An Interesting Interview with Richard Russell

I’m working on studying more Bible prophecy and working on an article which I hope to post later this week about an "epiphany" I had last week about current events.

In the meantime, I want to share an interview I listened to this past weekend for those of you who did not see me post the link to it in my “Latest Headlines and Commentary” section of the blog.

The interview is with a man named Richard Russell. Russell is one of the most respected men in the investment industry and is a man who has rare perspective about ongoing financial and economic events because he has literally seen it all. Russell (age 86) grew up during the Great Depression, fought in World War 2, and has lived through every troubling event since then.

Russell provides his assessment of where he believes the world is heading in the future in this interview. He believes the world is going to see hard times ahead and a dramatic change in the way the world operates politically and economically. Russell sees a world where the U.S. is no longer a global leader (surpassed by China) and a world where fiat money (paper currencies) has collapsed. In addition, he believes the times ahead will be the first time in a long time where the new generation will have it worse off than the previous generation.

Much of Russell’s view on where the world is going is aligned with my own view. I doubt the U.S. is going to remain a world leader for much longer and I doubt paper currencies can survive in the long-term (especially when there is a lack of evidence to say that there are paper currencies in the End Times).

The interview begins around 40 minutes into the podcast and ends at 67 minutes. Russell also provides his views on certain investments. Here is the link to the interview: Link

  • Note: I’m primary reason I’m sharing this interview is because of Russell’s views about where the overall world is heading in the future. Even though Russell also provides investment advice in this interview it does not mean that I endorse or do not endorse his investment advice. Please use your own discretion as you can possibly lose money on certain investments if you are not careful.

Hopefully, I’ll have the other article that I’m working on posted soon…