I would like to thank Lookup Fellowship for their kind review of my work. I do not hear a lot of feedback so I highly appreciate their endorsement of my work.
A lot of you are probably reading this blog for the first time so here is a primer about me and what I write about.
(Reminder I just posted a new report about 666 and Mark of the Beast. Information and a link to it can be found in the previous post)
I consider myself part of a new generation of people who study Bible prophecy. I am only 24 years old and have been studying this stuff since I was 17 years old. I do not have a staff or anything like that. I do everything myself basically.
I write a lot about Benjamin Creme and Maitreya, but it’s not all that I am capable of writing about. There is a lot I have to say about current non-religious topics and events but since Creme has been on the interview circuit so often I haven’t had much time to write about those topics. In fact, Creme’s got a radio interview this week in fact so that’s something I have to take time to monitor and perhaps write about. I plan to write more about economics and financial events soon.
I’ve written two free books which you can access and download at Scribd.
Prophecy Proof Insights of the Future (a 2nd Edition should be out soon): This book basically incorporates most of my separate writings about Bible prophecy into one document. I plan to work on a 2nd edition soon because there is some new writings that the book does not have. Here is a link to where you can access and download the book:http://www.scribd.com/doc/19209329/

Prophecy Proof Insights of the Next World War: This book is geared towards understanding how current political, economic, financial, scientific, and technological trends are leading to a world war prior to the start of the end times. There is some Bible prophecy in there, but it’s not a book about the end times. However, I highly suggest you check out this book. I did a lot of research writing it. Here is a link to where you can access and download the book:

In addition, I have free research reports and executive summaries of my research reports. These reports can be accessed and downloaded on my main website or on Scribd.
I also try to provide headlines on my main website and provide commentary about news headlines that I feel are important to understanding what is going on now and/or in the future. There are so many events that people get caught up in that really doesn't matter one month or two months after it happens. I try to eliminate the noise and provide you with the information that I believe is useful to know. If you are interested you can keep track of these headlines at this link: http://www.prophecyproof.org/headlines
I plan to have a new report about Aliens and UFOs posted on Scribd this week. I will post an announcement on this blog. You can subscribe to receive new posts by e-mail by filling out the subscription box on the top of the page.