An Interesting Alien & UFO Interview I Found

I have an appointment to go shortly which is why the next part about the Day of the Lord is delayed for a bit. However, I don't want to leave you empty-handed...

UFO sightings have garnered a lot of media attention recently. Last week a potential UFO sighting over New York City made global news headlines while similar sightings in El Paso, Texas and Richmond, Virginia have made national headlines in the U.S. over the past two days.

Last night I stumbled upon a Christian radio broadcast featuring an expert on UFOs named William M Alnor. Alnor views UFOs from a Christian-perspective, rightly identifies the UFO phenomenon with the spiritual forces of darkness (the difference between Alnor and I is that he sees aliens as demonic while I see them as fallen angels…small difference), and rightly sees a connection between the UFO phenomenon and the New Age Movement. The interview is available here:

This is a good interview if you want to hear more about the UFO phenomenon from a Christian perspective. Alnor even cites non-Christian researchers who also conclude that the UFO phenomenon is an evil phenomenon. The only disappointment in the interview is that the interviewers did not ask Alnor enough about the connection between UFOs and the New Age Movement…they only asked that at the end.

Enjoy, I'm running late for my appointment so I better go!