Right Wing Violence Gets More and More Scary

There is an undercurrent of violence on the far right that has a Nazi storm trooper quality to it that is more than a bit unsettling. This was brought home rather forcefully earlier this week when Move On activist, Lauren Valle, was kicked to the ground and stomped on by Rand Paul supporters at a rally in Kentucky.

One of my favorite blogs(and one I recommend following for cogent comment on the American political scene) The Fifth Column , had an excellent post today detailing the string of  attacks targeting liberals and progressives. Hop on over and have a look. It's a little chilling.

All I can add is the video below.  Ms Valle suffered a concussion and shoulder injuries and was briefly hospitalized. She maintains it was a set up.  Her attacker claims she owes him an apology.

  In the interest of fairness, I've included a  second video with commentary from the right wing perspective. What do you think?  Personally,I'm waiting for the torchlight parades and Krystalnacht

Here's the way the Rand Paul folks see it - draw your own conclusions.