Gowalla: How To Earn "Cinematic & Win Win" Pins

ada 2 pin baru gowalla yang bertema film atau movie yakni "win win" dari "paul giamatti" dan satu lagi pin khusus spot gedung bioskop seperti cineplex maupun theater/ cinema.

cara mendapatkan kedua pin tersebut adalah dengan cara check-in di spot gedung bioskop plus mention atau shout "win win" untuk mendapatkan pin "win win" dan check-in di 10 gedung bioskop untuk mendapatkan pin "cinematic".

Who doesn't love a great flick? Go see 10 movies with Gowalla to pick up the Cinematic pin!
Cek in di 10 gedung bioskop/ cineplex

Win Win
Check in at your favorite movie house when you're seeing Paul Giamatti's latest movie, Win Win, in theaters now. Mention 'Win Win' in your check-in message to get this Pin and receive a special music reward.
Cek in di gedung bioskop/ cineplex plus mention/ shout "Win Win"