Google Doodle Today: 160th Anniversary of the First World's Fair

Edition: 160th Anniversary of the First World's Fair
Date: 01.05.2011
Source: Google Global

Google hari ini menampilkan logo eksklusif secara global dalam rangka memperingati 160 tahun digelarnya pertama kali acara "world"s fair" yang dilangsungkan tanggal 1 mei 1851 di london.

yang menarik dari google doodle kali ini adalah animasi berbentuk kaca pembesar saat mouse kita arahkan ke gambar logo google tersebut dan menampilkan zoom gambar secara detail.

penasaran? segera meluncur ke situs google sekarang...


New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Fried Check-in" Badge

Message: "Battered up! That's 10+ fried chicken outings for you! I believe the technical term for that is Poultry In Motion."

How To Unlock: Check-in to venue category "Fried Chicken Joints" 10 Times

satu lagi badge baru bagi pecinta makanan cepat saji bisa diunlock bagi pengguna foursquare di seluruh dunia termasuk di indonesia. badge bernama "fried check-in" ini bisa diunlock dengan cara mengunjungi dan check-in venue-venue restoran cepat saji "fried chicken" yang banyak bertebaran di berbagai tempat.

jumlah check-in yang harus diperlukan sesuai syaratnya adalah 10+ tetapi bagi yang sering berkunjung dan lebih jumlahnya bisa hanya sekali check-in saja itupun venuenya bukan 10 venue berbeda tetapi bisa venue yang sama.

silahkan mencoba... follow akun foursquare dan twitter @tamtomo2 buat info tentang foursquare..

An Update on My Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 Study

I have not written anything about the topic of Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 since my article about the key issues to consider when analyzing Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 a few weeks ago. However, I have spent most of my time studying Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 these past few weeks. Today I want to provide an update on where this study stands.

These past few weeks I have compiled over 20 pages full of Bible prophecy verses that may relate to Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 or may help explain the timing of the events described in Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39. The Bible is full of details and clues to help increase our understanding of these two chapters, but the challenge is to locate these helpful verses and to figure out how to put these verses/puzzle pieces together. It’s not an easy task…

After studying Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 in-depth for the past few weeks I’ve concluded that these are the two most challenging chapters in the entire Bible to get a good grasp on.

  • I’ve come up with multiple scenarios that could potentially explain the events described in these chapters, but each time I have found Bible verses that undermine the scenarios I have devised.
  • I have also read numerous articles by different writers about what events these chapters describe. Like with my own scenarios, I’ve been able to find Bible verses that undermine these writers’ scenarios.

However, I’m currently considering a possible way to understand Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 that looks promising. I am currently considering a way to understand Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 that I have been unable to disprove yet after a couple of days of reviewing it and that is different than the main ways most people view these two chapters today. Unfortunately, I cannot say more than that at this moment because I am not 100% sure if it is the correct way to understand Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 yet…

After studying Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 for the past few weeks, I now believe one of the main keys to understanding the timing of many events described in Ezekiel 38 and understanding Ezekiel 38’s relationship with Ezekiel 39 is to understand the context that the main invasion described in Ezekiel 38 takes place. Ezekiel 38:8-12 describes the conditions that exist in Israel at a time when Gog invades (each important detail is highlighted).

  • Eze 38:8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
  • Eze 38:9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.
  • Eze 38:10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
  • Eze 38:11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
  • Eze 38:12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.

The key to understanding the context of the main invasion described in Ezekiel 38 is to come up with an understanding of when the conditions/details described in Ezekiel 38:8-12 will exist in Israel and an understanding of who will be responsible for creating the conditions that exists in Israel when Gog’s invasion transpires. Every explanation concerning the events described in Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 must be able to account for the details described in Ezekiel 38:8-12 in a manner that is biblically possible.

I plan to spend this weekend further studying this “promising” way to view Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 and seeing whether this new way to view these two chapters can help to bring new light to the prophecies concerning Egypt and Libya. If things work out, I could begin to publish in-depth articles about Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39 as early as next week.

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Bloody Disgusting" Stickers

Name: Bloody Disgusting First Skull

Message: "You've found your #1 source for horror. Keep coming back to . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Bloody Disgusting."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Topic "Bloody Disgusting"

Name: Bloody Disgusting Gorehound

Message: "You can't get enough of the horror news at . Go back for more gore now! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Bloody Disgusting."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Topic "Bloody Disgusting" - 5 Times

Name: Night Terrors Coming Soon

Message: "See more of the world's best horror with the Night Terrors series: . Rammbock: Berlin Undead opens on May 2. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Bloody Disgusting."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Insidious" or the other movie at

Name: Rammbock: Berlin Undead

Message: "You're watching Rammbock: Berlin Undead in theaters now. See more from Night Terrors: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Bloody Disgusting."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Rammbock: Berlin Undead" - 02.05.11

Name: Rammbock: Berlin Undead on DVD

Message: "Rammbock: Berlin Undead is on DVD starting on 6/28. Just don't watch it alone. See more with Night Terrors: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Bloody Disgusting."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Rammbock: Berlin Undead" - 28.06.11

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Jumping the Broom" Stickers

Name: Jumping the Broom Coming Soon

Message: "Jumping the Broom opens on 5/6, so be sure to jump on line to see this movie! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Jumping the Broom" - Before 06.05.2011

Name: Jumping the Broom Opening Weekend

Message: "I hope you didn't jump the line to see Jumping the Broom because you were one of the first to see this movie this weekend! Congrats. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Jumping the Broom" - Premiere 06.05.2011

Name: Jumping the Broom Box Office

Message: "Did Sabrina and Jason make it down the aisle? Shh...don't spoil the movie! Thank you for seeing Jumping the Broom. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Jumping the Broom" - 09.05.2011

My Thoughts on the Latest Pew Findings on Egyptian Public Opinion

Update: The Muslim Brotherhood seems to have found a way to circumvent the Egyptian constitution and have formed a new political party affiliated with it. They will contest up to half of Egypt's parliamentary seats in the upcoming election. Link

A couple of days ago the Pew Research Center released a survey about Egyptian’s views of ongoing events. The Pew Research Center has asked Egyptians about their views for the past several years, but this year’s results have a lot more relevance/significance because Egypt is expected to have a democratic election in the next few months.

  • The potential arrival of democracy in Egypt brings new importance to Egyptian public opinion. Under Mubarak, Egyptian public opinion was relatively unimportant because Mubarak ruled as an autocrat. Under some semblance of democracy, Egyptian political figures are likely going to need to strongly consider Egyptian public opinion when proposing policies and formulating policy decisions since it will be the Egyptian public who decides their political fate (as long as democracy is intact).

Today I want to share some of my thoughts about Pew Research Center’s recent findings concerning Egyptians’ views of the U.S., Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

One concern I have after reviewing the Pew survey is that Egypt appears to be a country that has potential to become a significant U.S. adversary in the future.

  • If Egyptian political figures are responsive to Egyptian public opinion it will be in their strategic interest to adopt an anti-U.S. position since the vast majority of the Egyptian public views the U.S. negatively. The adoption of an anti-U.S. position by Egyptian political figures could eventually lead to an adversarial relationship between Egypt and the U.S as Egyptian political figures make policy decisions that the U.S. dislikes to credibly show the Egyptian public that they are serious about their anti-U.S. position.

The current military leadership of Egypt favors maintaining Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel. However, there are real questions about whether a democratically-elected government would seek to maintain the treaty as well. Pew’s findings give me more reason to be concerned about whether Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel will survive in the future:

Some new readers may be unfamiliar with why I believe we should be concerned about the fate of Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel. Therefore, I’ll again post why I believe the cancellation of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel (and/or Jordan and Israel) could have significant Bible prophecy implications:

By cancelling a peace treaty, Egypt and/or Jordan would no longer be constrained by the agreements they made with Israel in the past and vice versa. (Perhaps it is a war involving Israel versus these countries and others that necessitates the need for the "covenant with many" mentioned in Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:15-19)

The cancellation of one or both peace treaties would also make it much more difficult for peace negotiators to reach an all-encompassing Middle East peace deal because negotiators would have to get Egypt and/or Jordan to agree to a new peace deal with Israel (in addition to getting other parties in the region to agree to peace with Israel). An increase in the difficulty to reach an all-encompassing Middle East peace deal would increase the likelihood that Antichrist will be initially hailed as a “hero” by most people for accomplishing what seemed to be impossible when an all-encompassing Middle East peace deal is finally reached.

I know a lot of people are concerned about the prospect for the Muslim Brotherhood to take power at some point in Egypt. The results of the Pew’s survey suggest that the Muslim Brotherhood would have as good of opportunity as any other group to win significant representation in a new Egyptian government if they are allowed to have candidates in the upcoming Egyptian election (which they aren’t with the ban on religious parties forming political parties still in place).

  • Pew found that there is no clear consensus about who should lead the next government of Egypt. However, the Muslim Brotherhood ranked second among Egyptians at 17%; trailing the top-ranked New Wafd Party by only a few percentage points.

Even if the Muslim Brotherhood is unable to gain a significant role in the upcoming, new Egyptian government, there is still a lot of potential for the Muslim Brotherhood to gain a significant role in the future.

The ban on religious parties forming political parties may not last for an extended period of time if Egyptian public opinion plays a significant role in determining the outcome of this issue. Pew found that half of Egyptians view the lifting of the ban as an issue “very important” to them

After reviewing the Pew Research Center's findings I would not be surprised if Egypt eventually becomes a much more difficult country for the U.S. and Israel to deal with in the future. I expect Egyptians’ negative views towards the U.S. and general dislike for their peace treaty with Israel to eventually move Egyptian political figures to adopt positions which are more anti-U.S. and more anti-Israel than what we see now from Egypt's current military rulers. If/when the Muslim Brotherhood enters the picture I think the likelihood of Egypt becoming a difficult country for the U.S. and Israel to deal with will rise even more…

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "CBC's Hockey Night in Canada" Sticker

Name: CBC's Hockey Night in Canada First Check-in

Message: "Congrats! Keep checking-in throughout the playoffs to CBC's Hockey Night in Canada, the exclusive Canadian home of the Stanley Cup Final. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Hockey Night in Canada."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Hockey Night in Canada" First Time

Name: CBC's Hockey Night in Canada Fan

Message: "You're a fan! From Ron, Don and the crew, thanks for watching CBC's Hockey Night in Canada. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Hockey Night in Canada."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Hockey Night in Canada" - 5 Times On Airing. -- Schedule: Stanley Cup 2011 ---
Name: CBC's Hockey Night in Canada Fan

Message: "Think you have as many check-ins as Don has suits? Nah, not even close. Stay tuned to CBC's Hockey Night in Canada throughout the playoffs. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Hockey Night in Canada."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Hockey Night in Canada" - 15 Times On Airing. -- Schedule: Stanley Cup 2011 ---

Jadwal Pertandingan (Dalam WIB):
- 01.05.11, Jam 02.00 WIB
- 01.05.11, Jam 07:30 WIB
- 01.05.11, Jam 08:00 WIB
- 02.05.11, Jam 06:00 WIB
- 03.05.11, Jam 23:30 WIB
- 04.05.11, Jam 08:00 WIB
- 05.05.11, Jam 06:00 WIB
- 06.05.11, Jam 07:00 WIB
- 06.05.11, Jam 07:30 WIB
- 07.05.11, Jam 07:00 WIB
- 08.05.11, Jam 06:30 WIB
- 09.05.11, Jam 02:00 WIB

Jadwal selengkapnya:

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "American Idol Live" Stickers

Name: American Idol 2011

Message: "You're watching American Idol! See your favorite performers live: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at American Idol Live."

How To Unlock:  Check-in to TV Show "American Idol" - live perform, schedule:

Name: American Idol 2011 Tour

Message: "You love listening to the American Idol finalists. See them on tour: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at American Idol Live."

How To Unlock:  Check-in to TV Show "American Idol"  with shout name of the finalist, example "Casey Abrams"

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "NFL Network No Huddle & NFL Network Top 100 Players of 2011" Stickers

Name: NFL Network No Huddle Fan

Message: "You're counting down to the 2011 NFL draft with the in-depth coverage of NFL Network's No Huddle: Path to Primetime. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NFL Network."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "No Huddle: Path to Primetime" 8:30 & 9:30pm atau jam 7:30 dan 8:30 pagi WIB
Name: NFL Network Top 100 Players of 2011

Message: "You're tuned in to the Top 100 programming, whether it's the Top 100 Preview, the weekly Top 100 Countdown episodes, or the Top 100 Players of 2011: Reactions. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at NFL Network."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "The Top 100: Players of 2011 Preview" - "The Top 100: Players of 2011" - "The Top 100: Players of 2011 Reactions" - "The Top 100: NFL's Greatest Players"

Cara Unlock badge NFL yang lain:
- Total Access Touchdown - Total Access First Down  
Path To The Draft
- NFL Network Fan
- Arena Football League

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Ellen's Know or Go - Justin Timberlake & Lady Gaga on Ellen on 4/28!" Stickers

Name: Ellen's Know or Go Fan

Message: "You love this app for iPhone and iPad as much as Ellen does! Check out more about Know or Go here: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros. Television."

How To Unlock: Like and Check-in to Video Game "Ellen's Know or Go" 5 Times

Name: Justin Timberlake on Ellen on 4/28!

Message: "Justin Timberlake is on Ellen today! Does he outdance Ellen? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros. Television."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" - 28.04.11

Name: Lady Gaga on Ellen on 4/28!

Message: "Lady Gaga is Ellen's guest star today! It'll be even harder not to dance while watching the show. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros. Television."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" - 28.04.11

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "The Green Hornet DVD" Stickers

Name: The Green Hornet DVD Coming Soon

Message: "You can't wait for the DVD release of The Green Hornet! Starting April 26, fans can also enter a sweepstakes for a 3D high-def electronics prize pack: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Green Hornet" - Before 03.05.11

Name: The Green Hornet

Message: "You're watching The Green Hornet, on DVD and Blu-ray now. You can also enter a sweepstakes for a 3D high-def electronics prize pack: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Green Hornet" - 03.05.11

Name: Kato

Message: "You're no sidekick. Fans of The Green Hornet can also enter a sweepstakes for a 3D high-def electronics prize pack: . Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Green Hornet" - 03.05.11 with shout "Kato" (kemungkinan)

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Prom" Stickers

Name: Prom Coming Soon

Message: "Prom comes out in theaters on April 29. Who will you be going see the movie? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Disney."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Prom" - Before 29.04.11

Name: Prom Opening Weekend

Message: "Because you were one of the first to see this movie in theaters, you should be crowned prom king or queen. Thank you for checking-in. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Disney."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Prom" - Premiere 29.04.11

Name: Prom Box Office

Message: "Which of the five couples will be crowned prom king and queen? Only you know because you saw the movie! Thanks for watching Prom. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Disney."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Prom" - 02.05.11

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Ellismania" Stickers

Name: Ellismania First Check-in

Message: "Welcome to the world of Full Contact Stupidity! Keep watching Ellismania on Fuel TV. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Fuel TV."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Ellismania"

Name: "Ellismania Fan

Message: "You've witnessed the craziness of Ellismaia and host Jason Ellis, and you keep coming back for more! You've liked Ellismania and checked-in 5 times. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Fuel TV."

How To Unlock: Like & Check-in to TV Show "Ellismania"

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "OneRepublic" Stickers

Name: Waking Up

Message: "You're listening to the sounds of earnest alt-rockers OneRepublic. Thanks for checking-in! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at OneRepublic."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Recording Artist "OneRepublic"

Name: OneRepublic Fan

Message: "You can't get OneRepublic out of your head, and we don't blame you. You've liked the band and checked-in five times! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at OneRepublic."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Recording Artist "OneRepublic" - 5 Times

Name: Good Life

Message: "You're listening to "Good Life" by OneRepublic. Be sure to check out the video! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at OneRepublic."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Recording Artist "OneRepublic" with shout "Good Life"

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Treme" Stickers

Name: Treme Fan

Message: "You're watching the drama of New Orleans unfold. You've liked Treme and checked-in 5 times. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Trame" 5 Times

Name: Treme Superfan

Message: "Treme has you in its grips. Thanks for watching this HBO critical favorite. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Trame" 15 Times

Name: Treme Season Two Premiere

Message: "The gripping series set in post-Katrina New Orleans is back. Thanks for watching the season two premiere of Treme. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Trame" Premiere (No Longer Available)

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil" Stickers

Name: Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil Coming Soon

Message: "Get ready because Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil, starring Hayden Panettiere and Joan Cusack, hits theaters this Friday on April 29! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Weinstein Company."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil" - Before 29.04.11

Name: Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil Opening Weekend

Message: "My, what big eyes you have! All the better to see the movie with, my dear. Thank you for seeing Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil this weekend! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Weinstein Company."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil" - 29.04.11

Name: Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil Box Office

Message: "Don't get caught like Hansel and Gretel! Remember, never take candy from strangers, instead you should buy it at the movie theater concession stand. Thank you for watching Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Weinstein Company."

How To Unlock: Check-in to Movie "Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil" - 02.05.11

Iran vs Saudi Arabia: The Battle to Shape the Middle East is Underway

An interesting phenomenon is currently transpiring in the Mideast as the Mideast is undergoing a significant metamorphosis. There is an ongoing battle between Saudi Arabia and Iran to shape the Middle East as the region undergoes a lot of drastic political change. The battle is currently being waged across several Mideast hot spots.

Today I highlight some of the significant hotspots where Iran and Saudi Arabia are vying to control.

As regimes across the Middle East change or destabilize there are opportunities for Saudi Arabia and for Iran-two adversaries-to gain new allies at the expense of the other and opportunities for each country to reshape the region more to their liking. Therefore, it is imperative for each country to take an interest in what is happening in the countries which are experiencing the most instability.

The following Middle East hot spots are not only hot spots because there was/is internal political instability but also since there are external attempts to influence what future role these countries will play in the region.

Bahrain: Iran wants Bahrain’s majority, Shia population to overthrow the current Sunni monarchy and install a Shia-controlled government in Bahrain. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia wants to maintain the status quo in Bahrain.

Egypt: Iran wants to work with Egypt to see whether it can become a new ally. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia seeks to prevent Egypt and Iran from establishing a diplomatic relationship.

Yemen: Iran is seeking to meddle in Yemenis affairs so it can increase its standing and the Yemenis Shia’s standing in the country. Meanwhile, the Saudis and others are trying to avoid a situation where Yemen, a Saudi ally, descends into a chaotic civil war.

Syria: Iran is attempting to keep the Assad regime, who is a key ally of Iran, in power. It’s not so clear whether Saudi Arabia wants regime change in Syria, but it can be argued that Iran’s loss could eventually become Saudi Arabia’s gain.

  • Saudi Arabia: Iran has accused Saudi Arabia and other Saudis allies of stirring up unrest in Syria (however, I have not yet found any evidence that this has actually taken place...).

The next several weeks and months will be important in determining how the power structure of the Middle East changes. There is potential for Iran to become a bigger player in the Middle East by expanding its influence in countries like Bahrain. However, there is also potential for Iran to make no significant gains in the Middle East if its opponents manage to contain its efforts to expand its influence in the region. Therefore, it will be important to monitor what happens throughout the region…

GetGlue Tips: How To Earn "CNN Royal Wedding" Stickers

Name: Westminster Abbey with CNN's Piers Morgan

Message: "Like any good Brit, Piers is in London for the Royal Wedding. Get his inside scoop all week and during the main event, starting at 4 AM ET on Friday. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at CNN."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Piers Morgan Tonight" - Royal Wedding Event

Name: Hyde Park with CNN's Kiran Chetry

Message: "This New Yorker takes a look at London through the eyes of a tourist to bring you the Royal Wedding. Watch her from London all week, and 4 AM-10 AM ET Friday. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at CNN."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "American Morning" - Royal Wedding Event

Name: Buckingham Palace with CNN's Anderson Cooper

Message: "Get ready for Anderson Cooper 360 LIVE from London starting Wednesday night. Be sure to tune in Friday morning at 4ET as he takes you to the Royal Wedding. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at CNN."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Anderson Cooper 360 LIVE" - - Royal Wedding Event
Name: Imperial State Crown

Message: "You're a brilliant fan of the Royal Wedding on CNN and we thank you with the Imperial State Crown. You know we have re-plays all weekend, right? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at CNN."

How To Unlock: Check-in to TV Show "Royal Wedding on CNN" - 29.04.11 - Friday 4am ET (Sabtu jam 3 sore WIB)
Name: Royal Wedding with CNN

Message: "Welcome to the most anticipated royal nuptials since Charles and Diana. Well, you're virtually here, thanks to CNN's global reporting. Cheers! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at CNN."

Check-in to TV Show "Royal Wedding on CNN" - 29.04.11 - Friday 4am ET (Sabtu jam 3 sore WIB)

Yotomo: Release New Regional Badges (Jakarta - Bali - Jogja - Bandung & Surabaya)

layanan baru social check-in dari indonesia "yotomo" kembali malam ini membuat gebrakan dengan terbitnya badge-badge spesifik tiap-tiap kota, dan bagi pengguna gowalla mungkin ingat dengan pin-pin yang ada di wilayah amrik yang dapat diunlock di kota-kota tetentu.

setelah launching 16 april lalu saat foursquare day, "yotomo" sudah menerbitkan badge-badge spesial event dan badge tematik sebanyak 9 buah dan beberapa badge masih aktif. (liat cara unlock di sini). sedangkan untuk badge-badge spesifik kota baru 5 buah untuk kota-kota besar "jakarta - jogja - bandung - surabaya dan bali" menyusul kota-kota lain di indonesia.

badge spesifik kota ini tak terbatas waktu unlock-nya jadi saat bebergian ke kota-kota yang menyediakan badge tersebut bisa sekalian check-in plus unlock badge pada saat check-in keempat.

untuk unlock badge spesifik kota tersebut adalah dengan cara check-in menggunakan aplikasi "yotomo" (sementara baru di perangkat blackberry) di kota yang memiliki badge tersebut sebanyak 4 lokasi dan di share ke layanan foursquare (kalo udah link ke twitter atau fesbuk sekalian dishare ajah). buat yang belum instal aplikasi "yotomo for blackberry" bisa unduh di sini.

selain badge, layanan "yotomo" juga menyediakan venue-venue specials yang menawarkan promo tertentu di beberapa venue partner, silahkan liat list-nya di aplikasi yotomo for blackberry atau di versi web halaman "ongoing specials on yotomo". dan bagi pengguna bisnis yang tertarik join juga bisa ikutan di sini.

bagaimana dengan jumlah pengguna "yotomo" yang mulai meningkat dari hari kehari di berbagai kota? saat postingan ini ditulis sudah ada 1393 pengguna dengan total check-in sebanyak 7385 dengan total pengguna unlock 9 badges yang udah available sejak launching "yotomo" sebanyak 3874 kali.

liat juga cara menggunakan layanan "yotomo" plus cara unlock ke-9 badge pertamanya di sini. terlebih dahulu buat akun "yotomo" di

berikut ke 5 badge spesifik kota layanan "yotomo":

Nama: Bali
The island of God
This one needs no further introduction. It is just beautiful.

Cara mendapatkan: Check-in 4 kali di Bali
Nama: Jakarta

Love your home town
Welcome to the capital city of Indonesia. Show your local identity with Yotomo.

Cara mendapatkan: Check-in 4 kali di Jakarta
Nama: Bandung

Paris van Java
Welcome to the capital city of West Jave. Show your local identity with Yotomo.

Cara mendapatkan: Check-in 4 kali di Bandung
Nama: Yogyakarta

Cara mendapatkan: Check-in 4 kali di Yogyakarta

Nama: Surabaya

Cara mendapatkan: Check-in 4 kali di Surabaya