Update on the Crisis in U.S.-Israeli Relations

In addition to what I posted a couple of hours ago, I want to give a quick update to what I wrote yesterday regarding the current state of U.S.-Israeli relations. I wrote that we’d know in a matter of days whether a Tuesday night meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama would help cool down tensions between Israel and the U.S.

It did not take long for us to learn from the media that the meeting between Netanyahu and Obama was a complete disaster and made tensions worse.

  • Obama and Netanyahu could not agree on anything important despite there being several meetings between Netanyahu, Obama, and other U.S. officials during Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S.
  • Israeli media claims that Netanyahu was humiliated and treated like he was “the president of “Equatorial Guinea” while visiting the White House. One Washington Post writer compared Netanyahu’s treatment as being akin to what a “Third World Dictator” would see. Obama actually ditched Netanyahu and his aides to have his own private dinner. This is completely unheard of until now.
  • A high-ranking U.S. diplomat now says that U.S.-Israeli relations haven’t been this bad in 54 years (two weeks ago the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. said that relations haven’t been this bad in 35 years).
  • A Debkafile report claims that Obama wants ousts Benjamin Netanyahu and push Israel back to its 1967 borders.

This situation has the potential to escalate further so it's well-worth watching.