What I'm Researching Now: Finding the Day of the Lord’s Length

The Day of the Lord is one of the key time periods in Bible prophecy. During the Day of the Lord God will punish the wicked and refine Israel so there is a remnant left for the coming Messiah (Jesus Christ) to redeem.

There are a variety of views about how long the Day of the Lord will last.

  • Some people believe that the Day of the Lord will last for only one 24 hour period (citing all the references to “day”)
  • Some people believe the Day of the Lord will last for one year (citing Isaiah 34:8)
  • Some people believe the Day of the Lord cannot last for more than three and one-half years.
  • Some people believe the Day of the Lord will last for seven years.
  • Some people believe the Day of the Lord will last for one thousand years (citing 2 Peter 3:8).

My study efforts are currently devoted to attempting to find how long the Day of the Lord will last. Finding how long the Day of the Lord will last is very important because it’ll give a good idea of how fast events may take place during the End Times and help us put some “unaccounted for” Bible prophecy verses and details into proper perspective. When I find some potential “answers” I’ll share them with you.

Note: I do not believe Christians will have to endure the Day of the Lord because God has not appointed us to His wrath:

  • 1Th 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

In terms of other news, I found an interesting article about the potential impact an asteroid crashing into a body of water could have on Earth's atmosphere. Link Revelation 8:10 suggests that something from space may crash into a body of water on Earth (albeit a fresh water one). This article may shed some additional light in understanding what could be some of the potential consequences of such a strike.