New Update on Maitreya’s TV Tour: Creme Live Interview Notes 3/26/10

Pre-Article Disclaimer for Newer Readers: If you are reading this blog for the first time or are not totally familiar with my work, I am a 100% Christian writer who analyzes things from a Christian point of view. I sometimes research into what the spiritual forces of evil are up to in hopes of gleaning information to help us Christians figure out what is going on or to figure out what Satan has planned. You can read more about why I dare consider these unbiblical sources at the following link Now on to the article...

Benjamin Creme, the official spokesmen of Maitreya (the leader of a group of beings called the “Ascended Masters”-the “spiritual wickedness in high places” mentioned by Paul in Ephesians 6:12) just completed a live in-studio interview with a French radio station. I was monitoring the interview as it was going on so I got the rare opportunity to see Creme giving the interview on the radio station’s live web camera.

The interview was already underway when I accessed the radio station’s live stream. However, it doesn’t seem like I missed much because Creme was giving an overview of who Maitreya was and was giving an overview of the Star Sign.

Creme spoke about Maitreya’s television appearances in America. Creme said that Maitreya is appearing as an ordinary man and claimed that people are responding to his ideas. Creme added that Maitreya has now given 8 interviews on American television so far. For those are trying to track down the identity of the man that Maitreya is posing as, Creme’s new information means that Maitreya has appeared on American television twice more between February 18 and March 26.

Creme proclaimed that the world is ready to see Maitreya like never before. Creme credited the ongoing financial and economic collapse for making the world ready for Maitreya. Creme even claimed that the Ascended Masters believe that America would never be ready to hear and accept Maitreya’s ideas like it is now without experiencing an economic and financial collapse.

Creme proclaimed that what we’ve seen so far in the financial and economic collapse is only the beginning. He said that we are approaching the end of an age and readying to start a new age. Creme mentioned that things will be changing dramatically going forward. However, Creme denied that Maitreya wants revolution (which I feel is a complete lie because worldwide revolution would work to the advantage of the coming man who will be Antichrist)

The radio host asked Creme if Maitreya had a message for the radio program. After being asked the question, Creme had a moment of silence before saying that Maitreya did not have anything specific to say, but wanted him (Creme) to “Tell them to take heart…All is going in the best possible good… all is going perfectly according to the plan”.

The interview was an hour long. At this moment, Creme has another interview scheduled for April 13.