Aliens and UFO Report Now Available (Updated)

I finally published my new report on Aliens and UFOs. It’s 25 pages long, but a lot of the length is due to the extensive use of bullet points to aid the reading process. Therefore, it should not take too long to read the entire report. You can access and download the report at the following links

The following is a description of the report:

In this report I provide information and insights about aliens and UFOs so that Christians and non-Christians can understand the spiritual implications of the alien and UFO phenomenon. I answer whether aliens are extra terrestrial beings from another world and provide you an overview of what aliens are trying to achieve today. In addition I touch on what role aliens will play in the End Times. I am confident you will learn something new about aliens and UFOs after you’ve read this report.

Just to be clear, the report is not meant to cover every alien and UFO topic out there. The report is intended to focus on what is important and that is exposing aliens for what they really are.

For those of you who track Benjamin Creme, the report includes an extensive summary of what Creme claims about aliens and UFOs.