Financial Storm”. There has never been a period of history quite like the one we are going to experience in the coming decade. What you will find when the report is completed is how soon the chaos begin. I just hope I can complete the report before everything starts breaking down.