Donald Trump is A Space Alien

Donald Trump isn't the only one who can make crazy statements assertively.  If he can spout all his birther crap based on nothing at all, then I can certainly start an internet rumor about him.  Here we go.

Donald Trump is a space alien.  Yes he is. Think about how he appeared out of nowhere on the  NYC power real estate scene 30 years ago.  Does anybody remember his childhood-- NO.   He wasn't born, he was hatched  and was brought from another galaxy and deposited on earth to be reared as an earthling in Queens-- the most suburban of New York City's outer boroughs.. You can't get more alien than that, can you?  Obviously, he's not a REAL American. His birth certificate is a flawless forgery I bet.

He is controlled by his handlers on Alpha Centauri via a communications implant concealed under his comb-over.   Why else would he wear his hair in such an odd and alien way.  Any real human being knows that bald is better than buffoonery.  No wonder Ivana dumped him.

That somebody this crazy could be seriously running for President scares the hell out of me. That he could be number two in the polls, right behind Mitt Romney as a potential  Republican candidate is scarier still. On top of that, the right wing nut jobs in Washington, fresh from lowering taxes for the very rich are slashing education and benefits for the old, sick and poor and if they don't get what they want, they are  going to shut down the government in  just a few hours.  This is totally crazy.

Yup, Donald Trump is a space alien who will fit right in there in Washington . The inmates are totally running the asylum.  Now, where did I put my tin foil hat? I'll need it on Alpha Centauri.