Gowalla: How To Earn "Bookworm, Trail Guide & Birds of a Feather" Pins

Name: Bookworm
"A book is like a garden carried in the pocket." Check into 5 different libraries and bookstores and receive the Bookworm Pin!
Cara Mendapatkan: Cek in di 5 perpustakaan atau toko buku yang berbeda

Name: Trail Guide
Fresh air, beautiful scenery and adventure opportunities really make the great outdoors, well, great! Check in at 3 different state or national parks to receive the Trail Guide Pin.
Cara Mendapatkan: Cek in di 3 taman/ taman nasional yang berbeda.

Name: Birds of a Feather
Gowalla is more fun when it's shared! Add 10 friends to receive the Birds of a Feather Pin.
Cara Mendapatkan: Menambahkan 10 orang teman