Egypt’s Participation in Libya & One Potential Future Outcome of this Participation

An article over the weekend reported that Egypt is quietly playing a role in supplying the anti-Gaddafi forces with weapons and training.

  • Egyptian Special Forces and U.S. Special Forces are reportedly training anti-Gaddafi forces in a secret facility in eastern Libya and weapons are reportedly being transferred to the anti-Gaddafi forces from Egypt.

This report is noteworthy because Egypt recently had its own leader ousted from power after a popular uprising. Egypt is now helping people in another country oust an unpopular leader.

  • This raises the question: “Why is Egypt involved in providing support to the anti-Gaddafi forces?”

I do not think that the Egypt is simply helping the anti-Gaddafi forces without some sense that they’ll get something in return eventually. I suspect Egypt might be exploiting an opportunity to support the poorly-equipped and poorly-trained anti-Gaddafi forces in hopes that they can shape a post-Gaddafi Libya to its benefit if the anti-Gaddafi forces win and form a new post-Gaddafi government in Libya.

  • Egypt likely sees Gaddafi’s departure as inevitable since there are several, powerful Western countries that want to see Gaddafi gone to the extent that they pursued military intervention (i.e. the air strikes on Libya last month). Egypt probably finds it best to support the side that is most likely going to win in the long-run so that it can reap some benefits from a victory.
  • Egypt probably hopes that they will eventually have a say in how a post-Gaddafi government in Libya functions and may be able to garner favors from a post-Gaddafi government since they assisted the anti-Gaddafi forces in their time of need. A post-Gaddafi government would almost be obligated to listen to Egypt’s requests/demands since their existence would not be possible without Egypt’s assistance.

I’m still studying the prophecies concerning Egypt and Libya. Although I'm not done yet, I think it is important to note now that Ezekiel 30:4-5 mentions that Egypt and Libya are going to be defeated together in a future conflict.

  • Eze 30:3 For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.
  • Eze 30:4 And the sword shall come upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt, and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shall be broken down.
  • Eze 30:5 Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the mingled people, and Chub, and the men of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.

The idea that Egypt and Libya will fight together in the future suggests that their respective foreign policies will be aligned in some meaningful way in the future.

  • Countries generally do not agree to fight together without first having some common foreign policy goal…

Egypt’s support of the anti-Gaddafi forces now is something that could someday lead to a future where Libya and Egypt agree to fight together if the anti-Gaddafi forces win and later form a new, post-Gaddafi government in Libya.

  • Egypt could become such close allies of a post-Gaddafi Libya that both countries agree to come to each other’s defense in an event of an attack on each other’s sovereignty.
  • Egypt’s support of the anti-Gaddafi forces now could later be reciprocated by a post-Gaddafi Libyan government. A post-Gaddafi government could agree to help Egypt in its time of need to repay Egypt for assisting the anti-Gaddafi forces in their time of need.

It’s still uncertain whether the anti-Gaddafi forces can defeat the pro-Gaddafi forces and form a post-Gaddafi government in Libya, but what I’ve discussed today is something to watch for if the anti-Gaddafi forces do succeed...